

I opened my eyes to see my teacher in front and pointing some scribbles on the board, I looked around and saw my classmates taking notes of what the teacher said.

I then looked to window in my left, staring at it. I saw birds flying, clouds slowly floating away, winds blowing and I saw my face in the reflections of the windows. The dark as night hair, the crimson red eyes shining, white smooth skin almost like an angel's.

I'd sigh and look at my watch, it's time for the bell rings.

The bell rang loudly throughout the school. It's the final bell of the day, I looked around to see some of my classmates were preparing to leave school and some were talking to eachother, probably talking what their gonna do after school.

I stand up and putting my scrambled notebooks inside my bag.

As I was putting my things inside, there was something that piqued my interest. It was opened letter, I grab it and examine it. It was a small letter probably fits for a folded paper, it has this familiar scent like somebody's perfume. Then it hits me.

This is the letter I got this morning when I was opening my shoe locker and this letter fell to the ground. If I remember correctly the inside the letter was a note saying "Can we meet at the rooftop after school". Now that I remember, I probably should go to the rooftops though I don't want to go but I'm curious what they want to talk about. Probably something important or.. maybe it's a love confession but I highly doubt that to be the case. Nobody would want to be with me because unlike other male in this school, I don't have any bright future ahead. It's just a dark and blank future. I was born into this world with only one purpose and that is to become a war machine and so I was trained and experimented to become the perfect super soldier. If that purpose is complete then my life would also be completed and ready to be exterminated, that is why I very much doubt the latter option would happen.

Anyways, let's just get this over with.

I stand up, put my back over my shoulder and walked out of the class and head towards to the stairs.


I reached the top of the stairs and the only thing blocking my path to the roof is this door.

I'd take a deep breath and silently wish me luck. My hands move to reach door handle but with each move my hands seems to be slightly trembling and noticed that I was unusually sweating for some reason.

"Why am I nervous all of sudden" As I asked myself in my head.

Suddenly memories that I didn't know I had flew across my head. It all feels nostalgic for some reason like this memories that I have no recollection are real.

I took another deep breath and brace myself for the upcoming scene. My hands reached the door handle, pull it down and push the door.

Right after that, I saw beautiful girl standing there with her hand behind her back.

There was something wrong, her face is blocked by this thick black fog and her hair is also covered with this fog but for some reason it's like I know that this girl beautiful and we have known each other for quite awhile.

Why can't I remember?" As I said to myself. My heart can't stop beating rapidly and my eyes wouldn't let me look at anything except her.

"I was worried that you won't come at all." She said in a sweet tone and smiles that makes my heart beat even more faster.

"Oah umm.." I said in a flustered voice and lowering my head

I need to compose myself and get this over with. I'd redirect my mind to stay calm.

"What do you want?" I said in a strict voice. That was kind rude and mean but it should do the job.

"Still the same as always, it's because of that attitude that I've fallen for you." She quietly muttered but enough for me to hear it.

"Huhh?" As let out a dumb sound.

The girl giggles and said "You should smile more."

Again I let that dumb sound.

Then the girl takes a deep breath and said

"Adrian, we've known eachother for quite sometime now and in those time, were the most fun I have. In that moment in time I also noticed you. Your calm and assuring demeanor in the face of danger, your selfless attitude, your stubbornness to not give up helping people, your quick astute mind, your observant eyes that can know if something bothering me, your voice filled with determination and confidence that soothes me and most importantly."

She reached her hands to my cheeks and said.

"Those red dead eyes that I've fallen for." As she stare at my in a sweet tone that makes my heart exploded.

"I like you, Adrian. Would you like to be my boyfriend." As she said that, my mind starts to go blank.

"Ugh, my head hurts." I said. My mind starts to go to dizzy, I want to puke, I don't whats happening.

My eyes seems to lose its sight one by one till all I can see black empty space.


Wednesday, April 17th, 635 Hflen

MOB Bastion, Kelsige Great Desert, Akaloan Petty Kingdom

Adrian's POV

I suddenly open my eyes and rose up. I look around my surroundings and saw that I was in a tent, there was two people packing their stuff up.

I hold my hands up to my face and try to think the current situation am I in.

Oh yeah, I'm in my tent. The people is packing up is my squadmates, the reason for them packing up is because this is our last day in this desert hell.

To summarise, this will be the last day for us 2nd battalion in Akalo and the 3rd battalion would replace us. The 2nd battalion would be placed in the reserves.

Now the war. Well it's more like an intervention, The Cazpia Union State (This universe of Yugoslavia) collapsed in a bloody way, with many ethnics across Cazpia declaring their independence from the Union, after a bloody a civil war that lasted 6 years. It's finally over but that doesn't mean it the violence would stop, a power struggle took place in almost all of the freed nation. One of them the Akolaon is the bloodiest of them all, The National Akaloan State and The Loyalist Kingdom of Akola was in a civil war. The Federal States of Ryodia supporting National Akaloan State while The Imperial Kingdom supports the other side by giving them equipments, vehicles, and advisors.

It all change when The National Akaloan State used chemical weapons like gas on the minor city of Fasri, killing thousands of both military and civilians in the city. This prompted for the international community to intervene in the civil war in The Petty Kingdom of Akalo sides. The FSR stop supporting the State under pressured by international communities and the Imperial Kingdom starts sending troops to Akalo.

One them troops is our regiment and now we're here.

Now back, into the tent.

I pull my legs to the side of the bed and saw my scattered equipments on the floor,

"Finally waking up, I see." Somebody said, I look to the direction of person. It was Derrick "Spot" Alward and the other one is Mark "Patch" Holden, they're both from my squadron, The Echo Squadron.

"Where are the others?" I question.

"Dunno, probably playing b ball." Answered Derrick as he continue packing his stuff.

"Boss, you should pack your stuff too. We're leaving approximately 1600 hours." Said Mark while folding his clothes.

"Yeah yeah, got it." I answer in lazy tone. I then stand up and picking up my stuff on the ground and putting on the to be organised.

"Finally, outta here. I'm getting sick and tired of this fucking desert." Said Derrick in a irritating tone.

"Aye to that brother." Replied Marc while nodding his head.

"Can't wait to go home and spend time with my wife." Said Derrick

"Thought you were single." Question Mark as he looked at Derrick confusingly. Derrick grabs Mark's neck by arm and pulls him close. "Shut the fuck up, Boss is here. I wanna make him feel jealous." Derrick whispered but I still can hear the conversation because of my enhanced hearing.

"Ohh.." Said Mark and nodding. "But you're like what, in your 30s but still haven't got any girlfriend or anything." Said Mark as that sentence pierce Derricks back in painful.

"Shut up, it's not fair that you already girlfriend and hot one I may add while I'm single and lonely as fuck." Shouted Derrick in irritation.

"That's because unlike you, I have some form of charm." Declared Mark while grinning.

"ARGH, THAT'S IT YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD." Shouted Derrick fueled with anger.

I watched them two run around the tent as I put my hands on my face and sighing.

"What bunch of annoying children." I muttered in a disappointed tone. I continue organising and putting my stuff in my duffel bag.

When I was done putting my stuff, I checked the time on my wrist. It was 4 hours left before we have to leave this place. I sat on my bed, grab my tablet and turning it on to the E-book with the intention to read some pages before we go.

A head pops out in the tent door before I could the chance to read. I saw it around the corner of my eyes and I stopped and focus on it.

The head belongs to my captain, Captain Marius Roux Burns.

"What's up Cap?" Derrick question the peeking captain.

"Is Adrian here?" The captain asks.

"Oh, he's there." Derrick answers and pointing at me. Marius turn his head to the direction of Derrick finger and his face smiles abit.

"Thanks Rick." Marius said.

"No problem." Replied Derrick and smiles.

"What's wrong, Cap?" I ask.

"The Commander wants you to go to his office." Answers Marius with him point behind him using his fingers.

"Alright." I replied and starts putting my tablet down and going to door.

Once I got out of the tent, I suddenly got blinded by the blazing sun. I put my hands over my head to block out the sunlight going to my eyes.

"The sun sure is extra blinding today." Said Marius and then whistling.

"Yeah." I replied nonchalantly and putting my hands back down.

"Let's go then." Said Marius and I answered by just nodding my head.

If you're wondering why we treating our captain causally, that's because he insisted that to treat him casually so we did and surprisingly we develop a great respect to him. But we still have  to treat him as our commanding officer in the field of battle.

We reached the commanders office and we got inside to be treated lobby like room, with a man at the desk.

We approached the desk and greets the man behind the desk.

"Good afternoon, please state your business here." The man at the desk asks.

"We're here to meet Commander Leonwald." Marius answers. The man nods and starts pushing buttons on his touchscreen computer and the picks up a phone, to confirm there are two guests waiting for him. The man nods and put back the phone and said.

"You may proceed." The man said. Marius thanks the man and he just nods.

We reached the commader door and we got inside to be greeted with generic office with Commander Sir Thomas George of House Leonwald sitting behind a desk and a man with a black vest with a white shirt underneath it and black slack standing beside him.

We both immediately salute at the commander. The commander nods and stands up from his desk.

"At ease." Said the commander, we let our arms back down and the commander sits back down.

"Lieutenant Fera could you sit down." Said Commander Leonwald, I listen to the order and sit down on the chair across the desk then the commander looks to Marius.

"Captain Burns, you are dismissed" Said the commander with authorative voice, Marius nods and the commander watches as Marius leaves the room.

"So Lieutenant, how are you holding up." The commander turns his head to me.

"It's alright sir." I replied with no any emotion at all.

"I suppose that's good." He said as he go down to his desk drawer and pulling it out.

He pulled 3 glasses and a bottle of Hadean Whiskey, putting it on the table and pouring the 3 glasses with whiskey. "What age are you now lieutenant?" Is he trying to offer a 16 year old alcohol?

Well it doesn't matter anyway since it's not like this is first time I will drink alcohol. I remember that my first taste of drinking alcohol was when I was 11, back in the legion.

"I'm currently 16, sir." 

"Hmm." The commander said and he put his hand on his chin. Then the commander had this face that says 'fuck it'. "This is not your first time drinking right."

"No, sir." I shook my head. "My first drink was back when I was a legionnaire."

"Hah, that's right you were a legionnaire. Should've expected that." The commander chuckled and push one of the glass to me and give the other one to the man beside him.

"Anyways, let's get back business." Said the commander suddenly turning the whole atmosphere into a serious one.

"Lieutenant, this man beside me is special lead agent Thomas Cowen Senn from Royal Ministry  of Investigation and Security." The commander said in serious tone. "He wants to talk you." The commander nods to the agent

The agent nods back and turn his head to me. "Lieutenant Fera, you may be wondering why you were called to talk to me." The agent said as he sips the drink.

"To shorten it, you have been recruited into a joint operation between IVAF and MIS with the permission of your commander of course." As he said and looked at the commander for a split second. "The operation requires you to become a student in a highschool and infiltrate a known rebel group branch in the Capital City. Do you have any questions?"

Well, I have like thousands question about this since this just suddenly revealed to me but I'll just ask one.

"Why am I qualified to be part of this operation and are there any other objectives" I ask the agent.

"That's because, lieutenant your the only 16 year old in the whole Imperial Government." The agent answered like I was dumb to realize that.

Yeah I should've expected that reaction.

"To answer your second question, you will be inform later." The agent said.

"Anymore question lieutenant?" The commander suddenly said.

"Good, the details of the operation would be delivered by an agent when you arrived at Fort Rhine." The agent said in a satisfied tone. "And also second commander Mane would be in this plan, he would be the one who will take you to the school and your house."

"Treva is in this operation too" I thought to myself. That grinning bastard is probably in brothel getting himself fucked up.

"Remember, this is classified information. Nothing gets out of this room." The agent said in a strict tone.

"That is all lieutenant, you are dismissed." The commander sips his last whiskey in his glass.

Oh, I forgot to drink my whiskey. I grab the glass and one gulped it then I nod at the commander and the agent and leaves the room.

When I was outside the room, I saw Marius leaning on the wall beside the door.

"Took you long enough." He said as he stands back up.

"Yeah.." As look at the hallway and walk to the exit.
