
Chapter 1 who am i

I never would of guessed that something like this would happen to me.... my life was normal I didn't think anything like this would happen but it did...

my name is Tsuki Kasonora I'm 15 the day went like normal school was done so I walked home but then it happened! a sword came flying down from the sky out of nowhere I touched it but nothing happened but then it happened I was sucked into what I can only describe as the beginning of everything there was nothing pitch black but then he appeared Helios in his golden carriage he said who are you how did u come here I said I don't know I touched a swo-- u t- touched it impossible anyone who touches harpie dies they burn combust how could this happen who are you I i- am Tsuki Kasonora well if you've touched the sword than it sticks with the user and then as weird as it was he stabbed me with it I screamed in pain and asked him why he said so its power remains in you this is a blank space if you get hurt nothing happened to you in real life I Grant you my power why because I feel as if we've met before it's probably a lie but your special I Grant you Harpie and the powers of the sun but u must not tell anybody or I'll be forced to erase your memory and existence I'm sorry but this is between u and me if you need anything say the name of the sword and my power will appear and you'll be transported here you have to want to go to me if not then you access the sword we will train when it's nescesary it's not right now but in the future we will. now go he taps my head suddenly my head turns hot now it's my body what is this feeling it's as if all the good and bad things in my life bear before me wait I feel something yes over there behind me what is it I step closer it looks like a black hole what's that ball I touch it ahhhhhhh I scream in agony this is the worst feeling I ever seen but Helios talks he tells me to calm down and breath then just than my body moved on its own it forced me to meditate knowing I couldn't stop it I abided what's this i feel power what is it through my chest my legs my head I feel like all my senses have enhanced +100 he says this is my power but this ain't all when you need it the most I will grant you it and then I was sucked out in my bed as if I was sleeping but then there was blood from the stab though he said it wouldn't hurt me in real life if you don't trust me it will appear I wash up and take a shower 12:pm already well guess I go to bed I got school after all.
