

The sun rising from the east marking the new day has come. now early in the morning inside the house, house a boy not older than two years could be seen lying in the bed with perspiration non-stop coming from his forehead. his face was pale and his eyes were closed with eyebrows tightly wrinkled.

the more time he sleeps the more pain he feels. then a large shot of pain went through his brain again as he could feel his brain splitting in two. after some times he abruptly opens his eyes like a zombie coming to life. he came to his senses. but seeing an unknown ceiling making his wary of the surrounding.

confused with vigilant mixed can be seen clearly from his face. after ascertaining his surrounding he knows, he is inside of plain room made a wooden wall with furniture like a rough made wooden chair, table, cupboard. not only that besides his bed there is a wooden toy sword leaning against the wall.

Another shot of pain went through his brain, this time some amount of memories come to his mind like being pounded by a thick book. not only that with this pain he can feel his brain creating another 'room' where a whole different set of thoughts were being processed. Once again, he came to his senses and realised he could accelerate his thoughts to twice the speed than normal. Partitioning and accelerating his thoughts he tried to understand the situation he was currently in and realised he could accelerate his thoughts to twice the speed than normal.

After a moment of clarity, he can remember all the memories this body had. he was a two-year-old kid who lives with his father alone without mother. his mother was long gone after he was being birthed. his father was Gatekeeper of this white peaks village that named after a mountainous area near the village with the highest mountain have a snow-white peak. he doesn't have much information outside that because still young and this child different with other children around because he likes to train a lot alone or with his father. after living with no mother this child become mature enough thinking to help his father for any housework like cleaning house not only that he likes to forage food around the forest for he and his father dinner.

he cants help his father with cooking or prepares food like cutting vegetables because of the still little. he can only help his father with some foraging food although his father tried to forbid him he still insists to help him. because of that, he likes forage food every day when the sun high after his training with the sword.

he thinks this child was an odd child that live a peaceful village that every villager live peacefully, many children in his village like to play with each other on the shallow river near the village in the west or playing on the wheat field outside the village gate. why would he don't play with other children around is odd and he likes to train is more confusing for me. with no answer come from his mind from remembering his memories. he just forgets all of that and tried to remember why this child died.

after some time remembering he was surprised because this child is him and he is the child itself it's like he remembers the past life that is him. he can past-life persona brought back because he comes to some bizarre stone. when he was foraging food outside the village he comes to see a stone with a transparent layer. thinking that is some kind of gem he just took it with his hand. but when he touches it with his hand he feels power rushing comes from the stone entering his body like rushing tides of the river with no way to stop. when the power comes rushing he can feel his body crushed and reformed not only that the stone flying to his head and his mind blacking out after that.

'i think after that father

he can feel some kind of mysterious power coursing through his body like river circulating his body but the feeling is faint. not long after that his stomach grumbled warning him about an empty stomach.

'yeah after this mind jumbling absurd thing I need some food now'

after he gets up from his bed he goes to the dining + cooking room. in the table, there are many sandwich-like foods were served near cold-like temperature. he was surprised because how come his father knows he will wake up after long sleep. he was curious but his feeling of hunger comes first so he just sits and starts eating his food. it has been long since his father goes to the village gate now with how high the sun now.

after taking all the food to his fullest he washes the utensil behind his house with water from the well. like usual and after that he takes the laundry from the house and starts clean the laundry with some kind of fruit juice that can clean off some dirt and give an aromatic smell. this fruit he got from the forest was usually used by the villager for this kind job. because the fruit has acidic taste this kind of fruit can be consumed but usually used as some kind of soap for laundry or soap for bathing. after some laundry and take some bath. he takes some clean clothes and goes to the forest as usual. he just goes like usual amidst villager who comes and goes from the main routes and goes to the gate that opens to the forest route. after some exchanging some greeting to the old gatekeeper with the gatekeeper just dumbfounded seeing his greeting he just doesn't mind it and went along with the route to the forest. the gatekeeper who regained from his confused face were trying to see the child again but nothing in from of him. he can't just go to the forest leaving the gate open so he just sighing and thanking the god the child was safe.

'weirdly, I feel like I have this habit before but in my past life, I don't go to the forest because I live in the city with modern life. I can just use a washing machine for laundry never use my hand but now I can do that easily like some kind of habit. moreover, I feel energized, I feel like I can leap to the tree like some kind of ninja'

with that think come to his mind he accumulated some strength around his feet and jumps to the nearest branch of a tree that has high like 5 meters if he not wrong though.

"whoa, this is great. I think I can run like shinobi in the anime."

he in the past just a normal college student and died after taking the wrong cable due to some kind lab experiment. so he doesn't have any some kind superpower like superheroes or ninja. even jump 3 or 4-meter hight is the best or maybe will break a world record. so the feeling now really exhilarating for him.

"it's like a dream come true. but my body not balanced to run from branch to branch in highspeed like some ninja for this I need to train more"

with newfound of strength, he just jumps from branch to branch like with slow speed. but not long after some jump he just taking a wrong step and fall. loud thud can be heard from his fall but no one hears it except him.

"ouch, I think my heart leap a second from that. huff... I think I will die for second there but LOL yeah its another world no one can fall to die just from this height. now I see there is now wound or bruise from the fall, for a second there I can change my position when I fall like a highspeed thinking so get in position with my butt first. the butt has more meat so it can soften my fall"

when he tries to get up he feels like there is something in his butt. he stopped standing in awkward pose and he tries to feel around his butt he can feel there some kind dull branch breach his hole.

"fuck it hurts ouch how in the earth I cant feel that when it bursting my hole shiiiiit"

but when he tried to release it. he got slipped and he just sits the branch again...


after some internal scream of a weird sensation, he got rid of that accursed branch.

"that the darkest memories I've ever had...... I think I will have some sleep after this. for that, I have to finish this foraging fast and the last one trying to become a ninja is dangerous, yep it's dangerous I think I will train again next year. training for other things can be continued tomorrow after some good sleep.YEP, it's decided."

after some time thinking, he just runs with high pace into the place he usually foraging vegetables and fruit. not long after that he came to the place usually forage and claim some vegetables and food that foreign and not foreign from his mind. it's foreign for his past life but not foreign from his new life now.

with his usual cloth for gathering this kind of food. he just dumps all the fruit to the cloth and ties it around his back and neck like some kind of a thief from a cartoon of past life.

"This is weird, maybe I will just take some money from father for a sturdy fruit basket from the uncle brisk or buy it from uncle Tristan shop."

uncle brisk is one of metal and wood craftsman that life in this village he has a good relationship with father and uncle Tristan has many goods in his store so he will just visit his store with money lent by his father.

" ok enough with some thinking time to run to the home"

with some speed he comes here he just runs again to the village. after sometimes he can see the gate. after greeting Oldman gatekeeper again he stopped and walk to the house. the old man just shook his head, greet him back and continue his duty. the old man too lazy to ask the kid how he feels but after seeing he just energetic like usual he just let it go.

after he got home he cleans the vegetable and fruit. feeling some hunger he ate one fruit he got with no leftover from the fruit.

"that fruit it's so sweet I want more but it is for dinner and father so no"

seeing its still long time till dusk he think again to train his sword like some kind daily routine it's easy there is a dummy in the back house he just hit it with wooden sword till he tired.

after long time boring routine he just can't get tired he doesn't even feel tired like usual he just it weird with his newfound strength. he stopped his training and just standing thinking how to do next. taking some time to think he remembers this world has magic-user and unique magic-user. if he is in anime now his eyes lighting up like a star.

"How can I forget something so important like that. ok I hope this body will have a magic"

with how in anime or Mc character trying to use magic instruction he tries to calm his mind and feel his body. now he can feel there is a river inside his body that has faint feeling in it. he tries to direct this energy to his hand, its a success now he can feel his hand become strong and full of energy, but this is not what he want he want to make fire from his energy. trying to imagine fire and make his energy turn to fire but only smoke was created.

"Yes I think I can use magic now it just to make fire I have concentrated enough for the energy turn to fire"

after some smoke and failure, he finally feels his power was tugged out from his hand and it becomes.....

to be continued


it becomes ICE

" (*#%!@$@*@(# I try to imagine fire how in puking mine it becomes some friggin ICE AM I IDIOT"

after some cursing later he tries to calm down and thinks again why it become ice. he can try to formulate again how he make fire he tries to imagine fire and there is power coming out from him it's like in the novel or whatever he read in the past life. now its success but why its become reverse what he wants.

"how about I make some fire again or make some ice from his imagination"

after some success creating FIRE THAT BECOME ICE he succeeded to make ICE again from fire and what comes to surprise when he tries to make ice from fire its reversed again it become fire.

"Fak what is this. are gods try to playing with my mind or something"

sighing he just plays with fire make it some kind of ball with him channelling more energy from his body. like some juggling ball, he creates more ball from his hand now he juggling a ball of fire.

"hey this is fun I feel no heat from the ball of fires but it feels cool enough playing fire like juggling master. I never do this in my world because of i afraid it will hurt me tho"

after sometimes the sky becomes dark orange he still juggling the ball with no hand like some kind satellite in his hand it circled his hand. a footstep can be heard from outside the house when the footstep stopped like seeing something weird from the back of the house the footstep take a step again with cautious like walk not making the weird phenomena run from his coming.

like a silent leopard finally, he can see what happen behind his house. there is a child playing with fire like some kind of game. feeling surprised he takes a wrong step and accidentally said his child name with a high tone.


he somehow turns 180 around and facing the source of the sound like a frightened and surprised cat. somehow when he sees his father behind him, he becomes surprised and abruptly lifts his hands up and somehow or another his ball of fires were tossed from his hand and ended flying to the dummy he used training.


when the sound of him ended. the ball of fires where abruptly explode like some kind of bomb in fps game sounded like. seeing this his father giving a dumbfounded gaze toward the dummy. a bucket of cold sweat come from his body like a coursing river. now when he tried what happens with the dummy his neck become tensed enough making his gesture to look like a machine with not enough oil. Seeing devastated backyard. he accidentally said......

