
The Queen Bee is Her Master [GL/BL]

( Mature Language/ Mature Themes) The term was simple "if you don't want me to make your life hell you have to do something for me " The agreement was easy"Okay " And the rule was real "from now on you will address me as Master" But there was a punishment" I want you to seduce my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. You're a Virgin right?" The answer was known "that's good you should be glad that I will teach you how to seduce " "Okay, Master... ------------------------###---------------------- A nerd has a crush on the Queen Bee A Queen Bee who's a little possessive of her possession And a punishment What could go wrong? ******* As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes bear with me.   This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or events is purely coincidence. Anyway if you do read this book then generally                     " THANK YOU!!" folks                                                 

35 Chs

Chapter — 9 [trials]

 'Just live in the moment till it last'


On a cold breeze, Saturday Seyong merrily walked toward the professor's cabin. Today the university is a little quiet because there are no students other than those who are helping the seniors and those who have their notes to finish. After Standing in front of the door, she taps two times and then waits 

"Come in." A demure voice order.

She twists the doorknob and goes inside, standing in the middle. "Sir?" 

The small faint request impelled Mr. Kelvin to stop his fountain pen and see the young girl whose hands nervously gripping her bag straps as her eyes set on the marble floor. He smiled, "Seyong, you completed your Assignment?" 

Seyong nods and takes her bag pulling the zipper. Seizing out a notebook neatly handwritten, she places it on Mr. Kelvin's desk where the other pills of assignments and essays are. her eyes graze the papers she could tell Mr. Kelvin was marking other students' papers 

He holds her notebook, eyes scanning through the first pages. "Hmm impressive, " the professor mumbled. "But...Seyong, why did you submit your assignment late?" He asked. Knowing how the young girl is crucial for her studies. 

"I'm sorry sir I was helping the other students" Seyong uttered .how can she tell her professor that because of the extra piano lessons the Queen Bee had giving for the past few days she couldn't avail to do her assignments not only assignments but she didn't even go to the library, 

Since she can't protest but accept her fate so she just submits her time for The Queen Bee's lesson and now due to it she can play the piano excellently. Certainly, the elder makes sure she won't feel uneasy around her presence. Not until she wants it. 

"Okay, well now you submit it, " Mr. Kelvin said as he placed it with the other papers. "Did you give your name for the Event?" 

Seyong gulped she had to lie. "Sir I wanted to but I forgot and now I don't think they would take another name." 

His brows knitted he knew this would happen. He also knows the young girl is lying but he didn't show any bitterness. "Seyong, " softly called her. "Is there anyone who doesn't like it when you perform?" He implores

Seyong's eyes went wide. She shakes her head "n…no sir. " 

The professor sighs and rests his hands above his desk. "You know Seyong when life gives you a chance you shouldn't hesitate to take it cause you never know what will happen… " His eyes meet Seyong. "Don't let yourself regret your decisions. Even if you don't succeed, at least you would feel proud because you gave your hundred percent." 

'Decisions? Only if I have the right to rule my life '

Seyong chuckled to herself. "Yes, sir I will". maybe one day.

"You can go now. And yes I would still say to sign your name for the talent event. " 

"Okay, sir. " 

Leaving the professor's cabin, Seyong passes the aisles. The cold wind blows gently brushing through her cheeks. Fortunately, as a result of the downpour of last night, today's weather is way more optimistic. 

But even though today's weather is good there is a question in her mind: would the Queen Bee give her a lesson today? She wished the Queen Bee would. At Least she Just shows up. That would be a blessing to her. However, she knows the Queen Bee must be busy with the monitors so the chances of both of them meeting each other are zero. 

Getting on the same second edifice on the third floor. She enters the Library. 'Now let's gain some knowledge. '

Thereupon at the Dance class where everyone is wearing their casual clothes, Lucy is giving a tough time to Sana. " Come on, Aihara jump! You have to trust your teammates!" She yelled.

The steps were simple where Lucy would hold Sana as she  Lunge her body. Danny and Zendeya Martinez or Deya the other member would be beside them by any chance if Lucy falls to catch her  but for the fifteen times, she failed 

Danny rolls her eyes, the others are getting used to this but Sana the new girl is having a hard time conceding this new side of  Lucy. She didn't expect the cheerful girl to be the leader. Yet she admits Lucy can be scary when it comes to teaching especially when it comes to dancing

"Oh come on Hwang you're being an ass now! She is tired, let her breathe for a sec," Sana stared at Danny who is protesting for her. "Perhaps let us breathe, we are tired!"   Or protesting for herself

Lucy inlet a deep breath glancing her sights at the other members, they are tired. "Okay guys let's take a break, " everyone cheered. "but only for five minutes, " 

"Oh, come ON!" Danny groan with others at Lucy yet she chuckled and go to Sana who was sitting on a chair drinking water

"Sana?" Lucy called her name gently the firm voice was replaced now with the soft cheerful one 

Sana peeks at her side to meet Lucy's guilty eyes.  "Yes, Leader?" She teased 

Lucy rolls her eyes, moving her to sit in front of Sana. She sits down. "I'm sorry if you feel this too much ..." Looking down at her fingers she continues. "I just don't want to mess this up. " 

Well, Sana didn't expect this explanation or an apology. The honesty in Lucy's words makes her realize this performance is more important to Lucy than her. "Hey, " Placing her hands over the leader, she stops her from explaining anything else. " I'm sorry that I can't But  I don't mind trying again." 

"You don't? " Lucy inquires looking at Sana's deo eyes 

"Nope!" Standing up she holds Lucy's hand. "Come On Teach Me, Leader. " 

"Hey! You two LOVE Birds!! " Danny sneered at them, making both pairs laugh with the other members.   "Damm the only thing missing is a Proposal ring, " but the next words make Lucy dumbfounded 'What !?' Her eyes glimpse at Sana seeking any response that she gets as Sana snatches her hand away

Coughing a little, Sana laughs. "w-Well, let's practice!" 

Everyone takes their position, and a song is played in the background. "Relax Sana, close your eyes and jump, "   Lucy ordered. "I- we won't let you hurt your butt," she assured 

Sana sighs her back facing Lucy ' My back would be worse after this. If I fall' 

"Yo! Aihara?" Zendeya called for her 





Lucy did what she was persuaded to. Clutching Sana's body close to her she didn't let her fall. Nevertheless, Sana sensed a thumping sound. Lucy's heart. she could feel the leader's breasts udder mashing against her back, the warm heavy breaths of the leader contacting her left ear. She blushed as the relaxed cold surroundings of the dance class became too hot to breathe in.

The fascination of seeing Lucy's face couldn't be held back, peeking over her shoulder their eyes greeted each other. "y..y-You d-did it"   whispered the leader. hands are still clenching Sana's bottom   making it impossible for her to get out of the grip

" you can let go now, " Sana gasps 'this is too much

"Yeah," Lucy borrows her hands back. Her hands are...shaking.

"Well. Well. What do we have here "The wheezing timber-like voice  makes them look at the entrance 

" Britney."  Danny and Zendeya mutter together. 

Britney Garcia is the person who is supposed to be the leader of Danny's group but Ariana didn't let her. Ms. Kim, the dance teacher's assistant was Ariana. She chooses Hwang Lucy for the leader place instead of Britney. Ariana sure isn't fond of  Hwang but she knows how vital dance is for her, she has seen the efforts Lucy put into her dance. Thus, some of the students think Ariana only chose Lucy over Britney because she tried to flirt with Jea Youn when they were together. But it was just for one day

And because of this, the performance is way more important for Lucy. At last, she is leading only cause of her skill, not cause of Ariana 

"What are you doing here Britney?" Lucy asks. Her domineer has changed 

With a Tsk of her tongue, Britney enters the dance class clicking her heels on the wooden floor and a few other students follow her. "Just wanted to tell you. your time has almost finished..." Standing in front of Lucy she smirked, "Get out...losers". The other fellow students laugh 

" Ahmm, but the far I remember we still have 30 minutes," Sana explained middling between the pairs .her back face Lucy

" And who are you?" Scanning the new student from head to toe Britney's brows frown. "New admission?." 

"Well it's none of your business Garcia,"  Danny asserted beside Lucy 

"You heard her. We still have 30 minutes" Zendeya said 

" Get your butt out of here losers!" Someone yells from Danny's team. The others chuckle 

Lucy let out a soft giggle. " See we have 30 minutes so, '' Pushing Sana a little. Taking one step closer to Britney She demanded. "Get. out. " 

Brittney scoffs. "Fine Hwang, just 30 minutes. Come on guys, " She left with her followers 

"We have to win this event. " Danny murmured eyes firing daggers at Britney's back 

"We will," Lucy assured her. Looking behind her teammates. " So ready for the next steps!" She clapped her hands 

" We are born ready!" 

Yonder at the theatre hall backstage one thing Jo knows for sure. 'Never tempt  Kim Yeri's tolerance '. Since Jo was behaving less senior than a 5-year-old kid bothering the others mostly the girls so Kim Yeri... well… "Park Soo-Ji go help, Noah! Don't make me Tie you Up here!!" She shrieked 

Jo pouted. "But Mo-...I mean Yeri!" She whines at her friend who narrowed her eyes 

"It's not going to work. Go help, Noah." 

Getting scolded by her friend Jo walked toward the other boys' monitors. Where Ariana is analyzing the list of the student who gave their name for the Talent event 

"So Ari, why did you ask me to bring the list again?" Noah Cooper also known as  Noah asked his friend. He and Ariana, and Ariana's group know each other since high school 

"It's nothing just curious how many students give their name for the event, " Ariana said writing something on the list and then giving it back to Noah 

"Hmm, that's suspicious, "  Noah taps his index finger over his peach tint lips. His dark brown eyes glanced at the list and attempted to find what his friend had just written. but his sights peek at Jo who was coming on their way. His lips lit up leaving the list behind at the table. "What Happened to my poor baby? " He inquires. Patting Jo's head. "Did Mommy scold you, " He teased 

Jo rolls her eyes and whacked her friend's arm, Showing him her middle finger

"Oh, baby mines are way bigger than that. " He smirked

"Well, this little thing can show anyone stars don't test it. " Jo answers 

Noah laughs, raising his hands. " No thanks I would prefer My boyfriend but..." His eyes look behind Jo. "Why don't you use them on your Mommy? Bet she would love to see stars" 

Both Ariana and Jo glance in the direction where Noah was looking. It was Kim Yeri. Jo glared back at Noah. "You!! " she jogged to grab him but Ariana hold her shoulders 

"Noah I think you should look at your boyfriend first " Ariana hint

"Huh?" Noah peeks at his boyfriend. Enrik, who was on a ladder. helping the boys with some arrangements. Not to mention today Enrik was wearing his collarless polo black shirt, tightening around his muscles, and his tainted pale skin was blazing. His natural silver hair was pulled back in a top knot making his heart-shaped face more stunning. 

At first, Noah couldn't get what Ariana was referring to, then his gaze trails to the first course girls. They were drooling over his 6ft man!

"Aha! Better save your boyfriend's ass Cooper those girls are eye-raping him " Jo  chuckled

"Fucking Hell! " Noah cus angrily stormed toward his boyfriend. Standing aside from the ladder  " Baby!" He whined pursuing his lips together. 

The other girl frowned 'Did he call him BABY!' 

Enrik looks down to meet his pouting boyfriend. His ocean eyes meet  with Noah's dark brown ones "Yes?" His deep cold voice could make anyone shiver in fear though Noah worships it 

"I wanna help too," Noah said 

"Eh?" Enrik lifts a brow. One thing that Noah loves most; Enrik doesn't talk much. Maybe that's why they are a perfect match. One who talks, and the other one who always listens. 

"Please" This pleading tone makes the other boys monitor to look at them. They look at Noah who's giving his puppy eyes to Mr. Cold's face and then staring at Enrik. who indeed felt glares for his friends. 

Whirling his sights, Enrik sighs. Getting down the ladder he mumbled. "Okay " 

Noah blamed. "Yeah!". Cheerily he started to climb the ladder but he stumbled upon his fit.  

Yet he didn't fall since Enrik quickened, carefully holding him. " Be careful," 

Noah opened his eyes and put one of his hands over his boyfriend's neck to bring him close, reaching his ear. "Thank you, " he flirted. His eyes drift towards the girls. sticking his tongue out He smiled in victory seeing their jaw-dropping faces,  'Mine' 

"He did it on purpose. didn't he ?" Jo asked about what they just witnessed of 

"He did. Ariana rolls her eyes 'Don't understand why people are so whipped in love.'

"Excuse me, Ariana? " 

Ariana and Jo look behind to greet a girl who was wearing her uniform. A first-course student. 

Jo frowned 'Oh God did she just call her by her name ' she peed at Ariana who was smirking  ' This is not good!'


One thing about The Queen Bee, she doesn't like when someone calls her by her name. Only two people at the University have the right to call her by her name; her friends, and professors. And this girl dared to greet her by her name.

"And who the hell are you? " Ariana asks, her voice controllable. Her Queen Bee side is back.  

The girl frowned clearly confused why everyone was staring at her. " I'm Li Wei " 

Ariana hums and takes a step closer to Li Wei. Her hazel almond eyes pierced the younger, making her step back. " Are we known to each other" Li Wei shakes her head 

"Verbal words, " Ariana's forceful tone makes her jerk in fear 

Li Wei swallowed.  "n-n-No...' 

"Did I say you could call me by name then !" Ariana bellowed

Jo and The others stare in their direction  'Poor girl '. She can't get in the middle even if she wanted to help cause angry Ariana can be worse. 

Li Wei glances at Ariana. "N-no m..miss". Her voice quaver 

The Queen Bee sneered, strolling in front of the younger she held her hand out. "You have something for me. Give it"

Hurriedly Li Wei gave the Catalogue that she organized so it will be easier for others to know what performance would happen at the event.  

"Very good job, " Ariana acclaimed as her sights examined the pamphlets. Her voice was sweet.

Li Wei smiles. "Really?" 

"Yes, here give it to Noah. He will  arrange everything for you" 

"T-thank you" 

Placing one hand over Li Wei's shoulder "Don't mention it". Li Wei nods and walked toward the other Monitors

" Jo. I'm going now you guys can eat lunch without me and don't forget about Danny she's at the dance class" 

"And where are you going?" Jo asks crossing her arms 

"I have some important work " 

"You know you could have just been a little soft for that girl. You scared the shit out of her " 

Ariana gave her a look " I think you need to start worrying about your shit first" 

Jo's brows are knitted "Huh?" She glimpses at the place where Ariana was Looking. Surely, Jo needs to be worried because Kim Yeri was coming in her direction and she is not happy ' helping Noah!'. "Ari help..?' Jo gazed around to find her friend; however, it was too late. Ariana already left the theatre hall 'Well, fuck now!' 

" Jo, didn't I tell you to help Noah?" 

"Ha, you did. But Mommy..' She placed her hand over her mouth yet it was no use now. Truthful phases have already left.

Yeri is furious.  " Did you just call me that, Again!!" 

Jo takes a step back "Call you what?Mommy?" 

"Jo," Yeri warn 

Now that makes Jo smirk although she is petrified. Still, the bitterness and the sexist attitude give rise to the query of how far would Kim Yeri go."Fine, I won't call you.....MOMMY!!'' She screamed and runs outside the hall

" You little son of...

She didn't hear what Yeri swore. She was too busy saving herself because Yeri found her today. She will probably tear her alive 

'Hopefully, I survived!'