
Fire and Ashes

Amidst a crimson landscape of ash, fire, and erupting volcanoes, a young man fled for his life. Behind him, the earth crumbled, revealing a growing abyss. Fearful of being paralyzed by a glance backward, he ran ceaselessly until he decided to end his futile suffering. With a heavy heart, he stopped, closed his eyes, and surrendered to the void.

As he plummeted into the depths of nothingness, a piercing screech reached his ears. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a colossal black bird, adorned with crimson markings.


Startled by the alarm, aching, the young boy rose from his bed.

"What was that?" he wondered.

Groaning, he proceeded to shower and change, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

"Good, my handsomeness hasn't faded. As expected of a phoenix. Wait, what am I thinking?" he muttered, shaking off his thoughts.

Aiden descended the stairs and found his family already gathered around the table, enjoying breakfast. His younger brother rushed towards him, embracing him tightly.

"Happy birthday, big brother!" his brother exclaimed.

"Oh yes, today is my birthday. I almost forgot," Aiden realized.

"Thanks, buddy. Why are you so ecstatic?" he asked, puzzled.

"Don't people usually prepare a surprise before wishing the birthday boy?" his brother replied.

"He awakened his Gift," their father explained.

A hint of sadness tinged Aiden's voice. For six years, he had been eagerly awaiting his own Gift, but it never manifested. Though not uncommon, as 85% of the population possessed Gifts, Aiden came from a Gifted family, making his lack of powers nearly impossible.

Observing his brother's crestfallen expression, Dawn reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, brother. If you don't awaken your Gift, I'll be the one to protect you!"

Smiling, Aiden responded, "You? Protecting me? Dream on."

Their parents watched their exchange, taking a breath of relief. They had worried that Aiden might be despondent due to his brother awakening his Gift before him. They were aware of the constant bullying Aiden faced at school. Despite his genius intellect and combat prowess, he endured discrimination from his peers because he lacked a Gift.

They had tried to intervene, but their efforts proved futile as the school was dominated by a group of Gift supremacists who believed that only those with Gifts were true humans. If one's Gift ranked lower than C+, they were deemed unworthy of their time.

Their family possessed the Gift called [Devil's Feet], a C- rank ability that allowed them to ignite, control, and utilize flames from their feet.

§A.N:If you know you know§

"You two, stop chatting and eat your breakfast. Aiden, did you..."


Athen Highschool

Aiden was eating when an ominous sensation enveloped his entire body, as if something dreadful was about to unfold. Confirming his suspicions, Daniel Beckermann, the school bully, stormed toward him.

"Oh my god, why can't he just leave me alone?" Aiden thought, exasperated.

"Oi, chicken legs, come here," Daniel demanded.

Ignoring him, Aiden continued eating like the true chad he was.

"OI, GET. THE. FUCK. UP," Daniel bellowed.

For some reason, Aiden found this routine particularly infuriating.

"This lowly being dares to—Wait, what's with my thoughts today?" Aiden wondered.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from interrupting my 'ignoring time,'" Aiden coolly replied.

Veins bulged on Daniel's forehead. "Y-you lousy scum! If my fath—"

"You see, I'm starting to get annoyed that you spend every single day just to ruin mine. You're giving me a lot of attention, and while I might be flattered, I'm not available, especially for men."

Aiden's words left the bystanders stunned and sweating. Daniel, having just been rejected by a girl, was in no mood to tolerate jokes about love.

"He shouldn't have said that. Why did he retaliate?" a girl pondered.

Indeed, Aiden would normally have gone along with whatever Daniel had in mind until he found a way to escape. But that day, he chose to fight back.

Bolts of lightning crackled around Daniel's body, and a symbol on his left hand began to glow. He activated his Gift, [Lightning Cloak], a B-rank ability that enhanced his speed and strength.

"Shit, I shouldn't have provoked him," Aiden realized.

But it was too late. Daniel struck him with a punch, sending him flying four meters before crashing to the ground.

Aiden coughed up blood, a look of hatred etched on his face. He and Daniel were once friends, as were their families. However, since Aiden's awakening, their bond had deteriorated, and Daniel's jealousy had transformed him into a relentless bully. Aiden surpassed Daniel in every way except for his lack of a Gift, so Daniel had sought to make Aiden's life as miserable as possible. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't achieve his desired outcome: to make Aiden kneel before him.

Now, they stood locked in a gaze, as if they were arch-nemeses. And then, it happened. Smoke began emanating from Aiden's body and the next moment and he got up, took his fist on the ground and screamed: "GEAR SECO-"

| A.N. Nah imma stop playing with yal |

Smoke began emanating from Aiden's body and he burst into flames. The fire consuming him was peculiar—black with White highlights. He screamed in agonizing pain as it felt as though his bones and flesh were being slowly but relentlessly destroyed.

Witnessing the situation unfold, the students immediately called for help. When the teacher arrived, it was already too late. Aiden had vanished, leaving only ashes in his wake.

Terrified, the boys and girls explained what had transpired to the teachers. Hearing their accounts, they regarded Daniel suspiciously.

"No, I swear it wasn't me! My ability is limited to lightning. I can't create black flames, and besides, he—"

Disbelief washed over Daniel's face as he witnessed what occurred next. The ashes started moving on their own, coalescing into a vortex, which then dissipated, revealing the body of a stunningly beautiful young man.

"Aiden? No way, he awakened his Gift?!"

|1 day later|

Aiden stared at the phoenix before him when suddenly it spoke:

"You have finally awakened, young one."

What's Aiden's Gift?!?11

First actual chapter of the story!!!!!


Let me know if you guys have any suggestions or ideas for the story everything is accepted (NO HAREM).

Also did you guys like the references?

Evandarcreators' thoughts