
The Prophesied Outcasts: Fall of the Seven

This story is a strange one, so listen close. Titanis, a not so average, angel boy, lives day to day just like you or me. Turns out life is quite hard without a father figure, but it only gets worse. One day, on his way home, Titanis is ambushed and captured by Satan. In the deepest pits of Hell, Titanis learns that both angels and demons are not as they seem. So Join me won't you. For the thrilling tale of Titanis Angelus

OutcastKing · アクション
20 Chs

 Eat Some More Drink Some More.

Chapter XV

 Eat Some More Drink Some More.

 I flew up to the window and fell backwards, the air was cold and wonderful; many little bits of crystalized snow pelting my face as I fell. Just before landing in the shimmering snow below I unfurled my wings and blasted forward.

My next destination is The Hive Hills. While I flew, I looked down as cheers roared out from the demons below me; I decided to give them a visit. The ground beneath me was slick and golden, the demons all small and chubby; there were around seven of them.

"Are you guys hive demons?" The small demons began to speak in unison,

"Have a treat, a gift from Beezlebub herself." The little demons held out a huge, yellow honeycomb shaped box. I grabbed the box and opened it; the box was filled to the brim with little honey encrusted chocolates! Each chocolate had a letter written on it, the letters relayed a message:

"You're invited to the Hive Hills party house. Time: 7:30. Follow the honey."

"What hunny?" I looked up from the box and the little demons were gone in their place, a thick trail of honey, "Oh, that honey." I grabbed a candy from the box, it was sticky, I threw it in my mouth and was amazed by the incredible flavor; it tasted like absolute ambrosia, it sent a tingle through my stomach. After filling my mouth and my bag with candies I unfurled my wings and began to fly along the trail. The time was three- thirty, if I was gonna make it I'd have to hurry.

As day turned to night I saw the Hives in the distance light up and change colors. I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet and the sound of bass off in the distance, strangely the music made my blood pump and my head bang, this was a welcome break from the classical music of heaven.

The more wild the song, the faster I flew; the pure adrenaline was like ecstasy. It was six-thirty and I stopped by a small river along the trail. I couldn't tell what it was due to the constant change of light; nevertheless, I bent down and grabbed a handful. The water was… sticky?

I took a sip and quickly found out that the water tasted the same as the coating around the candies; it tasted a little different, I felt dizzy for a moment until being snapped out of it by the ringing of Belphegor's clock. I looked back towards the tower and saw that the time was around seven-fifteen P.M.

I jumped up and began to fly as fast as possible, as I reached the doors to the main hive, the music stopped... Pushing open the doors, the crowd began to separate from the center revealing Beezlebub , she was sitting in the center of the room atop a throne of speakers surrounded by a neon dance floor.

Her skin was a slick, black carapace, rumors suggest that her carapace is almost as tough as hell-burdened steel. Her eyes were horrifying; they spread across her face in a sinister pattern. Unlike human or angel eyes, her eyes each glew a different color every few seconds; yellow, green, red, blue, purple, and pink. She had the legs of a spider, long and many. Her mouth was like that of a wasp. Unlike rumors suggest, she was incredibly skinny for the queen of gluttony.

"Sup kid! Welcome to your first official Hiveills party, enjoy your time here. Eat, Drink, indulge yourself in the life of the party."

"If that's the case, then… What are we waiting for!? Start the music!"

"I like you already." Beezlebub gave a swift snap of her fingers and the floor began to rumble as the music slowly built up into a raging banger. I danced around for a while, dazzling many of the gluttony demons with my moves, turns out, dancing is pretty easy when your joints can go full three-sixties. 

After a while, Beezlebub walked up behind me and we began dancing in sync. That's when Beelzebub started to pull out some crazy dance moves.

"Are you challenging me?"

"Depends… Are you gonna accept?"

"You bet your ass I will… DANCE FIGHT!!!" Everything from that point on was a straight blurr. All I remember is having one too many drinks and waking up on the roof of the hive with Beezlebub sitting next to me wearing a red snuggie.