
The Origins

Whitty's POV.: Ok... You probably wondering how did we get together... How those two Russians got to be good friends... Well, it all started very randomly actually... In my case, I was having an "illegal" show, and I say illegal, 'cause Daddy Dearest treated me like: "if you dare to have another show, I'll cancel you!!"; and I was like: "Yeah, whatever, you can't tell me what to do..."; Well, he could... somehow... So I was having that show, and Daddy Dearest came up to the stage, and I started to get a little bit nervous about that... Since I'm a bomb, I can't get nervous at all, since you know, I can explode. And that's kinda what happened... Yeah, I exploded almost everything around the stage, including people who were watching me... Even the police came by, and since that day, I started to appear on the news. Nobody understood me... I was abandoned when I was born, so... I got no one, except Hex and Carol...

Meanwhile, Ruv...

Ruv's POV.: Well, another day, another fight in my emotionless life...

Sarvente: Hey, hon (kisses Ruv on the cheek)!! Good morning!

Ruv: Mornin'... Where're the kids?

Sarvente: They're still sleeping...

Ruv: Even Selever?

Sarvente: 'Yup.

Ruv: *sigh*

Ruv's POV.: My wife is very kind and all, but... I think it should be time to go outside and see how the world is these days. You see, I was born in that time that Russia, was the Soviet Union, and let me tell 'ya, that time wasn't good. I was only 19 when I was able to get out of Russia, and also to learn English, all by myself, 'til I found Sarvente. I mean, she found me. She was very kind to comfort me in her house, even if her house was a church... I felt welcomed. I told her that I was from the Soviet Union, and everything I went through, she hugged me, but, as always, I showed no emotion at all...

Ruv: Hey, Sarv?

Sarvente: Yes, Ruv?

Ruv: I'm going outside.

Sarvente: Sure, just be safe, ok?

Ruv: You know I will. (opens the church's gate)

Meanwhile, Tabi...

Tabi: (runs to a hallway and hides behind a trashcan) Sh*t...

Police #1: Go through that way, I'll search him in this hallway.

Tabi's POV.: So you must be wondering what I've done... Well, I blew up a restaurant, because I was trying to get revenge on my ex-girlfriend, and her father, Daddy Dearest. And now, I'm running away from the police.

Tabi: (picks up his last bomb and throws it to the police)

Whitty: (whispering) I just hope no one is seeing me-


Whitty: What the... (seeks through the hallway)

Tabi: Did it work? (gets up) Oh... Huh, hi...

Whitty: (looks to the dead cop) You just blew up a person, dude...

Tabi: Huh, I can explain-

Whitty: I'd do worst. I mean, I did.

Tabi: Wait, I know you.

Whitty: Oh yeah, Whitty, the bomb guy who exploded half people at a festival, that's me...

Tabi: Oh, so that's why you were on the newspaper... (gives a newspaper to Whitty, which is written about the occurrent on Whitty's show)

Whitty: (rips the newspaper, and burns it into dust) By the way, you didn't introduce yourself yet...

Tabi: Oh! I'm Tabi. (shakes hands with Whitty)

Suddenly some smoke comes by...

Tabi: Hey, do you smell that?

Whitty: Smell what?

Tabi: Smells like smoke, this way.

Whitty: Ooook then...

Tabi & Whitty end up in another hallway

???: (breaths in and breaths out smoke from his mouth)

Tabi: (looks at a "don't smoke here" sign, and raises an eyebrow)

Whitty: Oh, hey, Garcello!

Garcello: Oh, Whitty! It's nice to see you. Who's your friend?

Whitty: Oh, he's Tabi. I think he's Russian, for his accent...

Tabi: I am Russian.

Garcello: Oh, allow me then. Приятно познакомиться, Таби.

Tabi: Huh... You too. (shakes hand with Garcello)

Garcello: I learned some Russian while I was in Estonia, some people speak Russian in that country.

Tabi: Nice.

Garcello: Anyway, why are you here?

Whitty: Well-

Tabi: The smoke attracted me...

Garcello: Oh, I see, I'm sorry. (takes a pack of cigarettes from his pocket) Want some?

Tabi: Oh, I- Don't smoke, thank you... (puts his hands on his pockets)

Whitty: Huh... Since we're here... Garcello?

Garcello: Yes? (breaths out smoke)

Whitty: Tabi and I are running away from the police.

Tabi: WHAT?! Whitty-

Garcello: Why?

Whitty: Well, you already know my story, now this little man just blew up a restaurant in search of revenge.

Garcello: And you need me help to hide from the cops, is that so?

Tabi: Well... Yes.

Garcello: (throws his cigarette away) Follow me then.


???.: I can't believe that girl is from the Dearest family

Tabi: Oh no...

Whitty: Is it BF?

Tabi: Wait, you know him too?

Whitty: Of course I do, I rapped battled him the last week. And not even my ballistic version couldn't defeat him...

Tabi: Hey, I heard you were talking about the Dearest family.

???: Yes. Y-You know them?

Tabi: Of course I do, I dated the redhead though. But then, she broke my heart, and even I saw her today with another.

???: Well I saw her a few days ago, and my manager said that her family is a bad interference.

Tabi: Oh, and your manager is right, trust me. I mean, look what they've done me! By the way, what's your name?

Agoti: Agoti.

Whitty: (whispering) Agoti?

Tabi: I'm Tabi.

Agoti: Are you Russian?

Tabi: Yes.

Agoti: I can see through your accent.

Tabi: Good to know.

Garcello: You can come now.

Whitty: (comes out of the hallway)

Agoti: *gasp* Whitty?

Whitty: Hey there, Agoti...

Agoti: You've been in the newspapers, you know?

Whitty: Yeah, I know! Why are people still talking about this? It was like... 1 month ago! Only now do people remember to put that in the papers?

Garcello: A lot of people died because of that, Whitty... (lights another cigarette)

Whitty: I know, but still, those people died 1 month, ok? People have to learn how to deal with death. Everybody is gonna die someday.

Ruv: Or at least most of them...

Garcello: (breaths out smoke) Hey, I know you... You were in the church's papers, weren't you?

Ruv: Yes. My name's Ruv by the way. And you are?

Garcello: Garcello.

Agoti: Agoti.

Whitty: Whitty...

Tabi: Tabi.

Ruv: Huh, it's been a while since I've been with a Russian...

Tabi: And also as I, 'til we came across (points at Garcello) this guy...

Garcello: You mean, you came across me...

Tabi: Yeah, whatever...

Ruv: I heard you guys were trying to escape from the police...

Whitty: How do you know?

Ruv: I know lots of things, even if I live under a church, I get to know everything around this city. You exploded a whole festival a few weeks ago, and you just exploded a restaurant a few hours ago, because your ex was with another, and afraid for the little boy being tricked as you did...

Tabi: Yes... But, how?

Ruv: I have abilities, that you probably will not understand. Now, if you want to make a proper escape, you should come with me and stay in the church for a bit. I just don't know if she would like though...

Whitty: Who?

Ruv: My wife.

Tabi: How old are you?

Ruv: Oh, I'm from the time that Russia was still the Soviet Union.

Tabi: What?

Agoti: So you have like-

Garcello: Almost 100 years...

Ruv: Yes. I'm 97, 'cause I didn't born right when the Soviet Union was founded.

Tabi: Yes, but still you're old!!

Suv: Can I tell a secret, only you and he will know?

Tabi: Sure...

Ruv: Я заключил договор с Люцифером о бессмертии, понятно?

Tabi: You what?

Garcello: He made a deal with the devil, that's what he said. (breaths out smoke)

Ruv: (slap your face with the palm of his hand)

Whitty: You what?!

Ruv: I had to do it. I made a promise to my wife, that I would protect her at all costs for all eternity.

Agoti: Yeah, but when you say "eternity" is just an expression, AND NOT A ACTUAL THING!!!

Ruv: I know, but when I mean something, I meant it for real. Now let's go.


Ruv: (knocks at the church's gate) Now, be quiet.

Sarvente: (opens gate) Oh, you came back!

Ruv: Hey. Look, I know you didn't want anyone here, except people who wanted to join the church, but look... (picks Whitty & Tabi) These two need to hide somewhere, because they killed people with bombs, or even with themselves...

Whitty: You could take that back, 'cause I'm a bomb, and-

Ruv: Can they stay for a while?

Sarvente: I don't know-

???: Who are these people, mom?

Sarvente: Don't know either, hon, ask your father!

???: Dad, who are these people?

Ruv: They're rebels, Rasazy.

Tabi: Says the guy who causes earthquakes with his voice!

Sarvente: *gasp* You're been singing outside?

Ruv: No, of course not! If I were, you probably would feel from here.

Sarvente: *sigh* Ok, look... Since they're your friends, I think there's no problem with them staying... As long as they won't cause any problems for us, or the church.

Ruv: Sure.

Whitty: Thank you, ma'am.

Tabi: You're a blessing by God!

Ruv: Don't be too sure about that...

Inside the church...

Tabi: But... She's a nun, right? I can see it through her clothes.

Sarvente: Oh! This is just a costume from the dollar store.

Tabi: Yeah, but still-

Sarvente: There's no still. Period.

Ruv: It's a little secret of her.

Tabi: What? Did she make a pact with Lucifer too?

Sarvente: (from the other room) YOU TOLD THEM THAT TOO?!
