
The Red Eyed King

———————sneak peek——————- Just as I was about to turn to do another lap of the cabin something grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the kitchen bench. My body sank to the floor stars clouding my vision. My hand went to my head something wet staining them. Looking down at my fingers fear overcame me as I saw blood. Some one chuckled behind me making me turn my head too fast the world spinning with it. My eyes widened as the stranger from earlier slowly came into focus. I tried to stand up but my head pounded making me slump back to the ground. The stranger took one slow step at a time as he bent down to my level. "Wh....what....?" I tried to talk but the swirling in my head wouldn't stop. Reaching out he grabbed my hair lifting me to my feet. His grip on my hair was making my head hurt more forcing a small yelp out of my mouth. I tried to push him away but it was like trying to swat a fly. His eyes glowed as he stared down at me. His lips spread into a smile showing his canines. "I found you." I glared at him through my pain induced haze. This only seemed to make his lips spread wider. "Don't look at me like that cherry blossom. It's your own fault. you know how I get when your not with me." I tried to speak again confused by his words. "Wh...who....are...you?" He let go of my hair quickly wrapping his arms around me the movement jolting my already spinning head. My hands were trapped between us as he reached with his hand touching my face. His fingers tracing my jaw line. "You really don't know do you?" Terrified my voice shook as i cringed away from his touch. I could only manage one word but it was enough for him to know what I was asking. "Why?" He laughed grabbing my hair again pain making my body shake. His face twisted making his handsome face turn ugly. Leaning closer his lips pressed up against my ears like it was a secret. "Because your mine." A low growl escaped my throat that was cut off as he started to drag me to the door by my hair. What was he doing? Where was he taking me? Why did he want me? Was he someone from my past? Is this what I was running from when I ended up in the woods four years ago? I tried to grab whatever I could but everything just slipped through my fingers. I couldn't let him do this, I had to fight. I was stronger then this. I heard the door to the cabin swing open as he dragged me outside. Taking a deep breath I used the incline of the stairs to kick off as I grabbed his hand that was tangled in my hair I swung my leg around kicking him in the head. His grip on my hair loosened enough that I could get free. Forcing myself to my feet I ran, as I ran I shifted into wolf mid stride. in wolf form the pain in my head started easing the shift exhilarating the healing process. Now that I could think straight I dug my paws preparing to pick up the speed. I never got the chance however as I was hit from behind. The weight of his wolf pinning me to the ground as he dug his teeth into the scuff at my neck. I yelped at the pain as his teeth sank into the flesh beneath. He stopped biting down before he snapped my neck. Pulling back he bit down again this time on my side. Pain enveloped my whole body the ground turning red with my blood. I tried to get him off, snapping at him. Tried sinking my teeth into his black and white coat to the flesh beneath but my strength was weaning. He was too strong and I was loosing too much blood. There was nothing I could do as my body went still. I lay panting exhausted with no way out. Whoever this was had won and was going to take me. Every fibre in my being knew that once he did I'd never return again. Just as my eyes started to close my exhaustion starting to make me loose consciousness the pressure that was digging into my side was ripped away. With effort I forced my eyes open as the sounds of growling filled the woods. My eyes followed the sounds to see the biggest wolf. His pure black pelt the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

dragonpaw · ファンタジー
60 Chs

32. Sloane

I lashed out, hearing her talk about Cora like that made me snap. But she was fast. One scratch and I couldn't move. What the hell was this power? What the hell had she been made into? I couldn't do a thing as she was about to bite into my wrist. If Owen hadn't pulled me away who knows what she would've done.

I stood outside the basement Ty speaking to me but I heard none of it. Not until Cora come crashing into my arms. Now that we had slept together she must have sensed I was in danger. I hugged her to me needing to feel her strength.


I waved Ty off.

"I'm fine don't worry Owens taking care of it. Just continue to listen out in case he needs help."

Ty nodded as I left Cora tucked under my arm. She never said a word as I guided her back to Vers office. It wasn't til the door was closed that she pulled back a worried look in her eyes.

"Are you alright? What did she do to you?"

I cupped her face kissing her lips smiling in hopes to reassure her.

"Cora it's alright honestly Owen helped me in time. Though I'm not quite sure what she was trying to do."

It was strange enough that she had paralysing venom in her claw but what type of venom did she have in her bite? One things for sure we grossly underestimated her and the extent that she had been changed.

Just as Cora was about to say something the door swung open.

"Here you are Sloane."

Roake walked through with a wide smile on his face.

"As promised the lycan pack has arrived to lend our help."

I gave Cora an apologetic look, understanding she squeezed my hand before leaving the office. As the door closed I caught a glimpse of a wolf I'd never seen before. Roake noticing my questioning stare turned and yelled to the wolf.

"Malix get in here."

The wolf that entered surprised me. I had expected him to be like Roake stuck in partial shift but he was completely shifted to human. He was just as tall as Ver meaning taller then both Roake and me. His hair brown but sunkissed with blond streaks. His eyes were as yellow as Roakes. He was strongly built about early twenties with a face that could definitely melt any females heart.

"This is my son Malix he'll be alpha when I kick the bucket. Which of course won't be for many years if I have anything to do with it, but for now he's my beta."

I stretched a hand out in greeting he took it a smile curving his lips.

"Hello Sloane,"

Leaning in he whispered.

"just so you know I'm nothing like my dad."

I chuckled. Indeed I could already tell that much. As I pulled back my arm Malixs eyes noticed the scratch Raine had given me.

"Has there been trouble?"

I glanced at the cut my eyes turning to Roake.


He growled a troubled expression on his face.

"Let me guess she paralysed you?"

I nodded as I offered them both a seat then went to the cabinet to pore them some drinks.

"Yes I'm afraid I underestimated her. I let her get to me."

I remembered her words from earlier. How could she hear what we did in here? The walls were soundproof even for wolves.

"She didn't bite you did she?"

I shook my head at Malix handing them glasses as I took the seat behind the desk.

"So you know what she's capable of?"

Malix inclined his head taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes ive had a couple run ins with her in the past. The paralysis is only in one claw and only last a few seconds but considering it takes less then that to kill someone it's more then enough for her."

"What about her bite? Does her bite have any special abilities?"

Roake chuckled bitterly.

"Depends which teeth she was using."

I stared at them like they were crazy.

"What do you mean which teeth it was her canines of course what other teeth would she have apart from normal human teeth?"

It was Malix that answered.

"You'll have to forgive my father he should have told you all of this the second you captured Raine. He has an annoying rule about learning things for yourself. Raine has too sets of supernatural teeth, well that we know of at least. Her canines will poison you. It's likely she planned to poison you then demand her freedom in place of the antidote. However she also has a set of fangs. Vampire teeth except she doesn't drink your blood but she steals your power from your blood."

I groaned like she wasn't scary enough with out the extra powers. Roake downed the last of his drink standing up.

"Enough talk I gather Vericus hasn't come back yet?"

I shook my head standing with Malix.

"Not yet."

Roake waved it off like his disappearance was nothing.

"Well you'll have to do then. Come now pup tonight you feast like Lycans."

My eyes snapped towards Malix expecting him to tell me the punch line but all he did was laugh at the shocked look on my face. I sighed guess there was no getting out of this one. With Vericus gone it was my job to look after the pack and considering the lycans had come to help us with the whole Driak issue it was the least I could do. I'll just have to make it up to Cora later. I followed them outside. Roake lead the way Malix and I a few steps behind.

"So the red heads your mate?"

A low growl started to form in my throat making Malix throw his hands up in innocence.

"Its not like that honestly I was just curious. You see finding your mate is hard in our pack. Since we stick to ourselves there's only so many females as it is let alone finding your mate. I guess I just wanted to ask what it felt like?"

I stared at him unsure on how to explain it.

"Well honestly that's a hard question. I suppose if I had to put it into words it would be like your heart beats for that person. Like the world becomes more colourful where before it was black and white. The need to protect her make her happy, give her everything is almost overwhelming."

Malix stared ahead taking in my words. I don't know if I made any sense. I probably lost points for the cornyness of it but when it comes to your mate it's hard not to be honest. When Malix did comment it wasn't mucking in any way but grateful.

"Thanks I think I get it. Though I'm pretty sure it's something you just gotta feel for yourself to know what it's really like."

I nodded smiling just thinking of what I had with Cora. Even though we haven't had much time to ourselves since I confessed but still I knew she would always be there for me.

We didn't walk long before the sounds of Roakes pack could be heard through the ever increasing darkness of night mostly by the loud growls and snarls of fighting wolves. When they finally came into view I was amazed with what I saw. Make shifts tents were already being built with branches and leaves. While those not working on the tents were gathered around the centre of camp a bonfire in the middle and two shifted wolves fighting in the middle. The others watching the fight seemed to be goading them on placing bets on who would win. They were a mix of sifted humans, partially shifted and some that just stayed in wolf form.

"What's going on?"

Roake looked back smiling widely.

"Just a bit of fun lycan wolves like to keep in shape so they fight each other ever night."

I watched as they tore into each other for real. They weren't holding back as blood pooled from their wounds. How do any of them survive if their constantly sporting injuries? But they seemed to be thriving with over a hundred wolves and this wasn't even their whole pack. Clearly the harsh life of a wild wolf actually made them stronger. It made me realise just how sheltered the rest of us lived.

"Come on I'll introduce you to the pack."

I nodded Malix patting me on the back as he passed running ahead to put his own bets on. Roake started introducing me to his pack, he rattled off so many names there was no way I'd remember them all. However they were surprisingly friendly considering what Ver had told me about them not liking outsiders. They had already hunted some deers and started passing around the meat while we ate and watched more fights between pack members. I noticed that while they were going all out they never made any fatal moves and always ended things clapping each other on the back. There was a camaraderie that was stronger then anything I'd ever seen. They purely just enjoyed being wolves. It was refreshing to watch and I found my self enjoying every minute of it.

After a few hours Malix sat beside me as I watched the next round of fighting. I had seen him spending time with each group in the pack all night. They treated him like family you wouldn't even know he was next in line to be alpha. To be honest they did the same with Roake. While I could tell that they respected him as alpha they also treated each other like equals.

"It's a shame I couldn't met your brother I'm told he's quite the formidable fighter."

I nodded.

"Yes he is plus his wolf form is larger then any I've seen."

"Yours is black aswell isn't it?"

"Yes though I'm not as strong or fast."

Kandras nickname stuck in my head. Even as Raine she still called me Slo.

"It's not easy is it?"

I turned to face the brown haired lycan a questioning look in my eyes.

"To live in the shadow of someone."

His eyes turned to his father.

"I know it's probably harder for you since Vericus is king but I get it. My father is respected for everything he's done to keep us strong and safe. It's because of him that we've grown so big as a pack and that we've survived at all. Sometimes I don't know if I'll ever be as good an alpha."

"I honestly don't think you have any problems there I've seen the way your pack treats you. They love and respect you just as much as your father. Even an outsider like me can see that."

Malix nudged me in the arm smiling.

"Come on let's go up next."

He indicated the area where the last fight had just finished. I grinned I won't lie and say I wasn't curious how strong he was.

"Sure sounds like fun."

"Don't think I'll go easy on you."

I laughed standing up.

"I'd be insulted if you did."

Before I could step forward a sharp pain shot through my neck. I fell to my knees my eyes glowing.


I growled in panic.


My wolf burst forth a howl escaping my throat as I sprinted for the house. Oh no oh fuck! What the hell happened to her! I ran as fast as I could bursting through the recently fixed back door I ignored Tys startled cry as I burst through the door of the basement. Raine was out of the cage and had Cora by the throat and was biting her! I leapt off the stairs but it was too late. Raine shifted into a cockroach and disappeared. Shifting midair I caught Cora before she hit the ground. My wolf was furious. I screamed at Raine knowing she would hear me.

What had she done? What had I done? I had left Cora alone in the house with this monster. I stared down at Cora her eyes were closed. Blood pooled at her neck. Quickly I put pressure on the wound as Ty and Owen rushed in.

"Raines stolen Cora's power and escaped she was a cockroach so she couldn't have gotten far. Ty grab the others and go after her now!"

Ty left while Owen checked on Cora. He lifted my fingers but I growled my need to not let anyone touch her strong.

"Sloane it's alright she's still alive but I need to see the extent of the wound. I don't know what having her power taken could do to her."

Roake and Malix barrelled into the room as Owen took Cora from me gently laying her down to check her over. Malix took one look at Cora and a determined look crossed his eyes.

"I'll go after her and I'll bring her back alive so that you may deal her punishment."

I took a last look at Cora then my eyes met Owens.

"I'm sorry Owen but I can't let her live for this. I'm coming with you."

Started to stand but a hand stopped me. Stunned I looked into Cora's eyes.

"You can't kill her."

Malix and Roake didn't move as Cora slowly sat up her eyes on all of us. I tried to stop her but she smiled at me shaking her head.

"Slo I'm alright honestly."

I touched her neck and sure enough the two punctures had started to close already. My eyes met hers as I pulled her into my arms.

"I was so scared I'd lost you."

The others stayed back giving us this moment. Finally after a few seconds had passed Roakes voice broke our moment.

"Sorry to interrupt but if we're to catch Raine we need to leave now."

Cora pulled back glancing at the others.

"You must let her go."

I took her forcing her to to look at me.

"Cora how can you ask us to do that? Look what she did to you. She attack you and stole your power."

Tears came to Cora's eyes as she looked down.

"You don't understand. I let her out."

Owen breathed a sigh beside me. While Roake growled.

"You what!"

She flinched at his out burst. I growled at him then turned back to Cora.

"Cora why did you do this?"

"I...I just didn't want you getting hurt again. It was only a matter of time before she got out anyway. I made a deal with her. I would release her if she left the pack alone."

I sighed cupping her face as I wiped her tears away. Even though her intentions were pure she may have just let out the most dangerous wolf in the world. Not to mention we had lost Vers mate.

"Malix go after her."

Roake and Malix went to leave but Cora stopped them.

"Don't please there's more."

They stopped as Cora continued.

"When she attacked me something happened."

Her eyes glanced at me.

"I spoke to Kandra."