

I fall with a hard thud on a marble floor. I touch my head and feel blood on my fingers only it's gold. I look up to see two thrones. One with an old man who is looking at me intrigued. The other throne is empty but a woman is standing in front of it in shock. She quickly hurries down the steps with her flowing skirt in her hand. She falls to the ground next to me. " My dear, Are you alright?" She asks looking at my injuries. I look at her face calmly. " You have quite nice eyes," I said. She just looked more worried at this. She helped me up and began walking me to a room. The crowd of people whispers as we pass by. But soon a group of ladies follows after us.


I sit down on a golden sheeted bed while the blonde-haired woman is looking after my wounds. She seems to be healing it with some sort of magic. All I can do is stared at my stained fingers. "What's your name?" She asks. " I don't know," I say "What's your name you're Highness?" I ask. She looks at me surprised. "how did you know I was a queen?" She asks." well you were on the throne and a group of ladies followed after you, I just assumed you were royalty." I say fidgeting with my fingers. She smiles and says "Quite an observant one, you are. My name is Frigga." She says before continuing with her healing. "Was that white-haired man your king?" I ask looking up at her. " Yes." She says with a chuckle."There. all done." She turns around and heads to a table. "Are you two the only royalty?" I ask my eyes following her. " oh no, I have two sons. Loki and Thor." She says with a smile. "They must be lovely when they have such a wonderful mother," I say. She laughs. " well they get into trouble sometimes but otherwise they're great sons. Although they are polar opposites." She says "Come we must get you new clothes." Only then did I notice what I was wearing. A torn white dress with dirt rubbed all over it. I nod and stand up. I follow her to a room where she gives me a silk rose-gold dress with off shoulders. She brushes my hair and puts it in a half-updo."It is quite strange for a queen to be doing this for a stranger. Shouldn't your servants do it?" I ask. "Yes, well I like doing things myself. Before this, I was a commoner. Then I was thrown into a world full of rules when I married Odin." She said."Did you love him?" I ask. "Yes, very much." She said before turning me around to a mirror. My hair was dark brown and I had beautiful hazel eyes with pale skin. " Thank you," I say smiling at her. She took me back to the throne room. Only this time the crowd was gone and two tall men were now standing next to the throne. One raven-haired and the other blonde-haired. These must be her sons. They were quite handsome. When we stopped at the steps Frigga walked up to her throne and I stood still. I curtsied seeing as I was in front of the king. "you're Highness." He raises an eyebrow in surprise. My eyes flicker to the raven-haired man who was looking at me but his face held no emotion. "What is your name?" Odin demands. " She has no recollection of who she is," Frigga says to her husband. He nods before turning back to me. " Do you know where you came from?" He asks. I shake my head, "No your Highness." He nods before rubbing at his white beard. " How would you like to live in the palace? Until you remember your memories. There would be rules. You will become a servant working for Loki, His last servant resigned. You will be able to leave on your own on your off days but just a warning Loki is quite a handful." He asks. " I will help you with spells to regain your memories daily," Frigga adds. I think for a moment and look over at the raven-haired man who was now frowning. I turn back to the King." Yes, I accept." I say. " good, you will get your own chambers and clothing." He said. "Father, She still needs a name." The blonde-haired man spoke up. " hmm, yes you're quite right, Thor. Until you remember your name you will be called Asta." He says. " Quite a fitting name for such a beautiful lady," Frigga says " It means divine beauty." I smile and bow my head. " Thank you, your Highness." Odin snapped his fingers and a guard dressed in golden armor quickly walked to the throne. "yes, your Highness?" he asked. " show Asta to her chambers. The ones at the west wing." Odin said. He nodded before turning around. "follow me please" he said and I followed him through the palace.


The guard left finally after he told me where everything was and that someone would come to pick me up at 8 am for training. My eyes looked all over the room. The walls were a golden hue and the floors were made of marble. The bed stood in the middle of the room with pillars that were draped with chiffon curtains. The sheets were rose gold silk. There was a dresser to the right and a bathroom door to the left. Next to the entrance of the door, I came from was a bookshelf filled with little books. It looked sad and forgotten. I decided the first thing I would do was get books to fill it with. I remembered seeing a library on the way here. I walked out the door and made my way to the library. Passing many halls until finally, I came to an open door where the library was. I walked in and completely fell in love. The room was filled from the floor two the ceiling with bookshelves. There was also a second floor. There was a seating place to read to the right. I looked down to the end of the room and it seemed to stretch on forever. I excitedly went up to the first shelf and looked through the names. I found the ones that piqued my interest and went to the next shelf. This went on for a while until my arms were filled to the brim with books. I still wanted more and looked around for a book cart. I found one in the corner and filled it with books until there was no more space. Satisfied I went back to my room. I started filling the bookshelf when a knock at the door came. I dusted off my hands before going to the door. I opened it to find a brown-haired girl with green eyes. "yes?" I asked. She seemed stunned for a moment before shaking her head and saying. "It's time for dinner and the queen would like for you to join them." I smiled and nodded "Okay, can you take me? I don't know the way" I said with a chuckle. "yes of course" She said "Follow me please" I walked out and closed the door behind me before following her.
