
The Psycho Scientist With The Killer Widow.

A rich billionaire scientist of America named Cris, tortured his wife most of the time. His wife's name was Marry. After some years of their marriage his wife ran away from the house. The house of the scientist was full of hightech. After running away his wife went to her father's house. She was happy there. One night while she was sleeping, her blanket automatically got off from her body. Then she saw an invisible thing was holding her blanket. By seeing that she got senseless. Then after some time she woke up and saw everyone in her house was killed including her father, mother And her sister. Then she turned on the CCTV camera to see what happened last night, then she saw that something invisible killed her whole family. She thought that it was ghost. But after a while that invisible thing took a knife and went close to Mary, the knife was visible, so she could see that. Then Marry got scared and screamed for help but it was night, so nobody could help her. Out of fear she ran to her storeroom and took white liquid paint in a bottle. Then when the invisible thing came closer to kill her she threw the white paint towards the invisible thing. After that the invisible thing was visible. She saw that it was a human body. She got frightened and went to her husband's house by a car which was beside her. Entering in the house she saw that no-one was there in the house. She went to his lab, there she saw a machine that can make an invisible suit. Then she understood what was actually happening. With the help of that machine she made another invisible suit for her. After making the suit she wore that and waited for cris to come back home. When Cris came back home he took off his invisible suit and sat on a sofa, at that time marry comes and killed him by cutting his head.

After that Marry destroyed the house by burning it and started to live like an open Queen.....
