
The Prophecy of the Child

What would you do if you saw a dog like creature in front of you once you opened your eyes, what if it shows you a world that only you can enter, and many things waiting to be discovered? Join our Zhi Lao with her guardian Xi Lie on her way of being the most respected and feared person in the whole world while also avoiding the so called 'prophecy'.

jhan08 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The child

20 years later

There is a village that is surrounded by mountains. And within that village there lay a child inside an abandoned house with trees and other vegetation surrounding it. The child looks like an eleven years old, skinny and wears ragged clothes but that doesn't hide the fact that the child is a beauty. She look like that she is sleeping but the truth is that she is thinking about ways on how she will earn money to eat.

She then decided to go outside to find food, but when we opened her eyes, what she saw almost shocked her, because there is a large animal near the door and it looked like it was guarding the door, it seems like sleeping. So she decided to just sneak past the animal. But when the animal had heard the young girl move it suddenly raised it's head which shocked the girl again.

The large animal has a shiny coat, it's eyes are deep red, and it's almost 5 feet tall. It frighten the young girl because it is towering her and that its eyes made it look like it'll kill her if she moved a single inch from her place.

It moved towards the girl in a slow but elegant, defined and prideful manner. It scared the girl to the core, when the large animal was near her, it rubbed itself on her, looking like a docile animal and when she saw what the animal did she finally move her hand to the animal's head petting it, she then felt the soft cloud like fur it had. She was amazed by it, because who wont be amazed when they felt its fur.

But then suddenly she heard someone talked asking her name, she looked around her and she saw no one around her, she heard the voice again asking if she can talk or not, she listened carefully and heard the direction of the voice towards the large animal she was petting. She was then startled. She suddenly stopped petting it. And she went stiff while absorbing the new thing she dicoverd.

The animal looked at her and asked her again what is her name is, she softly answered "Zhi Lao", the animal couldn't hear her and asked her again this time her answer was much more louder "Zhi Lao".

The animal then said "Well Zhi Lao I'm Xi Lie nice to meet you."