
The Quest For A Cursed Diamond.

Shah Jahan built a special throne for himself. It took a craftsman named Syed Geelani and his team of artisans took some seven years to build this throne. Several kilos of gold was overlaid on this throne, it was decorated with many gems. Jewelers from all over the world used to come to see this throne. One of these was the Hortenso Borgia of the city of Venice.  Emperor Aurangzeb gave it to Borgia to enhance the luster of the diamond.  Borgia acted so clumsily that he broke the diamond piece by piece.  It was reduced to just 186 carats instead of 793 carats... Aurangzeb had in fact given the task of carving a diamond from a piece of Kohinoor to Borgia secretly and part of the same Kohinoor was mounted in the wall of Shah Jahan's prison, with the help of which he used to see the Taj Mahal and his beloved wife's soul.

Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · ホラー
40 Chs

The Final Meeting- 4

Tanveer and Arun reach the doctor's apartment and keep the coffin in a safe place where the doctor can not see it and then both inform the captain over the phone that tonight Dr. Zakir has made him his guest at his house. But he has been invited to stay. The captain understands everything, just tells them to reach London port on time the next day as the ship was about to leave again for India. Both assure the Captain that they will reach London Port on time tomorrow.

Amelia followed Dr Zakir in her car after he left the university. The doctor, completely unaware that someone was following him, went straight to his apartment with some special food items from the market for his guests. There Tanveer and Arun were already waiting for the doctor.

"It didn't hurt to get to London," asked the doctor, making a peg of wine from the bar in a corner of his apartment.

"No, there was no problem, we had gone on a foreign tour so we thought we should meet you too", Tanveer replied cautiously to the doctor.

"Come on, it's good, on this pretext, a little mind will be lost, how is Ammi", after expressing his opinion, the doctor asked Tanveer about his mother's health.

"Ammi's condition is already very good, now arrangements have been made to take care of her at the haveli itself, which has yielded very good results", Tanveer tells Dr. Zakir about his mother's health.

In this way a lot of time passed in the conversation and after having dinner again the three sat down by the fireplace to chat. Standing outside in a safe place, Amelia was watching and listening to the whole situation inside.

"Thak...thak...thak", the sound of someone's heavy footsteps attracts their attention.

"Who could this be in the upstairs room, koi aur bhi hai kya hai with both of you", the doctor asks Tanveer and Arun in surprise.

"Here we are, Commander Brad Shaw, meeting again after many years", the commander comes down the stairs from the top, his head in his hand and red light shining like embers from his eyes.

As the commander confronts Dr. Zakir, the doctor's face lit up with worry lines on his forehead and the doctor was trembling with fear.

Amelia standing outside was also shocked to see this scene from the window, she had covered her mouth with her hands so that she would not scream out of fear.

"Tanveer, just bring the guest outside", as the commander says so, all three look towards the window where Amelia was standing in fear upon seeing the commander. Arun brings Amelia inside the house without wasting any chance. Upon seeing Amelia, the Commander says, "The same face, the same charming beauty, the same depth of eyes in which you want to drown, how are you Amelia, recognize me", the Commander asks lovingly, caressing Amelia's cheeks. Is.

Amelia, who was terrified at the sight of the Commander's beheaded ghost on the one hand, began to feel lost at the touch of the Commander.

"But I don't recognize you, I've seen that coffin many times in my dreams, but I don't understand what's going on," Amelia said in surprise to the commander.

"No problem, my dear, we explain to you, you are having these dreams since the age of 14 because this is your second birth, just like our friends Tanveer and Arun, you spent your last life only waiting for us. , exactly 300 years ago", as Commander Amelia said, pointing a finger on her head. and he starts remembering everything, his head becomes heavy due to which his head starts hurting. After remembering everything, she sits on a sofa holding her head. The commander then looks at the doctor and says "You remember that night when you were going back after getting the treasure and once a halt was made on the way, it is the same day when the professor beheaded us in a was kept in the box, you were sure that we can still kill you, so you made aPlayed a trick with your fellow people, you averted your death by distributing the diamond of the treasure, not only this, the same night we took our head out of the cloth wallet and put it in the box so that we could kill the professor and your life would be saved , by this no one doubts you and your honesty is also maintained becauseThe diamonds you had distributed to everyone, we could have killed you even if we wanted, but we have seen your future that you will come to London and you will meet Amelia", says the commander looking at the doctor in the room and all the doctors start looking badly.

The Commander continues "It was us who had been giving Amelia the same dream since she turned 14 so that she could meet you in London, and when we arrived in London, she would without wasting one last visit from us." Well, we had told earlier that it is the planet Venus which is responsible for the game of memory. It is related to human beings, this earth on which we build our house and consider it as our manor is actually a huge clock which has two thorns man and woman, if the thorns of this clock get stuck at any time, then it is bound by that time. remain as we, who are neither alive nor dead, but still we waited so thatWhen the right time comes, we can reveal all the secrets, today the purpose of our life has been fulfilled, the love that we had left before our duty, the creator once again gave us the opportunity to have one last meeting with him and the doctor is yours. To pay off the debts of fellow people whom you deceived yourself in your own self, so come onGet ready", as soon as the commander attaches his head to the torso and a bright red light emerges, seeing which everyone closes his eyes, but perhaps the doctor's heart was too weak, so before the commander could do anything Due to panic, he suffers a heart attack and he collapses there.

Everyone is surprised to see this sight, then the commander looks at Tannu and says, "Today your mother must have been absolutely right and Urmila's father will also be free, now you can comfortably spend those diamonds," then The commander, looking at Amelia, extends his hand and takes her in his arms and says, "You are one of us. When we used to roam alone in the Himalaya mountains, we used to repeat it many times remembering you, we still remember when you expressed love by giving us a rose and made this poem by remembering the same moment-

After a long time,

Your story came in my mind...

Remembered your shyness,

On seeing me, you used to hide,

Lost in your love,

I used to get crazy to find...

Remembered your smile,

Which used to drag my sorrow very far,

In your love my love,

I spent many nights in counting stars...

When I groped in the shadow of my past moments,

Thought maybe I could remove my loneliness,

So I searched an old book with a restless heart,

As my heartbeat said,"Just from here to start"...

After turning few pages, I found a dried rose,

With dried petals which indicated you are close,

It may be dried but it really made me cried,

Showing true love also has many dark sides...

I remembered when we used to met,

With fear in our hearts and theft steps,

But still true love can't hide,

Our rumours were worldwide,

Brutal world stood like a wall ,

Which was huge and very tall ,

But no one knew when true love calls,

That huge brutal wall begins to fall...

After a long time,

Your story came in my mind,

Waking me up from the dead,

But you were left far behind.

The commander's eyes were also moist and at the same time salt water was pouring from the eyes of everyone present in that room, shortly after the commander flew away as ashes in Amelia's arms and as soon as she disappeared a 300 year old saga The end came to an end, a story that did not allow even death to dominate itself. Commander Brad Shaw Rowdy's name may not have been written in golden letters in the pages of history, but that alone helped in establishing the feet of British East India in India when the coin of the Mughal Sultanate was deposited here. Whenever Kohinoor is mentioned, Commander Brad Shaw will be the first person who pulled Kohinoor from under the nose of the Mughal Sultanate. On his way out, the commander fulfilled his promise to Tannu by killing Dr. Zakir and freeing the diamonds that Tanveer had. He had kept the secret of Amelia the most, if the commander had told this to everyone in advance, then perhaps Tanveer and Arun would never have helped him in coming to London. Amelia had spent only one birth waiting for the commander in London, now it was the duty of the commander to meet him one last time and remove the veil from all the secrets or else Amelia would have to spend the whole life in the same dream and darkness.

"Hey guys, your destination has arrived, we have reached London Port", Amelia said to Tanveer and Arun. She had come in her car to drop them both to London Port. Everyone gets out of the car. Tanveer and Arun shake hands with Amelia for the last time.

"Great to meet you guys, plus it's a pleasure to know that all three of us have history dating back three hundred years, I wish you a good journey to India", Amelia said to him one last time.

Arun and Tanveer took her farewell and boarded the ship which was just about to leave. From the deck of the ship, he shook his hand for the last time and said good bye to Amelia. Amelia also waved at them and then got into her car, where she took the diamond out of her purse and ran her thumb over it.

"So say goodbye to both of them", said the commander's spirit as he appeared in the car.

"Yes, both of them are gone and now everything has changed, now we are both one, your body took revenge on Dr. Zakir and got freed, but because of this cursed diamond you will be with me forever", Amelia said to the commander's spirit.

"Yes, now you are the owner of that diamond and we are your genie, so tell me what's the order my master... ha ha ha", the commander said to Amelia and both of them laughed out loud.

Someone has rightly said that the body perishes but the soul is immortal.




© ivanmaximusedwin