
The Other World I Created R

A normal weeb with creative mind was thinking: "how would i create another world, id make it as realistic as medieval times as i can think of". By chance a God ,that was traveling through out time space and other worlds in search for inspiration, was reading the minds of the mortals. After searching various realities It got inspiration enough to create a brand new world to guide. As thanks for the inspiration and congratulating their creativity, the God ofered the mortals, who helped him wothout knowing, to live a life in the world they created. And so the adventure of our MC begins. This is a reboot of the original series that I abandoned, I rebooted it because I wasn't satisfied with the way I developed the plot and characters since I rushed the story. I also think that I learned a lot since then so I'm way more confident then before. This is a hobby of mine so it there wont be releases dates set. Ill try to do at least two chapters a month tho so thank you for reading

Frederico_Traumann · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 13: Mana Stream, Magic Mushrooms and Meat

It's been a week since Alex had his baptism. It was on that day that most people will start to tell the tale of the great tiger Alexhander fum Baduk, if his life be interesting enough for that that is. I dunno what humans count as great deeds or whatever for me there is no diference from a tale to a rumor or gossip, I guess that is what is called a cultural shock? Well that is something that our little Alex will experience a lot, ya know with all the medieval society and philosophy and ideals and such. I guess I will learn how to deal with that with our little protagonist here.

So in this past week Alex has been trying to reproduce that feeling with little to no sucess. Magic is not something easy. This is not some manga where the MC becomes a super mage with 3 years old and with 5 becomes some kind of almighty being, and even if he has no personality and I mean like he is an empty husk atracts the oposite gender because 'He is kind' or whatever. Really how low is the standards of those people? I mean I guess I kinda did the cliche thing of God summons you to another world for X reason and such but I mean I'm not some ungrateful bastard, his ideas were very good, ya know? Not to mention that I also summoned some other species from other world and planets, there was that giant rabbit thing with a pouch and a shell, there was that other thing and...and... anyway there was a lot of other species that I summoned to my world. I really hope that I can win a prize with this world, I went to so much work and now I'm stuck having to write this story of some insignificant spacial dust instead of making more worlds and improving my skill. I really am a failure as a God, sigh!

Anyway enough ranting, our little insignificant piece of spacial dust has been trying to make use of mana into magic and has been failing miserably yet again, seeing this Urion went in Alex's direction and asked.

-Hey, little cub, what are you doing? You are going to hurt your arms if you keep doing that.

Alex was trying to use mana by pushing the air and trying to move stuff with his mind. I guess when you don't know how something works you just try doing whatever.

-Im tring ta mov fings laik de ball!

Really, it's difficult to understand baby talk, but it seems that Urion understood Alex and nodded.

-You are trying to use mana? It's not that easy but I guess if you start early it would be good. Alright! Here is your first lesson! If you want to use mana then you will have to feel it.

Urion exclaimed in enthusiasm, then he got up and picked a mana stone.

-Put your hands on top of the ball. Good. Now I will force your mana into the mana stone, you will know right alway how to feel your mana.

Then Urion asked Alex if he was ready, Alex said yes and so Urion forced mana out of Alex with great force that made Alex mana reserve get empty rapidly, Alex felt tired after a shock but while Urion was emptying Alex's mana Alex could feel a stream rapdly moving through his arms and out. Alex could feel where the stream comes from but at the same time he didn't. He felt his heart beat quickly and that was where the great power of the stream seemed to come from, but Alex had his previous world knowladge and he understood that mana was in the blood stream, wich was a cycle.

Alex hipotesed that mana was used and transported by the body much like how oxygen was transported through the red blood cells that made blood. That was not completely correct but it was in the right path, if he had more knowledge about the human body and the scientific tools for analysis he could have make a discovery.

Alex became tired, very tired he could feel his muscles contracting and relaxing by themselves and a numbness in his arms, but he remembered the feeling, he just needed to control it. But he started to feel his eyes heavy he felt a need to lay down, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Urion noded and picked Alex and putted him in his new bed, that was made with wool for a matress and a pillow made with duck and chicken feathers. It was a low bed not far from the ground in case he fall in his sleep.

Urion got up and went to the chapel, he went to the inner rooms, the ones that have the kitchen, the dormitory for aprendices and a ritual room, and that is were Urion went.

The room was smoky because of the incences and candles that were burning, the place had a musty air, around the room had some plants, herbs and mushrooms in a hook hanging from the ceiling. In the corners there are bookshelves with jars of honey, ash, oils, blood and alcohols .

Urion picked a bowl and putted some type of alcohol, blood and honey. Then he mashed some colorful mushrooms into this soup, Urion sprinkled some ash into it and then as a final touch he putted small leaves that gave a refreshing scent, it was served like a soup of a master chef, well that is if you don't mind the blood color and the smell of iron and alcohol mixed with that of that little leaves.

Urion chanted something then threw the soup in his face all at once, he really did a mess in the room, who is gonna clean this up afterwards? But after some seconds Urion started to feel numb and his head felt empty, he closed his eyes and saw a vision.

Ok, it was the mushrooms, magic mushrooms as some people call it as a umbrela word for psychedelic mushrooms. I guess no matter where you go there will be religious people having visions with this type of stuff, be careful to not eat a mushroom that kills you, Urion. You know there is a joke about mushrooms in Alex's old world, I think it was "All mushrooms are edible but some you can only eat once" or something... I guess humans aren't really that afraid of having their conscience disappear together with the eletrical charge that your brain gives to move if they can joke around about stuff like that.

I really don't want to see what the fuck he is seeing, so I guess I'll just move from cenario, so... I guess I'm just gonna go.


In Achilles office he was hearing the reports from Hector about any possible emrgencies or problems that might occour in Baduk.

-There is not enough game these days, normally when spring comes more game appear in the forests to hunt but there isn't as much as normally is. It might be because of the early spring but maybe we should keep some extra animals in case there isn't meat,Sir!

Hector reported in firm disciplinated atitude, Achilles paused for a moment, trying to think for a solution. He then responded.

-Hector, there should have benn some new kids (a baby goat) and calfs born, right. We normally separete them from their mothers for us to take the milk, right. We won't do so in this season, this way we will have bigger and stronger animal later. We should have enough cheese around already for the season.

Most of the milk that is taken from cattle in this world become cheese or butter or some other product that is more durable. Milk spoils really fast in this world with no freezing device or technology to desinfect products or make vacuum packages to make milk spoil slower.After all the saying "aged like milk" exists for a reason.

-I mean we could but that doesn't resolve the problem with quantity of meat, Sir.

Hector responded with a troubled face, Achilles said in responce.

- Well, we can't really control the game to appear in front of our bows but with time it happens, we'll just wait a bit and if there is indeed a shortage kill some pigs for now and we'll have even more meat later, hahaha!


Hector and Achilles laughed at the logic, it remembered Achilles from the old times when he was still an active knight under Lord Constantine, it sure did bring back memeries.

First chapter of the month! And my university startes in the monday so I hope I get time to write the chapters but looking at the schedule of the first semester it will definitly have time.

So I was planing in make next chapter a flashback about Achilles life since it will play a pretty important role later, but when I say later I mean later, like when Alex have 5 or 6 years old later. I dunno if the series might be to slow for some people but it's just that if I just put the character with 15 years old in the 5th chapter like some manga I can't really desenvolve the world around Alex-kun

Because I want that Alex be a MC with common sense instead of some stupid kid that grew isolated in the forest and for some reason can destroy a mauntain in one blow but doesn't know the value of the economy and for some reason the gold based economy where in times of war the gold and silver containts of the coins were diluted by the rulers creating inflation is equal to the japanese yen

When I say I want realism I mean it. Well of course there will be times when it will be more fiction then realism but I don't know how everything works in medieval time, not to mention that the medieval time dured almost 1000 years of course along all that time things changed from the fall of rome in 395 to the fall of constantinople in 1453

So thank you for reading I hope that you are enjoying this series pls give me some feedback if possible or comment something to encourage me or something idk

Oh yeah have you seen that they announced gen 9 of pokemon? I like quaxly more what yall think?

so till later!

Frederico_Traumanncreators' thoughts