
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Chapter 16 New Kumo Part Two

-Five days later near the coast of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) -

Currently sailing near the coast of Kaminari no Kuni was the Flag ship of New Kumo fleet, the Zennyo Ryūō along with the two Fortress ships that were escorting it.

Standing on the bow of the ship was Seiwa Anisu watching as the ships grew closer to the distant coast of Kaminari no Kuni.

"Enjoying the scenery?" asked Hatake Kakashi, as he walked up to Anisu, who kept an emotionless facade when he turned to the older man.

"Yes, I enjoy feeling the cool salt air blowing against my face" answered Anisu in a neutral tone.

"I've heard that you and Naruto are very close with one another and that you've been with him ever since he was banished from Konoha."

"Yes we've been, I consider Naruto my closest friend, as well as my rival."

"Could you tell me about some of the things that happened after he was banish?" asked Kakashi.

"Why do you not ask Konohamaru-san or Iruka-san? I'm certain Naruto has told them about our travels the past ten years."

"I would prefer asking you, if that's ok?" asked Kakashi, since he didn't want to admit that he wasn't on great speaking terms with either Konohamaru or Iruka. At least not since Naruto was banished and after he abandoned his student.

"I'm afraid it is not alright Hatake-san" replied Anisu in an icy tone. "Because if you think that I'll give you and personal information on my friend to use against him, you're sadly mistaken."

"No, that's not what I want" Kakashi explained hastily, since all he wanted to know was what had happened to his former student after he was banished.

"Really, well you'll excuse me if I find that hard to believe, given how you never cared that much about him before" replied Anisu coldly, causing the copycat-nin to flinch and lower his head in shame.

After a minute or two of silence, Anisu decided to leave and began to walk away.

"Would it matter if I said I was sorry?" asked Kakashi without raising his head.

"That is entirely up to Naruto, not me" responded Anisu emotionlessly without turning around to look back at the Konoha-nin.

"Is that also why you're treating me with such distain?" asked Kakashi, since it was obvious to anyone that Anisu didn't hold Kakashi in high regard.

"No, I've my own reasons for disliking you Hatake or have you forgotten how you killed my kinsmen Haku?"

At this remark, Kakashi again flinched, but before he could reply to this, Anisu spoke again.

"The fact is Hatake, the only reason you're still alive is because I know that you never intended to kill my kinsmen and because killing you would be pointless, since it won't bring my kinsman back. Now I suggest you head back to your bunk, we're nearing the coast and all representatives and dignitaries are to stay in their rooms until we arrive at the dock."

With that said, Anisu walked away from Kakashi, leaving the man alone on the bow with his thoughts.

After Kakashi and Anisu finished their talk, Kakashi headed back to bunk, knowing that if he didn't he would be escorted back, by one of the New Kumo Shinobi or crewmen.

As they neared the coastline, the New Kumo guards that were with the representatives, made sure that everyone was in their assigned rooms. When the dignitaries and representatives asked why they were being sent to their rooms, they were told by their guards it was for security reasons.

Eventually after about an hour and a half of sailing, the three Fortress ships arrived at a coast with massive cliffs. As the neared the cliffs, two massive doors disguised as the cliff walls parted way, to allow the three ships to enter a secret naval base built inside the cliff. Once the three ships were in, the double doors slowly closed shut.

The base itself was massive and like a small city filled buildings and hundreds of workers, sailors and Shinobi, as well as dozens of smaller ships and a few submarines that were dock. The dock itself was actually big enough to house all three fortress Ships with little trouble

Naturally when the representatives came out of their rooms and onto the deck and saw this, they were completely overwhelmed, by the dock. Many of course asked where they were, but all that Anisu and the other Shinobi would say, was that they were in a secure naval base and that it was classified.

Once everyone was off the ship, they made their way to the other end of the base, where they boarded a train.

When asked about the train Anisu explained that the train travelled through an underground tunnel. That would take them from the base to an outpost just outside New Kumo, where they would then make their way to the village from there.

After everyone had boarded, the train started to move forward across the tracks.

The journey between the base and the outpost took about a day to complete without any stops. But despite the length, the journey wasn't too bad for those on board, in fact many enjoyed it and had to admit, that New Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni were become very industrial. The carts on the train were also well lit up and allowed everyone to see each other and walk around, when they needed.

Eventually when they arrived at the outpost, they met up with the dignitaries and representatives from Iwa, Ta no Kuni and the Fuma Clan. The representatives from Ta no Kuni and the Fuma Clan had made their way from one of New Kumo forts at the boarders of Kaminari no Kuni to this outpost by armoured cart, which had no windows. While the Iwa representatives landed at small port and then travelled in a similar manner that the representatives of Ta no Kuni and the Fuma Clan travelled in.

Once the representatives had all met one another, Anisu, his wives and the rest of his company led the groups out of the outpost and into the valley where New Kumo lay.

It took about three hours the cross the valley, since the Shinobi members had to walk at the same pace as the non-Shinobi members of the groups. But after travelling through the Genjutsu Cloud (8) they eventually arrived at the massive metal gates of New Kumo, which were flanked by two massive stone dragons that were in a crouching position.

Naturally the representatives were in shock over the size of the wall for New Kumo, which was easily a hundred meters tall and thirty meters thick, and stretched from one end of the way valley to the other and was flanked by mountains.

Once everyone got over their surprise, Anisu explained to everyone that they would enter the village in their respected group's one at a time. With Tazuna, Inari and their two Samurai guards first, Gaara and his group second, the Mizukage and her group third and so on and so forth with the other representatives until the Konoha group, who would be the last to enter.

As soon as Anisu had finish explaining everything to the representatives and the dignitaries, Anisu ordered the gates open and led Tazuna and Inari forward, with the his wives.

-Enter Star Wars: The Phantom Menace OST: Augie's Great Municipal Band-

At the moment Anisu, Inari and Tazuna entered through the gates, they were greeted by blaring horns and music. When they entered the village itself they saw that the main street had been cleared for them with hundreds of soldiers in gold coloured armour, flanking both sides of the street acting like a guard of honour. As well as keeping thousands of people, (who were cheering behind the soldiers on both side), from entering the street.

"What is all this?" asked Tazuna over the loud cheering crowds.

"This is the welcoming party, as everyone in the village wanted to greet our new allies and friends" replied Anisu with a smile as he and his wives and fiancés led Inari and others.

As they walked forward, Inari and others saw people on both sides cheering wildly, waving flags with the symbol of New Kumo and the Kaminari no Kuni on them, along with a symbol he never seen before. He could even see people throwing confetti and flowers at them and yelling out things like "Long live the Heavenly Alliance" and "Long live The Raikage and Kicho-sama" (9).

As Tazuna and Inari walked on, they could seeing fireworks be shot up into the air along with flower petals and more confetti falling down on them, which were being dropped by Sky-Hawk Ninja's who were flying above them.

"Damn Naruto sure knows how throw a party" commented Tazuna, as he waved to the cheering people.

"Well, when have you ever known Ni-sama to do things small?" replied Inari, as he waved to the cheering people.

Shortly after the Nami no Kuni representatives entered the village, Gaara and his group entered and like Inari and his grandfather, were completely overwhelmed by the greeting the citizens and Shinobi of New Kumo were giving.

"Why are they cheering us like this?" asked Temari, who not use to being treated like this, especially in a foreign village.

"The people here wish to welcome you all as friends, since many nations that have sent representatives will be joining the Heavenly Alliance. While others like yourselves will become our new allies, making the Alliance that much stronger" answered one of the New Kumo Shinobi escorting them.

"So this is a celebration, not only to welcome us, but also to celebrate the Alliance becoming larger" answered Gaara, where the New Kumo-nin nodded.

"Well whatever the reason, I sure could get use to stuff like this" remarked Kankuro as he waved and smiled at the cheering people, enjoying the attention he was getting. Especially when he saw many pretty girls in the crowds waving at him and blowing kisses.

At the same time not far behind, the Mizukage, the Water Daimyo and the other representatives of Kiri and Mizu no Kuni entered the village into the cheering village.

Like Gaara and Inari groups, the representatives of Mizu no Kunai and Kiri were slightly overwhelmed by the greeting they were receiving. But soon enough they started to enjoy the welcoming they were receiving, where they waved and smiled back at the cheering people.

The Mizukage was especially popular with many of the men in the crowd, who were cheering even louder than before at the Female Kage.

"Well, I must say the people of New Kumo certainly know how to make you feel welcome" commented Mei. Who smiled and waved at the cheering crowds and could see people cheering from the rooftops of building and out windows.

"Yes they do" replied the Water Daimyo, who although was still not use to being the leader of his nation, was enjoying being greeted by the cheering crowds.

One by one, the different representatives and dignitaries entered the village and were greeted by the people, who in turn waved and smiled at the cheering people, as they walked up the long wide street way.

Eventually the representatives saw a large wooden platform, which was directly in front of a large inner wall, which led to the next district.

On the platform was Naruto with the Lightning Daimyo Kicho, Zhuge Liang, the Snow/Spring Daimyo Kazahana Koyuki, the Yondaime Hoshikage Sumaru, the Daimyo of Kuma no Kun (Bear Country). The leader of Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall) Shibuki, the Daimyo of Taki no Kuni (Waterfall Country) and the leader of Yukigakure (Hidden Snow) who like the others were the original members of the Heavenly Alliance.

In front of the Platform was a large banner with the same symbol that Inari saw on some of the flags that people were waving earlier. (10)

When the representatives saw it, they guessed this was the symbol of the Heavenly Alliance. Some of them even recognised it as the symbol of unity, which was sort of fitting, given how the Heavenly Alliance was a group of Nations working together.

-End Star Wars: The Phantom Menace OST: Augie's Great Municipal Band-

Eventually the music and cheering came to an abrupt halt, once the representatives of Hi no Kuni and Konoha entered the village. Instead of cheering people, Tsunade and the others were greeted with complete and utter silence, along with angry stares from the people. The street was so quite that you hear the small birds chipping and a few people coughing.

As they continued to walk along the street, they could practically feel everyone's eyes on them.

"So this is what it was like to be Naruto, when he was growing up" thought Sakura sadly, as she never felt so isolated and alone before. As like everyone else in their group, she could practically feel the animosity that everyone had for them. She even noticed a young boy near the front of the crowd, preparing to throw a tomato at them. Only to be stopped by his father, who whispered something to him before looking back up and glaring at Sakura and the others.

After about twenty minutes or more, which felt more like an eternity to the group, they arrived in front of the platform where Naruto and the other original members of the Alliance stood. Standing near the platform were the representatives and leaders of the other member nations of the Heavenly Alliance.

Once all the representatives had arrived and stood in front of the platform, Naruto stood in front of the others on the platform and spoke.

"Having endured a bloody civil war that torn families apart from one another, the Shinobi of Kumo and the people of Kaminari no Kuni came together to build this place. Now it stands as a monument, proving that a people divided can be reunited again and build something that will last through the ages. It was also in this place, that the first member nations of the Heavenly Alliance came together for the purpose of creating a just and lasting peace for one another, which later grew into an unprecedented Alliance. Today we have gathered here again with representatives from several other nations who wish to join us. To them I say welcome and it is my deepest wish to strengthen our bonds of friendship and render a permanent peace that now exists among the Alliance members and its allies. I also wish to welcome our new allies and friends and hope that our discussions in the coming days will be fruitful. So that a bridge of trust can be built between the Heavenly Alliance and your individual nations and through this, we can enrich each other and bring prosperity to our lands. Finally to the representatives of Iwa, I personally want to thank you, for seeing the wisdom of ceasing hostility between our separate nations and avoiding further bloodshed on both sides. It is my deepest hope that the coming talks will bring about a better understanding of one another and create a lasting peace that will endure and prevent the loss of lives in war. Thank you."

When Naruto finished his speech, the crowd and representatives all applauded, where Naruto then took a step back and allowed the Lightning Daimyo Kicho stepped forward and spoke.

"As my husband The Raikage has said, I wish welcome all of you to New Kumo and hope that you enjoy your visit. Please know that your safety and security is our highest priority and that we will do our utmost to see that no harm comes to you. It is my deepest wish that one day, all the nations, Shinobi and non-Shinobi can come together as one people and build something that we can all be proud of. So that future generation can look back at these moments with pride and eternal gratitude. Thank you."

Like before the crowds and representatives all applauded the female Daimyo when she had finished her speech. She then went on to say that for the remainder of the day there would be a festival and asked everyone to enjoy themselves.

Once the speeches were done, Naruto and the other leaders left the Platform and headed for The Raikage tower/mountain, while the crowed slowly dissipated to prepare for the coming festival.

At the same time Anisu walked up to the representatives and explained to them that Naruto and Kicho would meet them tomorrow.

Anisu then went on to explain, that he and his people would escort them to a private hotel in the civilian district (11) which had been made ready for them and that they would be guarded twenty-four seven by SHOCK squads. He also told them that they would be allowed to join the celebrations tonight if they wanted, but would've an escort with them at all times.

When they arrived at the hotel the Shinobi representatives were all led to their respected rooms. The rooms were quite spacious and well furbish, with a small bathroom and single bed and medium size sitting room with a couch and chairs.

The Water Daimyo was of course given a suite, along with the other dignitaries from the other non-Shinobi nations. Surprisingly Udon, Moegi (who are married to each another), Konohamaru and Iruka and his family were all given suites as well.

"Eh excuse me Anisu-dono, but I think you've given us the wrong room" spoke Iruka, when he saw the room that he and his family were given.

"There's no mistake Iruka-san, this room was assigned to you and your family personally by The Raikage himself. If you or your family needs anything, please just call the staff and they'll deliver it to your room without charge."

Iruka of course tried to refuse the room, stating that it was too much. But before he could, Anko and Aiko interrupted them.

"Come on Iruka-kun, don't be so noble, lets live it up a bit, it not every day that we get to do something like this. We can even make this a miniature vacation" said Anko as she started to pout, slowly weakening her husband's resolve.

"Yeah come on Tou-san, this place is awesome and it all free, thanks to Naruto-nii, so can we stay pppllleeaassseee?" pleaded Aiko. As she used the infamous puppy dog eye technique that daughters could use to break down their fathers.

After a minute or two of pouting from his pregnant wife and puppy dog looks from his daughter Iruka broke and gave in to their pleas.

"FFFiiinneee, you win we'll take the room."

At hearing this, both mother and daughter cheered, after which Aiko ran to the bedroom to the left, saying it was hers and started to jump up and down the King size bed like a trampoline. Anko on the other hand went over to the other end of the large living room and jumped onto a comfortable couch, where she put her feet on the nearby coffee table and started to eat the complimentary fruit basket.

When Anisu saw the former teacher shrug his shoulders in defeat, the white haired man just smiled and placed hand around Iruka's shoulder as an act of sympathy.

"Don't let it get you down Iruka-san, you're not the first man to be coerced by his wife and daughter and you certainly won't be the last. You should consider yourself lucky, you only have to deal with your wife and daughter, I on the other hand have to deal with six wives and two fiancés."

This of course made Iruka smile where he then thanked Anisu.

Later on after everyone had settled down the majority of the representatives of Konoha, along with the representatives of Suna and the others left the hotel to join in the festival.

Naturally the groups were covertly followed by SHOCK-nins who were assigned to watch over them.

The festival was held in the main street of the village. All along the sides of the street, there were different kinds' of stands, filled with food, games, costumes, sake and other fun things to eat, drink and do.

Funny enough, when Tsunade and the other Konoha members joined the festival, the people did not remain silent like they did before. Instead they just flat out ignore them and continued to enjoy the festival. Fortunately the stand owners did not ignore them, although they did treat them with a sharp coolness, indicating that they weren't happy serving them.

Tsunade and the others naturally guessed that Naruto was somehow behind this and guessed that he made sure that his people didn't start any incidences with them. That or the people simply didn't want to start trouble that would ruin the fun and celebrations for everyone.

After a while though, the representatives turned in for the night, knowing that they had a big day tomorrow.

-The Next Day in Naruto's Office-

Currently sitting in his office, Naruto had just finished speaking to the leader of Getsugakure, Sado. For the last twenty minutes they discussed some of the things that his village would be required to do when it becomes a member of the Alliance and what it would gain.

Naruto of course assured Sado that his village would be treated as an equal partner and that they would go into further details in the coming days.

Once he had finished his discussion, he went to in speaker and told his secretary Nanao to send in the next party.

When the double doors leading to his office opened, the Rokudaime Mizukage Terumi Mei and the newly formed, fifth Generation of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū entered.

Naturally Naruto was familiar with each of the new members, for as soon as he had heard of the group being reformed. He had Anisu and Gan Ning, gather everything they could on the group.

The first member was the person he was most familiar with, Hajime Saitō also known as the Kiri no Ookami (The Wolf of the Mist). Saitō was a highly skills swordsman who mastered the Mizoguchi-ha Itto Ryu fighting style, which was recognised of one of the most lethal sword fighting styles in the world. Like Mei, Saitō was a former leader of one of the rebel factions that fought against the Godaime Mizukage and the former Water Daimyo. He was also a former member of the fourth Generation of Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū, but defected later on, like Mitsuhide and Saiyuri.

Now however he was the leader of the new Generation of swordsmen and had been reinstated as leader of Kiri's Assassination division.

The second member was Senchi Natsu, a young man, who was about Naruto's age and had long red hair that was tied up in a loose ponytail and went down to his lower back. He wore a standard uniform of a HYDRA member (12), with a red cape over it and had a small scar that went down his left eye.

Natsu was a rising star in Kiri, who fame quickly rose during the Civil War in Kiri and became known as Kiri no Hitokiri (the Manslayer of the Mist). He was highly gifted in the art of the sword and was the protégé of Takeru Hiko (13). Who was former member of the Second Generation of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū and first man to become one without mastering one of their special swords. Like his teacher, Natsu was highly proficient in the Tenken fighting style and used it to a phenomenal degree, in conjunction with his Jinton (Swift Release) Bloodline, making him the fast Shinobi in Kiri and a lethal enemy for anyone to have.

The third member was Mibu Hatoru, who had a rather distinctive appearance. He was a tall man with wild spiky red hair and red eyes, who wore bright crimson red armour with a white haori over it, that fell almost to his feet.

Hatoru was a former Bounty Hunter and swordsman, who was hired by one of the rebel factions to fight for them. Due to his great skill with a Katana and ability to combine it with his Wind affinity, making it even more lethal and powerful.

At the end Civil War, Hatoru became known the Shinko no Ijin (The Crimson Devil), after he conquered an entire castle singlehandedly. That was guarded by over a thousand soldiers loyal to the former Water Daimyo, who were all killed by Hatoru.

The fourth member was Akira Keiko; he was a tall young man in his late teens and wore a standard Kiri uniform and had short blonde hair that was slicked back and dull blue eyes.

Like Hatoru, Keiko was not from Kiri and became part of it and Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū after the Civil War. In fact Keiko was the former student of Hatoru, where with his help he developed his own unique sword style. That was used in conjunction with his Fire affinity, resulting in him becoming known as the Honoo no Kenshi (The Flame Swordsman).

The fifth member was Chōjūrō, who was the only member of the new Generation of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū, that actually wielded one of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū special swords.

Chōjūrō was of average height and built with short tufty blue hair, and dark eyes. He wore square, black-rimmed glasses connected to what appear to be headphones, a blue pin-striped shirt with a standard Kiri flank Jacket over it and camouflage pattern pants.

The sixth member was Arai Seikū, he was a young man, who was in his mid-teens and wore a standard Kiri uniform.

From what Anisu and Gan Ning told him, Seikū was a rising star in Kiri and a gifted swordsman, much like Natsu. He was extremely fast and was famed for being able to use fast moving sword techniques to take down and kill his enemies before they knew what happened, making him a lethal assassin. Seikū was also well known for being able to keep his emotions hidden from others and always retained a blank face. This was believed to be the result of the trauma he suffered when he was younger where he watched his parents die in the War.

The seventh and final member was also the youngest member of the group named Sendai Aka. Aka was a young boy about twelve years old, with short white hair and yellow eyes and wore a white shirt and blue shorts.

Aka was also credited being the youngest member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū ever, as well as a child prodigy who was gift in not only using the sword, but also in Raiton Ninjutsu. Who was able to combine some of his Raiton Jutsu with his sword, to greatly increase the destructive power of his attacks. He was also well known for being able to take down many highly skilled Shinobi who were twice if not decades older than him.

Once Naruto saw the female Mizukage, he rose up from his seat and offered his hand to her, which she took.

"Mizukage-san, it is a pleasure to finally met you at last, I've been looking forward to meeting you for a while now" said Naruto as he shook Mei's hand.

"Thank Raikage-san, it is a pleasure to finally meet you as well. Saitō has told me quite a bit about you as well. Although I must confess even before then, I've wanted to meet the famed Arashi no Oni (Demon of Storms) for a long time (14) or would you prefer I call by your other moniker, Raiden no Kami (God of Thunder and Lightning), since it's what most people are calling you."

"I would prefer if you call me neither, Mizukage-san, since I never cared for either of those names, as the term demon has some rather bad memories for me. While the name Raiden no Kami makes me sound egotistical, which is why I would prefer if you call me Naruto, since I like to think we're friends now."

"Of course…" replied the Mizukage with a smile, "…But only if you call me Mei in return."

"That's fair enough" responded Naruto before he offered Mei one of the three comfortable armchairs in front of his desk, which she took, while the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū stood behind her.

"I must say Naruto-san, you're much more handsome in person than the rumours say."

"Ahem, thank you Mei-san, you're very kind and clearly the rumours of your beauty do not do you justice" replied Naruto with a slight blush, as he tried to be polite. But as soon as he said this, he could feel the murderous glares of his three bodyguards/wives on him, making the young Raikage sweat a little, knowing he was going to get it later on.

Soon enough though, the conversation turned to more serious issues, such as the Alliance talks between Kiri, Mizu no Kuni and the Heavenly Alliance.

"I have say I was rather surprised that we would be meeting just you Naruto-san, since I had expected the Water Daimyo and I would be meeting both you and Kicho-sama together."

"The Water Daimyo as you know is meeting my wife Kicho in the Royal palace. Since she is in charge of dealing with matters that involve the Daimyos and other Nations, while I deal with matters involving the Shinobi villages" explained Naruto.

"I see and if I may, when do we start the talks for the Alliance between my village and the Alliance?" asked Mei.

"I'm afraid our talks will not begin for several days, since I must first deal with the peace treaty between the Alliance and Iwa. After which we then must begin the talks for villages and other Nations that wish to join the Alliance. But once they're done, we can begin the Alliance talks with your village."

"I understand Naruto-san and thank you."

"While you're waiting and if you're interested, perhaps you and your people here would enjoy a tour of the village?"

"Yes, we would very much enjoy that" replied Mei, as she was very interested in seeing more of New Kumo, which was easily five times the size of any of the other Shinobi villages.

"I very glad to hear to here that, as I've preparations made for all of you to see more of the village with two other groups" replied Naruto, after which he continued to go over matters with Mei in the upcoming talks with Kiri.

-With the Konoha and Suna Representatives-

After being gathered together in the hotel, the representatives of Konoha and Suna were met outside by platoon of New Kumo Shinobi lead by Uzumaki Takara and Uzumaki Taira. Both of whom were among Naruto's wives and also sisters. (15)

Naturally both Iruka and Anko recognised Takara, who had saved Anko's life during the Battle of Konoha. Shikamaru and his team-mates also recognised Taira, who had helped save Choji from the Giant Bear summon at the battle.

When Jiraiya saw both girls he quickly went into pervert mode and started to hit on them, since he remembered them from when Naruto laid down his punishment on the Council. As always, when it came to girls like Takara and Taira, Jiraiya's eyes were fixed on their chests and even started to plan to put the girls in his next book

Fortunately before he could do too much damage, Tsunade reeled Jiraiya in and reminded him that both women were married to Naruto, where she then bashed his head to ground, making sure he remembered.

Needless to say it worked, as Jiraiya didn't try to hit on either woman again, although it didn't stop him eyeing the girls when Tsunade was looking and envy Naruto, where he thought "Naruto you lucky dog"

As the two groups made their way through the industry and Shinobi districts of the village, Tsunade and some of the others started some conversations with the women, hoping to get to know them better. Naturally whenever the conversations turned to things about Naruto, both girls change the subject, but were willing to talk about general things.

Takara was a young medium tall woman with long Dark Brown hair that fell below her waist. She had a very attractive face that gave her an almost down to Earth look, where she didn't need any makeup to highlight her beauty. Since she had what one would call the home spun allure, or what others might cheerfully referred to as 'the girl next door' look. She wore shorts with a Black ribbon on each leg instead of regular shorts and a pair of fighting leather gloves. She also wore a sleeveless White shirt underneath a sleeveless Black vest with a zipper to cover her impressive D-cup breasts, which gained the attention of many of the male members of the two groups.

But like all Kunochi in the Shinobi world, Takara was more than a pretty face in fact she was renowned Kuoichi in New Kumo. Who came from a family of Shinobi and was a lethal Shinobi in battle.

When the Konoha and Suna groups met Takara the two groups found her to be bright, cheerful, optimistic and positive person. Who seemed to be an extremely kind and respectful to everyone, including to the Konoha group. She even she went out of her way to introduce herself to Tsunade, stating she had admire her skill as a Kunoichi for many years and was inspired to created her Raiken (Thunder Fist) technique from Tsunade's super human strength technique.

Naturally the two groups remembered this technique, since Naruto had used this technique against the Yondaime Tsuchikage Ryoku, during the Battle of Konoha.

The Technique involved her using Lightning affinity to increase her speed and enhance her strength to a phenomenal level, as well as having the added effect of paralyzing her opponents when she hit them.

Before the Civil War Takara's father had been killed on a mission for Kumo. Later on during the Civil War her mother died after defending her and her sister Taira from Shinobi loyal to the Godaime Raikage.

With the loss of her mother Takara and her sister joined one of the Rebel factions and fought against the Godaime Raikage and the former Lightning Daimyo. During the Civil War, Takara used her Raiken to devastating effect, leading her to be known as Takara no Raiken (Takara the Thunder Fist).

Like her Sister Takara, Taira was an attractive young woman, she had long blond hair that went down to her rear and wore Black leather pants with tall Black leather boots. Along with a strapless short Corset that helped to emphasize her ample D-cup breasts and stopped short to show her midriff. The corset also split open between her breast and went down in a Lightning bolt shape but was held together by thin but strong strands of string that went in between the split. (16)

In terms of personality Taira was a lot more carefree than her sister, where she enjoyed teasing people and flirted a lot, which she showed when she teased and flirted slightly with Konohamaru. Who of course turned red and did his best not to look a Taira impressive cleavage, given how she was the wife of his surrogate big brother and because the older sister of his new wife was standing right next to him.

Taira of course knew she was attractive and was unafraid to use her sexuality to get what she wanted or to distract someone like some Kunoichi do, which was why she dressed the way she did. Yet when in battle she could as cold and as ruthless as the most harden Shinobi veteran, especially when someone threatened a person she cared about, such as her sister.

Even though Taira and Takara considered each other sisters, they weren't by Blood. Like Takara's father, both Taira's parents died in a mission together when she was very young. Not long after they died; Takara's parents adopted Taira, since both Taira's parents and Takara's father were former team-mates.

After the Civil War, Taira was offered the position as the Raiko no Megami (Goddess of Lightning) due to her great skill in Raiton Ninjutsu. Naturally she took the position and became a member of The Go Genso no Megami (The Five Elemental Goddesses), which was an elite group of Kunoichi. Who were highly skilled in Elemental Ninjutsu and specialized in a specific one.

Eventually after a while, the Konoha and Suna groups arrived at the Ruling district and made their way to the Raikage tower/mountain. The two groups naturally thought that Naruto had built his resident into the mountain like in the old Kumo.

But instead, they were shocked to hear that the whole mountain itself had been hollowed out and became the Raikage's resident.

When Temari asked how he did it, in little under three years, Taira simply replied "It's Naruto"

When they came up to the main entrance to the Raikage tower/mountain, they found it to be closed, where two massive double stone doors blocked their way and where flanked by two giant stone Tigers in a crouching position.

When Takara ordered the guards to open the doors, the two Shinobi simply placed their hands on two carved circles that were on the doors, and then channelled their chakra into the double doors causing them to slowly open.

When the two groups entered the Raikage tower/mountain they could not help but be in awe of the building. The main hall of the tower/mountain, (which was busy with activity, with people moving about), looked like a palace hall, in the middle of it was a beautiful foundation, with cool clear water and statues made of pure marble that resembled Dragons, Tigers and Falcons. There were benches made of solid marble, while the seats themselves were covered in soft leather. Light came in through several large openings and was distributed all over the halls by both water and special light emitting crystals, which glowed softly, giving the tower/mountain a very soft but strong amount of light. The walls were smooth and inlaid with copper mirrors which appeared to be well polished, as well as silver and gold designs. That made the place even more grandiose than before, in some areas there were also healthy trees and bushes giving out a sweet scent to the tower/mountain. The floors were made from tiles that combined, marble, jade, and smooth limestone and were very strong.

When the two groups looked up, they saw all the different floor levels in the tower/mountain. There were stairs and even lifts to get a person up to any of the levels they wanted to go. At the top roof point of the tower/mountain there was a large glass dome that was directly above the fountain, which shone more light down on it and the rest of the tower. It also allowed the stones in the fountain to sparkle in the light, helping to illuminate the fountain even more. Taira then went on to explain to the two groups, that there were several different departments on each level, which dealt with all the different affairs in the village, both civilian and Shinobi.

After seeing all this, Kiba being his usual self, commented on the Raikage's Resident.

"Damn, Giant Ships, Giant Secret Naval Base, Giant Hidden Shinobi Village, Massive Airship and Giant Kage Tower, you think Naruto is overcompensating for something?"

Hearing this, Taira decided to have a little fun at the Inuzuka's expense.

"I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I were you fido…" said Taira before a saucy grin appeared on her face, "…besides Naruto-kun has nothing to compensate for."

At this remark, most of the Suna and Konoha representatives looked at Taira with disbelieving looks at what she had said. Many of the girls of course, turned red at Taira's remark, although not as red a Hinata. Who turned a shade of red that had not been seen on her since her younger years, back when Naruto was still part of Konoha. The male members of the two groups of course differed slightly where some of them blushed slightly. While others like Kankuro, Jiraiya, Konohamaru and Kiba started to have nosebleeds. Jiraiya even took out his notepad hoping to hear some details.

"Sister!" cried a slightly blushing Takara, at her adopted older sister's comment.

"What?" said Taira, not seeing the problem, "Well it's true and I've sure as hell never heard you Takara or any of the other girls for that matter, complain about Naruto's…"

"That enough Taira-nee!" cried the now red Takara, since she certainly didn't what her sex life or any of the other girls sex life, talked about so openly or in front of people they only barely knew.

"Yesh! Sis you really need to stop being such a prude like Okatsu, Soifon and Nanao, it just sex" Taira replied, waving the whole thing off like it was nothing.

"It's our personal life Taira-nee! There are times and places for these short of things, and this is certainly not one of those times" retorted Takara.

Before Taira could respond to this, Tsunade suddenly intervened, "Eh excuse me, but would you mind leading use to Naru- I mean the Raikage's office. Since in case you two have forgotten, we have a meeting with him."

At this Takara blush again, since she had completely forgotten the whole reason why they were here.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that, you're right of course, please follow me this way" said the young brown haired woman, where she then gave her blonde sister a look telling her that their talk wasn't over.

Taira in turn just rolled her eyes, not really caring, since she still didn't see the problem.

After the heated "discussion" between the two sisters had died down. Takara and Taira led the Konoha and Suna groups to the elevators. They then told the other New Kumo Shinobi with them, that they could handle things here by themselves, where the other Shinobi just nodded and left. Once they left, the two groups boarded the two large elevators that took them up to the top level of the Raikage Residents, which was where Naruto's office laid.

Once they reached the top level, the two groups walked down a small hallway that led to two large oak double doors. Next to the doors was a desk with a woman sitting at it, doing paperwork.

The woman was slim and attractive young woman with long Black hair that was kept pinned back, with flat bangs that hung to the right side of her face. She had slightly light blue eyes with a deep tint of violet and wore glasses with a slight oval shape to them and wore a Black Kosode and a Black Hakama.

Upon seeing the woman, Takara smiled kindly and greeted the woman, gaining her attention.

"Hello Nanao, I've the Konoha and Suna representative here for their schedule meeting with The Raikage."

After hearing Takara greet her, Nanao looked up and gave Takara a respectful nod and then turned to look at Tsunade and Gaara, who were leading their respected groups.

"The Raikage, is currently in a meeting with the Kiri representatives, but will be done shortly and will be seeing both of your groups together."

Both leaders of the two groups were surprised slightly by this, but nodded in understanding none the less.

"Would any of you care for some refreshments, while you wait?" asked the young woman, to which all the members of the two groups shook their heads, indicating they were fine. As they waited for Naruto to finish his meeting with the Mizukage, the two groups stood patiently in the hallway.

During that time, Jiraiya began to eye Nanao up, since there was no question that Nanao was a lovely young thing. He even began form ideas for a scene in his next book, involving a hot young secretary with glasses and her boss. At the same time, another idea sprung into his mind, involving a hot sexy young librarian alone with her male assistant.

Giggling at his own brilliance, Jiraiya took out his notepad and pencil and began to write down Nanao's description with a few added "modifications". He even started to jot down some notes on the scenes he had planned.

But within seconds of him putting pencil to paper, four Paper Shuriken flew through the air, the first hit his notepad, pinning it to the wall. The second and third shuriken embedded themselves into wall on both side of Jiraiya's head (narrowly missing it). The fourth and final Paper Shuriken embedded itself into the wall like the other two, although at much lower point right between Jiraiya's legs, missing a certain body part by inches.

"I would appreciate Jiraiya-san if you would refrain from using me in any of those vulgar things that you call books" spoke Nanao. As she looked up from her paperwork and fixed her glasses and held up another set of paper Shuriken, while giving the Toad Sage a stern and dangerous glare.

At this Jiraiya made an audible gulp, after seeing the stern and dangerous glare from Nanao, clearly indicating she was deadly serious. Yet at the same time he could not help but be surprised at Nanao using Kami no Jutsu (Paper Technique), something he had only see once from a former female student.

"Shuriken made out of paper, I've never seen anything quite like that before" thought Neji in mild wonderment. "It seems that even Naruto-sama's secretary is not to be underestimated."

"Hmph, I think I might like her" thought Tsunade as she smirked at how Nanao put Jiriaya in his place.

Eventually after a few minutes, the double doors opened and the Mizukage and her party left, where she greeted both the Hokage and the Kazekage respectfully before heading down the hallway and to the elevators.

"The Raikage will see you now" said Nanao, where the two groups went into Naruto's office, while Taira and Takara waited in the hallway with Nanao.

When the two groups entered the office, they found it to be a simple enough place. It was a large double O shaped room with Naruto's desk facing the double doors and a large window behind the desk so that Naruto could look out the window and over the village when he turned around. On the walls of both sides of the circler room in front of Naruto's desk were bookshelves filled with scrolls and books. As well as a small spiral stairs that allowed Naruto to go up to the platform above the bookshelves, which led to a balcony that was right above Naruto's desk.

"Naruto and book's, somehow that doesn't seem to fit" thought Kiba as he looked at all the books on the shelves.

Once the two groups entered the room and the double doors behind them closed. Naruto invited both Tsunade and Gaara to take one of the three comfortable chairs in front of his desk, which they did.

"Hokage-san, Kazekage-san, it good to see you both, I hope that you haven't been waiting long?"

"Only a few minutes Raikage-san, you secretary was quite courtesies to us" replied Gaara.

"Yeah you got quite a looker there brat" joked Jiraiya, hoping the break the ice and make Naruto smile or something.

Sadly this had the opposite effect to the one he had hoped for. Instead Naruto gave the Gama Sennin a harden stare and said "I would prefer if you reframed from making such remarks towards Nanao-chan Toad! …Since in most places it's considered rude to lear at another man's wife."

At hearing this everyone thought the exact same thing "Wife?"

"Wait! Are you saying she's another one of your wives?" asked Ino in surprise.


"Damn, how many wives those he have?" thought Kiba, while also thinking at the same time, "Damn lucky son of a Bitch."

After a minute or two, the two groups of people got over their shock, over unknowingly meeting yet another one of Naruto's wives, and got back to the matter at hand.

"If I may Raikage-san, when do we begin the talks over Konoha becoming a…protectorate of the Alliance?" asked Tsuande. Who still found it hard to come to terms with Konoha becoming a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance.

Danzo, Homura and Koharu, were also of the same mind, since this was a sad day for them. Danzo himself gripped the cane that he was given earlier tightly (17), when Tsunade said the words "Konoha" and "protectorate". Since this went against everything that he stood and fought for, for over seventy years.

Naturally he blamed Sarutobi and Tsunade, for Konoha's current condition, as well as Naruto. Since he believed that it was because of Tsunade's and the Sandaime's soft-hearted leadership that Konoha had become so weak, thereby allowing Naruto to take advantage of them. Who should have been turned into a weapon for Konoha from the very beginning, according to Danzo's beliefs.

"The talks between both your villages and the Heavenly Alliance will not begin for several days I'm afraid. Since the peace treaty between the Alliance and Iwa is taking place now, and will take several days to complete. After that we've to begin the talks for the villages and Nations that are becoming part of the Heavenly which will take several more days to complete. Once they are complete though, we will begin the talks with your villages" answered Naruto, where Gaara and Tsunade just nodded their heads in understanding.

"But until then…" continued Naruto, "…if you're interest, you can have a tour of our village."

"Would that be really alright?" asked Tsunade, knowing how Naruto still had trust issues with Konoha, which weren't entirely unfounded.

"Yes it is, although you will be escorted by my Shinobi throughout the tour and even then, you will not be permitted in restricted sections, due security reasons" Naruto answered.

"If that is the case, would it be possible t-" spoke Tsunade, but before she could finish speaking, Naruto double doors burst opened. After which two blurs, one green and one pink flew right pass the Konoha and Suna groups and collided with Naruto, knocking him off his chair and to the floor on his back.

As soon as the double doors burst opened, Naruto's bodyguards, Killer Bee, Yugito, Okatsu and Fu appeared out of nowhere around Naruto's desk. But before they could act, they heard the giggling of two young girls' and Naruto laughing.

"Naruto, I'm sorry I couldn't stop them" cried Nanao, who was now carrying a very large book in her arm and was accompanied by amused Taira and concerned Takara.

"Hahaha…it alright Nanao-chan, there's no real harm done" said Naruto as he picked himself off the ground holding two young girls who looked to be about eight years old.

The first girl, (who Naruto was holding up in his right arm), had long green hair that fell below her sholders and hazel eyes and wore a light green top, with long selves and shorts.

The second girl, (who Naruto was holding up in his left arm), had short pink hair and dark pink eyes and wore a simply red top and black shorts.

At first glance both girls looked different, given their hair colour and eyes. But after a closer look of them, the two groups notice there was a strong facial resemblance between both of them. Indicating they were related and most likely sisters or to be more precise twins, given how they were the same height and age.

After a minute or so, Naruto placed both girls on the ground, and gave them both an amused but stern look. "Ok you two, what's with you both barging in here, knocking me to the ground, you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they're in a meeting."

"We're sorry" replied the green haired girl.

"We just wanted to see the Konoha and Suna people for ourselves, since everyone is talking about them" said the Pink haired girl.

"Plus we wanted to see you as well" finished the green haired girl, with a puppy dog look, hoping to break Naruto.

When Naruto heard this and saw the look the green haired girl was giving him, he raised his left eyebrow, before he smiled and shook his head.

"Ok you two, if you're here then where is your sister?"

"I am right here" said another voice, where when everyone turned around, they saw pretty young girl walk into the room from behind Nanao, Taira and Takara. The girl in question looked to be about twelve years old and had long blonde hair that reach down to her ankles and dark red eyes. She wore a short black vest like blouse with a raised collar and a skirt that was cut off on the sides and bandage on her stomach and legs and long black elbow warmers on her arms. She was also developing quite well for a girl her age; as she started develop two small mounds on her chest and a curvy like figure.

Given her appearance and development already, the girl was already a looker and it was obvious that she would develop further when she went into her teens. By which point when she turned eighteen, she would be a knockout and have to beat the boys back with a stick. But the thing that caught most people's attention was the blank expressionless look on her face, as if she had no emotions at all.

"Pardon our interruption, but Nene and Yoshiko wished to see you and the Konoha and Suna representatives. I tried, but could not persuade them from barging into the room and disrupting your meeting with them" spoke the girl in a polite yet emotionless tone, as she walked over to her sisters and Naruto, using words that most children her age would never use.

"That's quite alright, no real harm done" said Naruto kindly, as he panted the girl gently on the head, who remained completely expressionless.

"Excuse me Raikage-san, but who exactly are these girls?" asked Gaara, who like everyone else in the Suna and Konoha groups, was wondering who the three girls were and what their relationship to Naruto was.

"Oh yeah sorry about that…" said Naruto with a small smile, "…Hokage-san, Kazekage-san, everyone, allow me to introduce you to Nene (Green haired girl), Yoshiko (Pink haired girl) and Yami (Blonde haired girl)…my daughters."