
The Protagonist .

What if you got the power to do whatever you want. There is nothing that you can't do. How exciting your life will be. And how long it will remain exciting..........' will you able to enjoy anything, find love in small things or even feel anything, here's what a godlike entity decided to do to find some enjoyment in it's life.

Unnamed_God · ファンタジー
3 Chs


My name is Alex. I'm a normal 16-year-old, attending high school. Not exactly thrilled with my life as it's rather dull, but I manage quite well. I hold the position of student body president, excelling both in studies and sports.




| NAME | Alex Sterling |


| AGE | 16 |





| 1. LEADERSHIP (C-) |

| - Exhibits adept leadership qualities as a captain. |

| - Skill progression hindered by occasional gaps in |

| comprehensive subject knowledge. |

| |


| - Displays an insatiable appetite for knowledge. |

| - Skill refinement aligned with extensive exploration |

| across diverse dimensions. |

| |


| - Adheres to a disciplined fitness regimen. |

| - Achieves optimal physical outcomes through consistent |

| and dedicated effort. |



I can see this incorporeal window too. The world has been this way for some time now. It all started when writers introduced something called a "system" into their writing, and one day it became reality. Everything turned upside down, and people were frightened. Nerds thought it was their time to shine, and the government speculated about dungeons being unleashed. It all ended up being a prank, merely showcasing our strengths and providing basic information. This system doesn't really contribute much, except for normal tasks like calling and texting. No games or apps, disappointing many, especially nerds. The government was relieved, but it's the typical scenario where the government ends up on the losing side. However, it's a silver lining that the system doesn't rely on Earth's technology; scientists believe it's a feat of far-advanced technology.

One thing is clear: the system wasn't created by someone from our planet. It offers the best communication technology, allowing thoughts to be sent directly to another person's mind, reducing noise pollution. But don't worry; there's a catch. You can't voicemail someone within a 50-meter radius for more than 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 1 minute in between. That's the world; now let's return to me.

So, I'm off to a completely normal school. I have very few friends, or let's just say, none, as I can only manage formal relations. Establishing casual friendships is something I've witnessed but never successfully done. A girlfriend is beyond my reach. But as I mentioned, I'm surviving quite well. Teachers praise me, my parents are content with a son like me, and my relatives envy me – pretty good, isn't it? Well, it was until my life took a complete turn after being transmigrated into another world, courtesy of a chance meeting with the legendary truck-kun.

How I died doesn't matter; what matters is I'm alive now, well, somewhat alive. Okay, for the sake of the story, let me explain how I died. I was calmly heading to school when a girl from my class waved at me. We aren't friends; she's just very social, and I have a handsome face with a good build. Seeing me going to school, she decided to go together. It wouldn't have been a big deal for a casual student, but I'm an introvert and gyno phobic. The moment she looked at me, my mind went blank. Because she was calling, I mindlessly started crossing the road to her side. The last thing I remember is that the girl was shouting something, pointing in some direction, and yeah, she was upside down too.

So, I died and woke up, not from a dream, but in a strange white hall. I knew where this was going. {You are right}, someone said. I looked in the direction of the voice, expecting a goddess to instruct me to save another world. The voice was masculine, but that didn't matter – male gods work too. {Well, sorry to burst your bubble; I'm not a god}. A guy with Asian face, black hair, sharp eyes, and rather simple clothes was sitting comfortably on a sofa. I asked, "Who are you?" He didn't reply or even look at me. Considering how he was answering everything in my mind a minute ago, he annoyingly remained silent. {I'm not being annoying; it's just that you aren't the only guest. I'm receiving, and I'm Eunnyait}. Reading my thoughts wasn't new, but this time, the other party was doing it without me conveying them. {I brought your soul here without a complete memory reset and supposedly will give you another chance to live and you are surprised about the fact that I can read your thoughts?} He seemed a bit disappointed, but in this bizarre situation, for which I wasn't prepared for, I was a little nervous. But I was very interested in knowing this man's identity.

{That's something you have to find on your own. But let's talk about the main business now, for what I have saved your soul. And this time, 'talk.'} I had many questions I wanted answers to, but what was most important now? What should I ask – 'where are we,' 'his identity,' 'why he saved me,' 'what power he used to save me,' 'did he create the system,' or "what price do I have to pay for this second chance?" He smirked at my question. {Guess you got hold of yourself now. The answer to your question is entertainment} "Entertainment?" {Yes, don't you understand me? Didn't you also feel it, how boring this world is? It's the same for me – very boring. At least you people don't know what's going to happen; that's not the case for me. It's like watching a movie that you know every part in detail. It's not exciting at all. So, be my entertainment, and II could relate to him, but was he seriously asking me to be his doll for entertainment? {You know, Alex, being the source of someone's entertainment is vastly underrated. Trust me; I've seen it all – galaxies colliding, supernovas exploding – and yet, there's nothing quite like the drama of human existence. It's like a soap opera with occasional plot twists, and here you were, thinking your life was just dull. Now, you get to be the star of your very own cosmic sitcom. I'm offering you a front-row seat to the most unpredictable show in the multiverse. Just think of it as a reality show without the annoying commercials}

"How can my life be any entertainment to you on such a boring planet as Earth?" Honestly speaking, I'm turning his proposal down. I'm a bored guy, and now I'm dead. The end of a boring story – and if it's just a second chance then why would I want to go back to my boring life? He is just doing it for his own entertainment. What's this nonsense of me understanding him when he doesn't understand me?

{Who said I don't? I understand you, and your life won't be boring anymore. Well, on the contrary, your life will be one of the most exciting in this dimension – that is if you could keep yourself sane. Because it's no fun if there isn't the fear of death, or life??} "I will assume that you will make my life exciting, but what's the point of excitement if I'm constantly under the threat of death? I don't want any excitement if I can die anytime."

As a kid, I always wanted to be an adventurer. High mountains, expansive grasslands – I yearned to be an adventurer, just like the main character in my favourite cartoon show. I envisioned going on epic quests with my friends, battling monsters that threatened the innocent, and rescuing damsels in distress. Main character's every victory was source of my happiness and excitement, every time he saved somebody, I felt I am there with him, battling beside him and when he would take down demon king's minion, I'd proudly shout, "I am the great adventurer, Alexandra!", just like him. My eyes gleaming with excitement. But it was just a child's dream because reality is after all, often disappointing. My parents were strict and traditional, dropped me into this rat race of the modern world. Good grades, the manners of wealthy families, and their ostentatious displays. The adventurous dreams were tucked away, replaced by the mundane routine of societal expectations. Maybe accepting his proposal won't be such a bad idea. My life, as I knew it, ended just a while ago. Whatever comes my way now is a bonus, so let's treat it like one and enjoy it. The mountains may be different, the grasslands otherworldly, but the essence of adventure remains. And this time, I'm not letting it slip away but call me greedy, but I'm taking some insurance if I am going to some messed-up world.

{Good decision, Alex! Now off you go, and I hope you become the great adventurer you've always dreamt of. Don't forget the beautiful damsels; I'm a sucker for a good romance story. And hey, don't worry too much about dying. After all, if you kick the bucket, why not just start living again?} What did he mean by that? {Regression}.