
The Quest For A Cursed Diamond.

Shah Jahan built a special throne for himself. It took a craftsman named Syed Geelani and his team of artisans took some seven years to build this throne. Several kilos of gold was overlaid on this throne, it was decorated with many gems. Jewelers from all over the world used to come to see this throne. One of these was the Hortenso Borgia of the city of Venice.  Emperor Aurangzeb gave it to Borgia to enhance the luster of the diamond.  Borgia acted so clumsily that he broke the diamond piece by piece.  It was reduced to just 186 carats instead of 793 carats... Aurangzeb had in fact given the task of carving a diamond from a piece of Kohinoor to Borgia secretly and part of the same Kohinoor was mounted in the wall of Shah Jahan's prison, with the help of which he used to see the Taj Mahal and his beloved wife's soul.

Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · ホラー
40 Chs

Commander In Action- 3

As the night passes, a fearful silence descends upon the ship.

There was darkness all around, only the ship's crew and a few guards were on duty, the captain had also gone to sleep.

The fog had also now camped in and around the ship, when suddenly an unknown shadow passes by the lobby, tearing through the eerie silence of the night, making a loud noise from its boot.

Tanveer's was awakened by the loud sound of his footsteps, Tanveer lying on his bed for some time listens to that voice.

Voice had now made a considerable distance from his cabin, Tanveer opens the door of his cabin.

Due to the large lobby of the ship, that unknown shadow had not yet been able to cross the lobby.

As soon as Tannu sights it , he starts chasing the shadow, the shadow was trying to cross the lobby with great speed, Tanveer was also following him swiftly.

That unknown shadow stopped at once, seeing this, Tanveer hid himself in the guise of the lobby, that unknown shadow looked back, it seemed as if even that shadow had suspected that someone was following him.

So he stayed there for some time.

Tanveer was watching all this hiding under the guise of the lobby.

After sometime, the unknown shadow starts walking back, Tanveer also follows him.

Tanveer was following the shadow very cautiously because that shadow was now suspecting that someone was following him.

That shadow began to move quickly so that he could get rid of Tanveer who was chasing him.

Tanveer was chasing that shadow and thinking that who could be this unknown shadow, whether Ajit is there but he is in bad health, the doctor had given him some medicines along with taking rest.

It was impossible for him to wake up so early because he had got fever, so who could this person be?

This was the only curiosity that had kept Tanveer's mind at home that after all, who is that unknown shadow, who, showing agility like a leopard, is crossing the lobby and descending the stairs.

Tanveer was walking in the dark when he suddenly realizes that someone is behind him too, but Tanveer did not want to let the unknown shadow disappear from his eyes.

That's why he did not stop moving forward, after a while before descending the stairs leading to the bottom of the corridor, he stopped once and looked back, Tanveer hurriedly hides taking advantage of the darkness, the unknown person who follows Tanveer also hides.

Now that unknown shadow was convinced that no one was following him, but it was his illusion.

Now he fearlessly started descending the stairs leading to the lower floor, Tanveer also started going down the stairs after him, the unknown person following Tanveer also jumped down the stairs.

Tanveer was now chasing the unknown shadow in the corridor of the lower floor, the unknown person following Tanveer reaches Tanveer running in unison.

It was none other than Arun, Tanveer could not even recognize him for a moment, but in the light of the dim light above, Tannu recognized Arun and signaled him to come with him.

Now the unknown shadow was standing in front of the luggage compartment door, he opened the door and started entering inside, Tanveer and Arun also followed him, He stopped near the coffin of the commander.

A bright red light was pouring out from the cracks of the coffin.

He was preparing to open the coffin, when Arun and Tanveer caught him from behind.

"Listen brother Tannu, just look at his face, who is this sir?" Arun said to Tanveer, holding his grip.

The light emanating from the commander's coffin was enough to see the face of that shadow, so Tanveer came forward and saw his face, the ground had slipped under Tanveer's feet when he saw that unknown shadow was none other than Captain Vikram Prajapati.

But he was not in his full senses. It seemed that someone has dragged him here, Tanveer and Arun take him outside the luggage compartment, the captain tries to escape but in front of the force of the young boys.

He can't run.

"Captain... Captain... Captain, take care of yourself," said Tanveer, pulling the captain.

Both of them were dragging him and taking him to the corridor, when suddenly the captain faints.

Tanveer and Arun take them to their cabin and make him lie down with great care.

"Let's be thankful no one saw us bringing him ," said Tanveer, looking at Arun.

"You don't think we should talk to the Commander once on this matter", said Arun angrily to Tanveer, then he continued.

"What does it mean", Tanveer also gets into thinking after listening to Arun's words and after some time says "I think you are absolutely right, one is we are taking such a big risk of doing such an act from above, what does it mean, let's find out from that", Tanveer signals Arun to follow him.

Tanveer and Arun take out the key to the coffin from their cabin and head straight to the luggage compartment.

Opening the commander's coffin, the commander stops four feet in the air, attaches his skull to the torso and after spreading a bright red light, tells him "In the name of the Queen, how much time has passed I can't see the outside world, I already know what you guys have come to ask, but what I could have done, that Ajit saw the red light burning through the cracks of the coffin one night, he told some people on the ship about it

In which he included the cook and the captain, not only this last night he showed the captain a red light coming out of the coffin, since then both of us were running with our mind, if we did not do this the whole game would have been spoiled ", Commander tried to assure both of them.

Tanveer did not agreed on this , he told the commander "But last night only Ajit came to both of us and was saying that he was giving information to both of us first, then today the whole day the captain didn't ask both of us about it", Tanveer objected a bit.

"Hey then he went after telling the whole story to you, last night only Ajit showed the captain that light was coming out of the coffin and then I had controlled the minds of both of them, two days ago He first told this to Banwari but he didn't believe it, he lied to both of you", the commander clarified his words, hearing which Tanveer and Arun understood the whole matter.

Then the commander said to them, "This is our last journey, so I request both of you not to tie the coffin with chains because any person on duty here at night can see it, I can protect myself better than humans, so don't worry, we will brainwash all those who have seen all this", said the Commander explaining to them both.

"What if someone came out of the coffin at night and every body saw it?" asked Arun with apprehension.

The commander looked at him and said, "Listen drunker, you don't know, but the weight of the tongue of Commander Brad Shaw was 300 years ago and even after 300 years of death, he once said that no one on this ship will know this and won't be able to find what is in the coffin, just lock the locks on the coffin, which I can open and close with my super natural power, because I could have broken the chain if I wanted, but then who would connect it, everyone would know and there could have been a chaos ", the commander reprimanded Arun and put his point in front of both of them, both agreed and Tanveer ran towards his cabin, to get the old two locks of the coffin from his luggage, he went to the commander's coffin.

The coffin was closed and he put lock on them.

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