
The beginning

when I was turning 13 I gave up my life for 6 years and came back to life at a fake age. I became 16 in a fake body being a doll obeying every order I was given. I didn't know I was even a doll cause I forgot after I seen and read about the truth about what happened to Satan and God. The truth behind it all had just started. she is going to tell you the truth in the life's she saved but she does lie to help us protect them from the evil God. it started once I asked him questions on what happened a while back and he barley answered me so I planned on getting the truth hiding myself by asking Satan to block my thoughts in a bubble. This is how started getting so many lovers. I kept forgiving people for everything. I never knew their was 2 guys kissing my first kiss in the same body. I asked mestiousius he was the Satan. I fell in love with her at the same time their was another guy. I gotten them at the same time. one the other guy was protecting me the whole time. his name was Patrick. he is from the pyminds and was looking for the next leader to get the power. he is a really sweet guy and very cool to meet too. mestiousius is another sweet guy too but hides his self cause he is shy but sometimes too bad ass. they shared a body without knowing they were in the same body. they both are my first lovers.
