
The Tournament. (Chapter 19)

I tie up my hair into a long pony and Attach my swords to my back making my way towards the front of the tent. Isla was nowhere to be seen. I think she may be at the surprise coronation. Ryan thinks that his coronation is tomorrow BUT me being the amazing sister that I am, had it moved to right after the tournament. Ryan will be an amazing King, better than father. This thought brought a smile to my face. Ryan will have to choose his queen at his coronation. I hope he chooses Isla. Because he must choose his queen, which was tradition so then the vultures have descended. All the fair maidens in the land have come to watch the tournament all just hoping to get into Ryan's pants. To sway him into choosing them. Fortunately He knew better. I see Drake and he locks eyes with me. He doesn't speak a word and his expression cold and ruthless. It spiked fear into me. I hadn't seen such a cold expression from a man in my entire life and as a warrior trust me, you see some messed up shit. He looked away and was hunched over a table. I walked over to him, and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Drake are you alright?" He aggressively shook off my hand and smashed the table with his fists causing the table to splinter and shatter due to his force. His eyes were lifeless, ice, With no emotion, almost as if it had been sucked out of him and replaced with pure anger.

"No..I'm not alright..." he gritted through his teeth. His low tone was animalistic causing me to take a step back. He stood up suddenly, and evil smile appeared on his face. "Who is your soulmate?" He asked not looking at me but clearly was camouflaged as rage. He turns to look at me, there was a deep pain I could see, his lips quivered but he quickly gathered himself.

"I'm not telling you." I say with confidence. He grinned maliciously licking his lips hungry for a fight. "Oh really.." he started walking towards me slowly but with vicious intent. I had no time to arm myself before he grabbed my pony pulling my head back whilst grabbing my waist close to him. He leaned down next to my ear, "well it wasn't me, so tell me my love...Who did you fuck?" He whispered kissing my neck. I was trapped unable to move. All I could think about was Damien. I wouldn't put him in danger. "Drake what are you doing stop! Get off me—" I felt his bitter hand travel down my shirt, touching and coarsely grabbing wherever he could. I tried to shout but he had stuffed a cloth in my whilst mouth pinning me to the floor. He removed his hand from my shirt. He was sick in the head. I now realised that. He needed help. This was not the Drake I knew. He slid his hand into my trousers, I clenched my thighs restricting his hand from going anywhere. He punched me in my rib, but I didn't falter. He punched me again and the pain was too overwhelming. He had access to my sacred area. I could feel his fingers ravaging inside me, there was no pleasure only pain as he went deep into me. He pulled out a knife from his boot and put it to my stomach. I could feel him going deeper and deeper causing me to shriek and tears forming in frustration. I was too overwhelmed by the pain down below that I didn't feel the knife pierce my skin. Only then I saw it. An pendant around his neck. I knew it wasn't him! He was under a spell!


He removed his hand. I took this opportunity to knee him and scramble to my feet. I spat the cloth out from my mouth and jumped on his back locking him with my legs. I quickly broke the pendant off of his neck and he fell to the floor and I rolled to the other side. A gust of air and a large flash emerged from the pendant as I smashed it against the wall. Ryan was knocked out hard. I went over to him and slapped him. He woke up.

"Karina...where are we?" Still disgusted I stomped in his ribs. He curled in pain. "What the fuck Karina!? What was that for?!"


"NO! Wait where are WE? What day is it?"

"It's tournament day.."

He looked shocked but more so confused.

"No it can't be, we were just dancing at your birthday. " he looks at me and then around seeing that we were in the tent. He was so confused eyes wide and jaw open.

"No no no noo. How is that possible."

"Oh my shadows..." I say. "I think I know Drake." I say looking at the pendant.

"What!?" Drake says arms open mouth wide.

"Drake you were under the 'Zorrik' spell, the spell of 'aggressive desire'. And I guess your desire is me." He looks down color in his cheeks. "The spell exemplified your want for me and made you aggressive whilst completing your task. Someone put it on this pendant and made you wear it." I chucked the pendant over to him. He caught it and looked for any trace of maker.

"That spell is difficult to conjure. Only a master of the arts could do that. And the Zorrik spell also makes you destroy your desire—" He said, but he looked at me in shock, regret and horror. "No.. did I....Karina I'm so sorry. Please! You must forgive me it wasn't me!" He shrieked and started tearing as he fell to the floor in tears. "I know Drake, I know." I said and he looked up at me his breath shaky. I smiled, but I was pissed. Someone just tried to murder me. And they used my best friend to do it. Now, they have crossed a big line and there is no way back.


Ryan has finished his speech and the tournament was about to begin. Drake was still feeling so guilty he stayed far away from me. I know it wasn't his fault but I did want some distance from him. I couldn't tell Damien, God knows he will kill him. And today was Ryan's big day, why spoil it? I'm up first.


As the night went on I became undefeated. Damien stood out so I could never miss him in his white armour. He dominated on the field. Impeccable fights he gave. I believe he was starting to win the the cold hearts of The people. Throughout the night me and Damien became undefeated. We became joint winners side by side. I was given the location of Tree Iqra. I was ecstatic beyond comprehension. The Tree Iqra was the oldest tree in Valtor. Said to have red Crystals for leaves and a black lake to feed its power. I was to take Damien with me. Tonight we would seal our bond.


Ryan was once again ushered to the podium. Father came out with a grand silver crown on a black pillow. Ryan knelt before Father and we began the chants. The crown was then placed on Ryan's head. It fitted like a glove. I was filled with joy.

"You knelt as a Prince, now you rise as a King. A Dark King of Valtor. ALL HAIL THE KING!" My father shouts as everyone repeats 'ALL HAIL THE KING.' Ryan had the biggest smile on his face as his journey to become king is now complete.

"I understand that now I must choose my queen." He looks down to me smiling and winking as I know who he will pick.

"I choose Isla Hafiz, she may accept or deny by the moon tomorrow." The crowd erupts in applause and I scream in happiness! Ryan comes off the stage and scoops me up into a large warm hug. He places a kiss on my forehead and I hug him tight genuinely so happy for him. I start tearing.

"I'm so happy Ryan. You both deserve the best in life. You should probably tell her the news." He smiles and looks down in absolute joy.

"I will, but now I think it's time for you and Damien to go to the Tree Iqra." He winks and I blush looking down so he doesn't see.

"Oh Karina. When will you learn? That as your big brother I know everything. I know Damien is your soulmate. Go. And enjoy. I have bought you all night." He winks again and releases me from our embrace. He walks along shaking hands with people congratulating him. I look around and lock eyes with Damien. It's time to go and seal our bond.

Quick Note:

Next chapter will have some explicit scenes so just a little heads up. Thank you hope you are all enjoying ‘The Queen Of Darkness.’ Please remember to comment and Rate the book as it really is useful information for me.

Thank you

Alzayn X

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