

Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply in silence, in order to make the mind calm. Through regular mediation, levels of stress can be reduced as well as managed. Meditation is a relaxation technique like yoga and deep breathing that activates the body's relaxation response. When meditation is practiced regularly, it leads to decrease in our stress levels in everyday life. Meditation gives a boost in our feelings of happiness and calmness. It increases our ability to stay cool, calm and composed under pressure.

Effective meditation is free from any kind of other distraction. Research has shown that meditation has benefits on mental health, including decrease in depression, increase in positive emotional state and increases in the ability to deal with unavoidable stressful conditions in life. Meditation not only involves relaxation but also the active growth of positive mental states such as affection, kindness, sympathy, tolerance and energy.

Meditation is the intentional, systematic practice of calming and focusing one's attention. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. Meditation often involves an inward focus, such as on a single object (e.g., one's breathing), sound, or mantra.

Meditation can take on many different forms. Different types of meditation may focus on different aspects of the mind and body, including relaxation, concentration , mindfulness , visualization, attention , or mantra (silently repeated words or sounds). Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state—such as anger, hatred , or grief—or directing it towards a particular object, such as light. Meditation may also involve repeating a mantra and closing the eyes. The mantra is chosen based on its suitability to the practitioner, such as in japa yoga mediated upon a particular syllable, thought, breathing exercise, or visualization during meditation.

Meditation and Yoga in Life:

Meditation is one of many tools that can be used to help you live your life with more happiness and positivity, and less stress. Yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath control) are the foundation of all meditation practices. Yoga provides a connection between mind and body. The benefits of yoga are deep mental, physical, and spiritual.

Learning meditation has been quite easy. You can start by learning how to meditate in 5 steps :

First, get comfortable. Although it is possible to meditate anywhere, initially you may find it easier to meditate in a quiet, distraction-free environment.

Once you are comfortable begin your meditation practice.

Start by breathing in through your nose for the count of four. Hold it for seven, and exhale out through your mouth for eight counts. Think of this as one breath.

Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose and let them fall slightly to look at the floor.

Start to think of each area in your body from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Relax each area as you go.

Mindfulness meditation can be very well described as the discipline which has the best of both areas, yoga and meditation. Adopting theses practices in your routine life can not only help you in attaining peace of mind and soul; you can also feel a positive energy surging inside you. They also lead you to a state of self realization, where your mind is away from the anxieties of the past and the anticipations about the future. And when you experience such perfection and balance of the mind and body

Meditation Apps to Beat Daily Stress and Rejuvenate Yourself Meta Description: Meditation apps help you overcome your daily stress without succumbing to it by offering various tools for beginners to experts, assisting in the meditation process. In today's time and space, stress is a killer, both literally and figuratively. A number of people feel the impact of stress no matter whether they are young or old. With the strain of various day to day responsibilities of modern day living, almost

Quietness can lead to more peace inside the mind. Meditation leads to tranquility and purification from negative state of our mind. Infact, Buddha religiously believes:

"Meditation brings wisdom, lack of meditation leaves ignorance"

Statistics on meditation in the Western culture has shown that people suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, hypertension were treated with the help of meditation. Meditation provides benefits to all of the major forms of human existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

To conclude, meditation should be recommended to patients suffering from conditions caused by stress. Doctors and scientists are working to observe the effects of meditation practiced by people who are undergoing stressful situations. It should be noted that many prestigious Universities such as Harvard have made their best efforts in carrying out their researches on meditation and without a doubt, the results are positive. Meditation is an important tool to cope up with stress-related situations. Moreover, through meditation, one can turn to the internal peace to calm down the discomforts caused by stressful experiences of life.