

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · ファンタジー
40 Chs

No more questions

After Marcus and the female who came with him left, Alvin and Kelvin started throwing questions at Xander like crazy.

"What the heck is wrong with you", Kelvin asked

"Have you gone nuts, heck that guy would finish you of in an instant", Alvin fired his own set of questions and opinions.

Kelvin and Alvin kept this going for about ten minutes before Xander finally shouted, since they didn't even allow him to say a word.

"Guys will you chill out", Xander shouted but it seemed to only make the situation worse.

"Chill out, you're spitting out that crap out now", both Alvin and Kelvin shouted out at the same time making Xander to just sigh.

"Dudes am serious just chill out okay", Xander said while gently patting their shoulders to calm them down and this time it worked.

"Okay please tell us you have some trick up your sleeve, your not trying to fight this guy right", Kelvin asked in an extremely worried voice.

"Listen dude, I don't mean to be negative but your chances of winning are one in a million. No offence but you're still a level one", Alvin said in the same worried voice while at the same time trying not to hurt Xander.

"Listen guts I know you are worried about me, but I got this okay. Just let me take care of this", Xander said calmly while trying not to sound to confident.

In truth Xander knew his chances of beating Marcus were fifty fifty, since he wasn't using his smoke ability. And he didn't know what to expect since he forgot to use his new inspect skill on Marcus.

Because he knew for a fact that he was to use his smoke skills, then he would be able to beat Marcus quit easily.

"But Xander have you checked the odds", Alvin said again and Xander just sighed out loud before he replied them.

"I said I got this, and I don't want to hear another word about this", Xander said as a matter of fact and he soon went to his bed and it looked as if he fell asleep.

"Damn it, that kid sure got a lot of courage", kelvin said sadly.

"Yeah but it won't help him in the fight at all", Alvin said sadly.

"I think we should beg on Xander's behalf", kelvin suggested.

"Maybe just maybe, Marcus will agree to cancel the duel". Kelvin added.

"That's sounds like a good idea, but do you think Xander will also agree to cancel the duel. K mean he was looking quit confident that he was going to win the fight", Alvin said worriedly and though he didn't want to say it out loud. He just had to.

"You have a point, it almost seemed as if someone had given him a quest to fight .arcus in exchange of some rewards", kelvin said sadly as him and Alvin but couldn't imagine the humiliation that Xander would face in the hands of Marcus.

Just then they heard a message from the usual loud voice that told them to stay in their rooms.

"All lessons for today have been cancelled due to the murder of our student", the voice said and paused for a while before he continued.

The only movement that is to be made today is when the bell for you to take your meals is rung, after which you are to return to your rooms immediately", the voice said for the last time before it ended.

But since kelvin and Alvin had nothing with the death of the student, they just relaxed and talked and then ate while Xander had yet to wake up. And when night came, they slept of while Xander woke up to grow his powers by starting to hunt for beasts again.

He jumped the window as usual and was in the forest, and thanks to the system new skill he was now able to locate basic tier beasts more easily and right now he had killed quite a lot of them and he had grown even more than before.

And now he was sitting under a tree while trying to catch his breath, for he had been hunting for quite a while.

And though it was very possible that if he won he would he would get more crystals, but if somehow he lost he would be a slave. And that was the last thing he wanted, and also he also wanted to grow his strength to unlock the silver dragons clap.

[+7 basic tier crystals]

[Basic tier crystals:75/100]

[+ 15,370 XP]


[Level four]

[XP:2400 2400]

[Level five]


[Level six]


[Level seven]


[+20 stats]

[+3 strengths]

[+14 agility]

[+3 endurance]



[Agility: 25/25]




[Time limit:15 minutes]

Xander was really happy about his current development and that his time limit was back to normal, but he was still itching to unlock the silver dragons clap. So he wanted to hunt one more and the beast he was aiming for was one at the medium tier and he confirmed it after using his inspect skill.

[Medium tier horned frog

Special skills information includes

Sixty centimeters long horn: The horn pointed end is capable of tearing of metal easily.

High Jumping skills: The beast is capable of jumping up to about twelve feet high into the air


And after a long tiring search he finally found one, this one just looked like a frog at the size of a bull dog with a long horn sticking out of his head and if was at least sixty centimeters long.

Xander quickly put on his steel claws and charged in at the beast while at the same time using his smoke control skill to spread smoke everywhere.

And with the Aura Detector Skill he was able to see clearly whereas the beast was confused.

It jumped as high as he could which was about twelve feet tall , but he could not see Xander.

But just as he was coming down Xander sliced down at the beasts neck almost chopping it off entirely, and only half of its neck was still intact.

But the beast threw out an attack by jumping up with force and banged it's body at Xander, which sent him flying back.

[-1 HP]

Xander gritted his teeth and deactivated his smoke control skill, and turned it into what seemed like black flaming smoke that was hovering on his entire body, which looked like a type of armour.

And now that the beast could now see Xander he charged in again, and it was obvious that it was going to use it's horn to stab Xander.

And now Xander switched between his steel claws to his katana, and he waited so that the beast was near him and soon it jumped out to him and at the same time Xander slashed of a chunk of its face away along with its horn

But Xander was still hit by the body of the beast who was hit with more power than before. But he was procted thanks to the flaming black armour.

The beat who was still alive, but it looked disfigured as it had just one dead eye, and the other eye was dented. And the left side of its face was completely covered with blood.

The beast staggered for a while before it started running again, but it was staggering a lot before it cut in half in the neck thanks to Xander's katana.


Author here, I wanted to thank you guys for your power stones and to remind you to keep voting. Your power stones are my motivation, motivate me more guys.