
The reaper of anime

William, your average guy that works for an average job dies in an elevator accident. Due to his average life his soul became balanced, he was neither good nor bad and after he dies the Grim Reaper shows up, not to guide him to the next realm but for help! {Beginner writer, and I do not promise a steady update of chapters!} (So a Harem does not really fit the early stages of what I have planned so do not get your hopes up if you want that.) The picture has been shamelessly stolen by me, so if you have any complaints and you have proof that I need to put some effort in removing it then go for it. This novel is dropped.

Godack · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter Eight.

After William was all rested up and fit to go, he went and searched out Grim to extract the information about teleporting out of him, in a peaceful way of course. The information about

teleportation is very important right now since without it William can't leave this place safely, and apparently Grim had forgotten William to tell about teleportation, or William was lost in one of his thinking episodes which he sometimes had. William didn't even know that he sometimes lost focus until Grim pointed it out to him.

"Grim, is it possible that I have missed the explanation about teleportation or have you not told me yet?" William asked Grim who was cleaning his scythe like a bartender who cleans glasses endlessly.

"Oh William, yeah I think you missed that part then." Grim said sweating a bit because he was the one who actually forgot to explain it. Of course he won't be telling William about it, and William just accepted it since he couldn't care about whether he was told or not.

"Okay let's go to the training field since this section needs a big area, we are talking about teleporting after all and you need to learn how to teleport large distances." Grim said whilst he and William walked towards the training area.

After a few moments of walking where nothing really interesting and noteworthy happened the two reapers arrived at their destination and stood opposite of each other. Grim stood there like his usual statue pose and William, he just sat on the ground since Grim would probably begin with a monologue about how teleporting is used and all that sorts of things.

(After a very boring and long explanation later)

"So that is the gist of it, now you can try and learn it for yourself but remember what I taught you, think clearly about where you want to teleport otherwise you could end up teleporting yourself 10 meters underground and suffocating yourself." Grim said sternly, as to which William just nodded like how he does after everytime Grim warns him.

Grim went polish his Scythe again and William started training his teleportation, the sooner he got this done he could start reaping souls and explore the multiverse. As you know Grim isn't going soul reaping 24/7 and William doesn't plan to do it either, he wants to explore the worlds and go about his free days and live them to the fullest.

Getting used to your body literally being erased and constructed out of nowhere was difficult, especially the first dozen or so times, but after time passed he became numb to the feeling. William was now able to teleport a few hundred meters but the most important thing he could teleport out of this place that is located between realities. Since this place is located between realities the distance to other planets isn't actually very far, distance doesn't matter when it comes to such things and it makes Williams' brain hurt since it requires too much use of it.

Not wanting to idle any longer William went out to reap his first soul without the supervision of Grim. Grim was long gone from the place he was in earlier and was now probably lazing around inside, and William going solo didn't hurt anybody so Grim just let him do his thing and he would do his, even though William is his responsibility.

William was currently in a world devout of any supernatural power just like the world where he reaped the soul of the hunter, yet this planet is severely different than that one. The first major difference is that it isn't an alternate version of Earth. The other big difference is that the level of technology on this planet is far higher than on Earth.

This planet is also not known on Earth since it is far away from Earth in an alternate universe, this planet is almost twice as big as Earth and revolves around a red giant star that is around 200 times bigger than the size of the current star that Earth revolves around.

The biggest thing in this world is the pollution, the pollution is so bad here that the life expectancies have dropped to 50 years old so people die faster and live shorter.

But this information isn't important since William came here to reap souls, not explain every detail in this world, well the pollution is very important since cancers are also more common thus more deaths and thus more souls to reap.

He was currently walking in a massive city that would probably put Tokyo to shame many times over, since this planet is twice as big as Earth it has a bigger population, but I can't say twice as big because of the pollution.

Now what drew William's attention to this city was the method they used to get rid of the bodies of the deceased, since death was so common the bodies were used as fertilizer which was a bit weird to William but he just thought of it just being part of the job, a bit morbid but you get it.

Their farms weren't big since most of the land was unfertile or occupied by buildings or roads, but the few farms that there were, were filled with souls who needed reaping so William went to do the job, but this wouldn't be a good story without some action so of course it doesn't go a smooth as William hoped it would.

If souls had a color, normal souls would be blue and the soul he was currently seeing would definitely not be blue; it would be red, red as in evil. This was one of those souls that never went to the afterlife thus unable to live a life in heaven or hell according to your sins, and as such become corrupted. This corrupted soul was currently devouring the other souls which didn't know what was happening since they lose all their sentience when they become a soul, unless they have a body they are just a clump of experiences and universal powers.

William readied himself to exercise the corrupted part of this soul and reap it afterwards, so he grabbed his scythe and took his fighting stance as to charge at any moment notice.

Scythe in hand and concentration to the fullest William charged silently at this soul, as to how he can charge silently it's credit is all at his footwork, oh and that he can't affect the physical world and since sound is something physical. And don't get me started as to how he does it with Grim, he just can since that how the supernatural works, it works like how an senile old man sees anything technical related, this is not to belittle the elderly it is just a stereotype.

William focused his mind powers on his scythe just like he did when he was reaping the soul of the hunter and sliced at the corrupted part of the soul, luckily the soul wasn't corrupted completely and was still salvageable.

There was no physical body that he could focus on and the corrupted soul was just a thing floating there so when he sliced he just sliced at the location of the floating soul, and of course it was a success since William had what is called luck and he did it correctly without knowing how to do it correctly. Everyone has luck but William has a lot of it, this excludes the part of him dying due to an elevator accident since he was lucky enough to be picked by the Grim Reaper out of Trillions of people across all the realities and verses.

The soul struggled a bit but the corrupted part was soon eradicated and only an uncorrupted soul could be seen. It is still hard to describe a souls since mortals can fathom such high and complicated things, if they were to be told their minds would melt since they are just too stupid.

William guided all the souls that weren't absorbed by the corrupted soul and guided them to the next real, what happened to those that the corrupted soul "ate" is beyond him but he didn't bother looking. Unbeknownst to him those souls were automatically reaped when the corrupted soul was cleansed so he lucked out with that one again.


William went diligently by at every farm where souls could be seen hanging around and reap them, some of them were in the process of becoming corrupted so he did those first and after them the non corrupted souls, but that is logical since you deal with the more troublesome things first and then the other things.

After a while William reaped every soul that there was on that Planet and he left before any more people died, of course not every soul would be located at a farm, some of the richer people had a graveyard and surprisingly that graveyard had very fertile ground but no farm which made William disgusted. And with that he returned what he has now come to call home.


To be honest I am not very pleased with this chapter since I need to start the story because I've taken very long to get to that point but I am a bit struggling as to what world he should go. I saw a comment about going to cleanse Ainz from Overlord that was a very good idea which I will most likely use.

I also decided that worlds where there were no explicit stories about an afterlife will have no afterlife. There are worlds with gods and demons but for example there won't be any afterlife if not mentioned, and worlds with spirits of the dead like bleach and stuff will have an afterlife. Be sure to comment about this if you feel it's wrong or good.

This chapter is longer than usual as to repay the missed time, I will post another one later today.

Be sure to notify me of any mistakes or good ideas I can implement in my "work".

Godackcreators' thoughts