
Chapter 2

It's been two months since the end of the world, since the dead started walking around eating people. The brothers are now with a group of survivors just outside Atlanta. Back a long winding road at an old quarry. They came across the group while out hunting. Merles plan is to rob them blind one night while everyone's asleep. But Daryl doesn't agree with his brother. There are women and children in the group and he knows him and Merle can't survive in a world like this alone they need other people.

While Merle sat on his ass insulting anyone he could, Daryl would go out hunting to try and bring back fresh meat for the group. It was his way to saying thank you for letting us in. Of course Merle had something to say about it every time Daryl would leave or come back.

"We don't owe these assholes nothing! They need to lean to get their own meat. We caught them there squirrels! Why should we give 'em any?" Merle said. "You didn't do shit Merle! So shut up! I'm the one that caught these squirrels." Daryl yelled "Best watch what you say to me boy! Stop being such a suck up. No one here cares boutcha. Ya just a dumb white trash redneck ta them!" Merle snarled at Daryl. "Whatever Merle piss off." Daryl said while putting his head down and walking away. He knew his brother was right no one here cared about them and only saw them as redneck trash. He exspecially knew Y/N would never want him.

Y/N was the most beautiful girl Daryl had ever seen. She had H/L H/C hair, she was about Y/H, B/T figure, S/T skin, the most beautiful E/C eyes hes ever seen. The first time he say her he felt this weird feeling in his stomach and his heart rate picked up. Daryl didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't like she'd ever like him back and she looked only about 21 years old he was 36 years old much to old for her. Plus girls like her don't date guys like him. She was smart and beautiful, got along with everyone in the camp always smiling and saying hello to everyone.

What Daryl didn't know about Y/N was that she was actually usually shy and it caused her a lot of anxiety just to say hello to someone. But she wanted to be as polite as she could. She didn't want to be seen as weak and be kicked out. She would do whatever needed to be done around the. Camp helping who ever she could. Whether it be doing laundry, helping cooking, watching the kids, gather wood whatever needed done she stepped up.

Y/N only ever tried to avoid the Dixon brother. She avoided each of them for two totally different reasons tho. Merle Dixon she avoided because he made her feel uncomfortable the most uncomfortable she has ever felt around a person. And as for Daryl Dixon she avoided him because he made her feel things she had never felt and she knew that he didn't like her like that or at all for that matter. Anytime she would try to talk to Daryl she got nerves and all tonuge tied. She could tell in his face and the way he looked at her that it annoyed him beyond anything else. He would get frustrated and yell at her to spit it out or get of his way that she was wasting his time.

"D..Daryl could I talk to y..you for a minute?" Y/N barely got out. "The hell ya want? I ain't got time for ya shit spit it out already!" Daryl grumbled out "I w..was wondering if you could teach me how to skin the game? So then I could help you." Y/N said Daryl just stared her down before saying "Why the would I do that?! You could never handle it! Now move outta my damn way ya wasting my time!"

After that Y/N never went near the brothers. But what she didn't know was how bad Daryl had felt for snapping at her and turning down to help her. But he couldn't help it she made him nerves and fell things he didn't know how to deal with. He thought she just wanted to make fun of him for being a backwoods redneck trash. He didn't actually think that maybe it was her trying to over come her own nervesness and doubts to try and really get to know him.

Y/N watched as Daryl stormed off into the woods. That's usually where he spent most of his time. Out in the wood hunting so the group had fresh meat. Y/N found that sweet how he shared what he caught even if there wasn't much. He wasn't selfish like his older brother. He helped out and contributed to the group. He might not have been much of a talker but he did try unlike Merle. Y/N noticed how Merle always put Daryl down always insulting him telling him he was useless and he was just sucking up to these people to try and feel wanted when in fact he really wasn't. This always pissed Y/N off but would never step in in fear of him turning on her exspecially after last time. She built up enough courage to go over to them to try and invite them to join the others at the fire. She'll never forget how Merle looked at her licking his lips the creepy smile on his face. She has chills run down her back an uneasy feeling in her stomache.

" Hello, I just wanted to come over and invite you guys over to sit with the rest of us at the fire." Y/N cheerfully said "Well aren't you a sweet peach. I bet ya taste just as sweet." Merle drawled out making her step back a little folding her arms around herself. She looked shyly over a Daryl but he just ignored her and his brother while poking at their own fire. Y/N just turned around and walked back to the group not saying a word or looking back.
