
The Outsider Who Came To The Magical Kingdom

Stranger246 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

2 Chapter 2

The little boy's name is George Bell, the son of Arthur Bell and Marie Bell, king and queen of the North-East kingdom. From little he was talented and scored the best in every sector and subject you could name. With great intelligence he was also a good boy. He respected and behaved well with every type of people. For that everyone loved him. After some years went on Little George came to his teenage. Today is his birthday.

The whole kingdom was filled with joy that day. Residents of the kingdom decorating the outside of their houses. Kids filling up the road with beautiful gestures. Beautiful flowers growing up healthily in well-made flower beds. The weather was also good and sunny. The castle was also decorated really beautifully. The entrance gate was filled with lined up soldiers ready to give respect to the guests at the prince's birthday. Many people came to meet the prince.

Every people were served equally. The entrance path inside the castle was decorated with a long red carpet. Two long tables at each side with good-looking beautiful dishes. The room's celling had beautiful glowing lights. Along with his father they were out of the kingdom at a two weeks long journey. And they were meant to come back today. Everyone was waiting to greet them.

After some time they were entering the gate riding their horses with eight soldiers behind. The other soldiers saluted them. They took everyone's attention. As the king entered the gate all the people expressed joy and welcomed back the king and the prince with a. big bang. The king took a glass of champagne and greeted everyone and thanked them for attending this event.

"As you know this party is held for the celebration of my son, George's birthday. And with that as a father I am also happy for my son because today he stepped at his fourteenth." Everyone clapped after that. "Fourteen years ago George first saw the light of Earth. From then he has been a loved one to everyone. And because of everyone's blessing he has grown as a fine young man. As a father I am really proud to have a son as him that every father wants to have. As years passed today George took the big fourteenth step of his life and I hope that this year will also go on like they always did. So please everyone enjoy the party."

Again everyone clapped for the speech King Arthur gave. At the party some were dancing on the ball. Some were talking with each other while some were greeting the king and the prince and asking how the journey went for them. Prince George was also famous among the girls. He had all the characteristics a boy should have. So to try to get his attention every girl had eye for the prince and tried to talk with him. Many came near the prince with marriage proposals but were rejected all of them. Still they didn't give up and made a crowd surrounding him. Knowing that he might get into trouble he did the best he can to hide himself from the girls by talking with other people. He somehow got out of the ruckus. Suddenly out of nowhere his father came behind him.

"Are you liking the party, son?" George seemed to love it and thanked his father to arrange this kind of surprise. But his father replied in the negative and said that his mother planned all of this. He also added that if he wants to thank someone for this he should first say it to his mother.

"Still mother and father worked hard for all of this and I am really happy for that. So I want to thank father and mother together."

King Arthur was really to hear those words and welcomed him. After sometime Queen Marie met up with them.

"It's really tiresome when many people come talking together.......... So how was the journey for you two?"

George replied, "The journey was pretty fun. I had the chance with many people and was able to freely talk with them. The places we visited were also beautiful. The thing I most loved was the old couple's restaurant. They welcomed us very respectably and their servings were also good."

"What about you, dear?" Queen Marie added to thier conversation.

"The things George said are also at my liking. But the thing I hated most is the fishing. It was really boring when I had to wait for almost five minutes to catch a fish."

"So how many did you catch?"

"Father couldn't catch any but I managed to catch five big fishes." The queen started laughing hearing about King Arthur. "Were you really that bad at fishing?"

"Aaa... Yes"

Queen Marie laughed even more while the king was a bit down for that. George started comforting his father. Queen Marie noticed that the girls were still trying to find George. She then baited out George telling the girls that George was with them. The girls came rushing at that spot after hearing that. George had to ran off from there. The queen than said to George to tell them if he had liked a girl from there. George replied in the negative and said that he doesn't want to be in a love life now. He ran outside of the castle and mounted his horse. He then rode off somewhere. Before leaving he apologised to the girls and ran off. As he rode his horse wind was breezing and his hair flew. He went to the direction the son rose up.

After travelling for a while he came near a river. He then unmounted his horse and left him near the bank. His horse started eating grass with ease mind. George then came near a big and old tree and sat under the shadow of the tree. By the gentle breezing he felt relaxed and comfortable. During that time he thought to himself that he really became fourteen years old this day. But by looking at his face it could be said that he is in a problem. It has been six years since he tried to get a lead on the people he wished to find, the 'Wizards'. But no luck happened at this time. He couldn't get a single good information about them during this time. He also tried to get information from people other than books. But they all were unable to say anything about them. Some even advised him to stop wasting time on finding them because it's only exist in fairy tales. Still he wanted to keep faith. So he went on and on and on but failed. Looking at the progression he made during these few years it was clear that he should've quit on his dream a long time ago. But he didn't. When he had that kind of thinking he used to come to this place. His father first showed him here when he was ten. At that time he was also facing the same problem. When his father realized that he brought here. At the first sight he fell in love with the nature and scenery. From that time when he came into a corner he would come here and forget all of the bad things. But today nothing happened! He was just sitting idly looking at the clean blue sky with his hands on his head. He seemed to give up today for sure. Suddenly someone called out to him from behind and from there luck came his destiny began.

This is my first time writing a novel. I have also tried to write other types of story but couldn’t write a good and decent one. But when I first wrote this and showed it to a friend he said that he found it interesting and wants me to continue this. For that I thought of sharing this novel here. I also look up to your comments. So I hope that the readers of this novel will give me decent advices and reacts to my writing

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