
The pawn's second life

The Emperor and his lover tried to trap her in their evil plans but little did they know it was not her first life... After returning to her past life, will Valentina be able to pay back those who made her suffer or will her desires be turned into dust? A pawn, a puppet, a ruler and a mastermind. Who will win this time? To know what will happen when the pawn tries to become the master, keep reading " The pawn's second life ".

Deadsoul_123 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 3 - Assassination

*In her room*

Valentina - Call Iris

Maid - Yes young lady.

( *A few minutes later* )

Iris ( *Valentina's maid of honour* ) - You called my lady?

Valentina - Yes. Tomorrow I'll be going to the arlec mountains, so prepare accordingly. We'll be back by sunset.

Iris - But why are we going there and do I even have to go along ( *Uninterested* )

Valentina - ( *looking at her intently* ) Iris, who am I?

Iris - Huh? The elder daughter of Isidor duchy and the fiancè of his majesty the emperor.

Valentina - So is it necessary for me to answer your unnecessary questions or justify myself? ( *Narrowing her eyes* ) And have you forgotten your duties as my maid of honour? Are you perhaps undeserving of the post? hmm?

Iris - ( *shocked* ) I-I apologise for my rudeness my lady.

Valentina - Now then, prepare well for tomorrow and I'll let it go this time but I won't be as merciful the next time you disobey my orders. Now get out.

Iris - Yes my lady.

*After exiting Valentina's room*

Iris - What happened to her so suddenly? She was so timid and fluterring even till yesterday, why did she change so suddenly today? Maybe I should report this to her. ( *Plotting* )


The next day as planned, they all set off towards the mountains. The people tagging along were - the carriage driver, Iris, Valentina and 5 escort knights who were supposed to protect her. Even though Vercil had insisted upon taking more knights along, after repeated assurances and protests, the no. of knights had been reduced to 5.

Everything was running smoothly and after a while they finally entered the mountains. The road was fairly narrow surrounded by forests on both sides. But suddenly, an unfortunate situation happened to obstruct the peaceful trip. About halfway through the trip, unknown men with their faces covered attacked the carriage.

Iris - A-assassins? Why are they here? Lady what should we do now? ( *Afraid* )

Valentina - What?! Why off all now? Quick let's get out of the carriage. If we run into the forest they will definitely take more time to find us and the knights will take care of them in that time. Quick!

Iris immediately opened the door of the carriage and while the assassins and knights were busy fighting, they both ran into the forest.

Iris - ( *thinking while running* ) Why now? Am I going to be killed as well? No! That can't happen, no it won't. Definitely these assassins must have gotten the information to probably only kill the lady and not me. Yes, that person must have changed the plan, definitely they won't kill me.

Finally after running for a while, they both stopped at a stop. Iris immediately turned around and looked around to see if anyone was following them and visibly relaxed to see no one coming after.

Valentina - I got ambushed by some assassins and even though I survived, my dear maid of honour died while trying to protect me. How unfortunate! ( *Evil Smile* )

Iris stood completely frozen on her place not being able to move after hearing this but finally gathering the courage to turn around, she hoped to have misheard what she had just said.

Iris - ( *Terrified* ) Young miss I think I misheard what you just said right now. I-I am still a-alive right? See?

But as soon as she turned completely to face Valentina, she lunged forward and stabbed her.

Valentina - Not anymore. ( *Smirked* ) 

Iris - W-w-hy? ( *Fell down* )

Valentina - ( *Looking down at her* ) Why? You-you really shouldn't have betrayed me. To think you were be Isabella's informant, I want rip you into pieces but I don't want myself to be covered in your blood, seeing me like that everyone would think of me as a psychopath won't they? ( *Crouching down* ) Do you think I'll let my image be stained because of you?

Valentina - I have already died once because of your petty schemes and I won't let that happen a second time, anyways don't worry I'll send Isabella and all those who had made my past life hellish, to you soon so all of you can once again have a pretty little reunion in hell.

*Smirked and got up*

After getting up, she felt someone's presence drawing near and an assassin jumped out of the dense trees.

Valentina - Tsk! I guess I'll also have to deal with you. I thought the knights would kill all of you but you managed to slip out, didn't you?

Assassin - Well princess, we just do as we are told, and we are told to kill you, so don't hold a grudge against me after you die since I am just following orders. ( *Smirked* )

The assassin ran towards Valentina to kill her but was in for a surprise...

Valentina - How insolent...

Valentina manipulated the mana in her body and turning it into a chain wrapped it around his body and tightened it. He tried to get out of the hold but before he could, she yanked him towards her and in a fraction of seconds drove the knife through the assassin's heart, killing him instantly.

Valentina - You underestimated me for an idiot who was too scared to use her magic, didn't you? Otherwise there was no way you would've died so easily like this. ( *Angry* )

Valentina heard the escort knights calling her name and within a minute or two they reached her.

Kronell - ( *escort knight's captain* ) Hope you are unscathed young miss. We have disposed off all the assassins.

Valentina turned around and saw a few unfamiliar faces between the escort knights and narrowed her eyes.

Valentina - I see a few unfamiliar faces. I believe you are the ones Vercil sent as shadows? To follow us without getting caught? You all did a good job today.

Kronell - It's our pleasure young lady. But should we head towards the dukedom now? Your highness must have been shocked due to the sudden ambush.

Valentina - No

Kronell - Pardon?

Valentina - We will resume our journey, but keep it in mind, do not spill a word about whatever happened today and do not report anything to the duke.

Kronell - But his grace had strictly instructed us to protect the young lady.

Valentina - Yet my maid of honour died today, and if I could've not been able to kill the assassin then maybe I would've also died today...

Valentina - ( *Keeping a hand on Kronell's shoulder* ) And I hope you know what will happen if Vercil comes to know about all this, you all will inevitably loose your heads for failing to protect the princess, not only that but don't you think everyone's families will be turned upside down too? So be smart, obey what I am saying and stay put. Do not utter a word till I say so, and don't worry even if somehow the duke comes to know about this incident, don't you think I'll be able to save you all from loosing your lives? Afterall doesn't that child love and respect his older sister too much? Think about your decision sir, afterall if these young and innocent knights live or die lies in your hands, your decision.

Valentina - So knight captain Kronell Asterich, what do you plan on doing? ( *Dominant smile* )

Kronell - ( *Sweating profusely* ) I-I'll do as her highness says. I, no, all the knights who witnessed the incident today will not let a word out.

Valentina - ( *Smiled* )( *Walking towards the corpse of the assassin* ) That's more like it. Also I don't hesitate in protecting those who remain loyal to me, so don't worry too much about anything and come take a look at this.

Valentina crouched beside the dead body and lifting the body's shirt a bit revealed a mark inscribed on the back of the assassin. She called Kronell to take a look at the mark while instructing all the other knights to give the dead bodies a proper burial.

Kronell - This-this is-!

Valentina - Indeed, it's the Raven guild's mark.

Kronell - How did they even dare to try to assassinate a member of the Isidor duchy? If the duke by any chance get's to know of this, the guild will definitely be turned into dust.

Valentina - That's true

Kronell - But doesn't this mark usually evaporate from the body if the person dies? That way it leaves no evidence that it was the work of the guild.

Valentina - You are right, but look closely I sprinkled a magic potion on the mark before he died, restraining it from disappearing, that's why it's still there.

Kronell - ( *Thinking something* )

Valentina - Now then, I think we have rested long enough, it's time to continue our journey. All the knights who came as shadows can either choose to stay together or go forward again as shadows.

Everyone else had taken their positions and Valentina was walking back to her carriage but was stopped on her tracks by Kronell.

Kronell - Y-Your highness, but it's not common to possess that magic potion while travelling. Were you...perhaps...anti..cipating - the in...cident...?

But his voice died down towards the end unsure of what he was saying, since one would normally try to avoid their assassination attempts. But contrary to his expectations, Valentina turned back towards him and smiling just kept her finger on her lips indicating him to keep his mouth shut about everything that had just happened.

Valentina - Indeed I was right, you are quite a smart man...sir.

Kronell was left in a daze and couldn't even go against her. The travel continued and soon they came back to the dukedom. Nobody uttered a word about what had happened and all the evidences had been cleared out. The duke was soon informed that Iris - Valentina's maid of honour had suddenly left the job as she had to suddenly go back to her village due to some problems with her extended family ( since she had no immediate family member ), and the maid named Lynn was recruited as Valentina's new maid of honour.

After coming back to her room and washing up, Valentina took a jewel out of the jewellery box which she had placed there immediately after coming back. She clicked it and a light flashed from it showing the scenes that had unfolded during the trip.

It was a magic camera that had been carved into a shape of jewel, to avoid suspicion and another good feature was that, the contents could be transferred to another magic camera when held together.

Valentina - The technology in this world is sure advanced because of magic.

Valentina - I am still having a hard time controlling my mana, and without realizing I used up quite a lot of mana in the morning, to be honest I was shocked how that assassin body was still intact after I had exerted so much force on his body unknowingly. Had it been a normal person, their body would have burst because of that force. There are so many talents in the guild...

Valentina lied down on her bed after keeping away the magic camera and extended her hand up.

Valentina - ( *looking at her hand* ) Even though I know how to use magic, I have to control it properly but it's still not enough. If I want to seize power...then I have to learn more skills. I have to learn the sword as well and find a way to use both magic and sword together, after all there are a few wars waiting ahead.

Valentina - It's a pity that they can't be stopped but I have to protect as many people as I can to turn the tide in my favour. I have to bring as everyone under my rule. And eventually I will snatch the emperor's beloved throne. ( *determined* )

Valentina - ( *Tossing the blanket over herself* ) Ah! I still have a long way to go! I guess I should visit the Imperial library soon.


After waking up earlier than usual, Valentina started her schedule for the day. And first up was her magic training.

Valentina - Ricos ( Head butler ), open up the underground training space.

Ricos - Is her highness maybe planning to train today?

Valentina - Why else do you think I would go to that place?

Ricos - Pardon me, her highness always used to hate training that's why I was wondering if I misheard since I am getting old.

Valentina - ( *Sarcastically and playfully* ) Yet somehow you are not old enough to stop with your sarcastic remarks.

Ricos - Ho ho, how can I have the audacity to pass sarcastic humour against her highness?

Valentina - Ha ha, then am I so old that everything's sounding sarcastic to me?

Ricos - Ho ho, not at all your highness

Valentina - Ha ha, is that so

( Atmosphere - friendly~ yet hostile~ )

Maid 1 - ( *whispering to another maid* ) What's going on here?

Maid 2 - ( *Sighing* ) Do your work...they are always like that.

Ricos - Then I'll prepare the space immediately.

Ricos left and after a little while Valentina followed. The underground training space was specially created for the descendants of the Isidor duchy to mostly use for their swordsmanship or magic training, but since Vercil used to train on the ground with the other knights and Valentina never used to really train, it had been closed for quite some time.

Ricos went back after opening the training space and preparing it for her training, leaving her all alone to train.

Valentina - So this is the training space. It's quite big and even the floors and walls are made up of high quality materials to sustain mana trainings. Even the swords used are all high quality. I guess they don't call Isidor - the wealthiest duchy for no reason. ( *Smiled* )

Starting her mana training, Valentina closed her eyes and focused on the mana present in her body to slowly manipulate it to use it however she wanted. She directed the desired amount of mana towards her hands and tried to knock out a bottle placed on a bench but accidentally crushed the whole bench along with the bottle.

Valentina - Hic! It's tougher than I thought...huff ( *defeated* )...I guess I have to work hard despite getting so many main character buffs. ( *Sighed* ) It's going to be tough...


Hey everyone, I really hope you liked this chapter and if you did then don't forget to leave a few words of encouragement or constructive critisism. Love you all<3

Then I'll be back with another chapter, till then byeee~.