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Walking outside in the ten degree weather freezing my ass off, since all I owned for myself was a thin black hoodie as I used my access money to buy my little brother a warm Columbia jacket.

Cleaning the snow off my car which is over a decade old at this point when the plow truck goes driving by way faster than he should with the wing blade down, I tried to duck but the last thing I saw was that orange blade coming right for my neck.

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Chapter 1

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Fluttering my eyes open to see an all white ceiling that glowed with a soft white light.

Feeling the feeling of a pillow underneath my head I decided to pat around me before sitting up.

'Am I laying on a bed right now? The last thing I remember is the plow truck…' I thought to myself as I started to move so that I could sit up.

Once I was upright I found that I was in fact laying on a bed inside of an all white room, in one corner of the room there was a desk and a chair, which like everything else in the room were white, except for a silver laptop computer that rested in the center of the desk.

Seeing the computer piqued my interest, so I stood up from the bed, and walked over to the desk, with the intention to figure out what was going on even if it meant using this mysterious non-white computer.

Pulling the chair out from underneath the desk before sitting in it and pulling myself closer to the desk.

"So Mr.Computer in this strange white place that seems like the afterlife…Where am I?" I asked the intimate object as I pressed the power button that made the thing whirr to life.

Suddenly a movie of my life started to play on the screen of the laptop. From my earliest moments to my last, nothing major happened. Really my life seemed kinda boring once it was made into a movie.

'Wow, that was almost…as bad what the MCU has become.' I thought to myself as a new window on the laptop opened in a browser of sort.

[Please select your world] (Can choose up to two.)

-Sons of Anarchy

-Fast and furious

-Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2003 cartoon-verse

-The Vampire Diaries universe (click to choose timeline)



-Ben 10


-Star Wars

-Teen Wolf


-The Tomorrow People

-The Magical World of Harry Potter (click to choose timeline/universe)

-Transformers (click to choose universe)

-MCU (click to choose universe)

-DCEU (click to choose universe)

-Fox Universe (click to choose universe)

"What is this?" I whispered softly as once the laptop computer powered up it asked me to select a world, telling me I could select up to two worlds while giving me a list of worlds to pick from.

'Huh, this is kinda like those reincarnation novels…when a system interface pops up and tells someone that the simulation is over.' I thought to myself as I started to look over the choices of worlds.

'So many choices to choose from, and they're all places I'd pretty much love to go to, from Fast & Furious to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…shit really all of them are places I want to go to damn it's a really tough decision to make.' I thought to myself, taking a few minutes to think things over before making a decision.

'Alright…let's see, do I want to go to a universe with beings that could fart and destroy the omniverse or do I want to go to a universe close to the one I just left?' I asked myself seriously and even as my heart started to pound with excitement and I thirsted for adventure I decided not to go for something too wild.

'Let's go with a TVDU universe and start from the time the Originals are created…while maybe a little before that so I can make Rebekah fall in love with me, and have an in…in Always and Forever.

I mean sure I could combine the universe with another…but for the most part I think I want a pretty laid back universe, one I know relatively well that's normal-ish compared to others, plus the levels of technology, art and everything else are very close to my old universe in terms of reality.' I thought to myself as I made my choice and clicked TVD and then selected insertion time frame…Hope Mikealson, Freya Mikealson, and the Saltzman twins…having absolutely nothing to do with my decision.

Once I made my choice of world I was brought to another screen that asked me to select two cheats.

[Please select your two cheats]

-Evolution Fruit

-Instant mastery

-Blood manipulation

-Grand Theft Auto System

-Mind Control

-Rift Opening

-Harry Potter OP cheat system

-Random ArchDemon Physiology

-Syphoner Physiology

-Weaver of Spells (An Intuitive ability to create and use your own magic spells.)

-The Spotted Dimension & The Powers of the Spot

-Sign in System

-Wolverine's Healing Factor

-The Charms of Bezel (Soul bound)

-Archamada Book of Magic (Soul bound)

-The Omnitrix

-Pure Talent

-Original Vampire

-Original Werewolf

-Perfected Mirakuru (Arrow)

I took a few minutes to look over available cheats, but really I knew as soon as I looked at the list I was going to choose the only two items that had the words soul bound attached to them, which were two of my favorite items…well technically item and set of accessories, that I actually used in one of my ffs before.

Upon making my selection and hitting confirm on the screen, I was suddenly transported out of the white room and out into outer space, where I saw a buxom woman standing there in a red dress that hugged her amazing figure, her eyes and hair were this molten orange color almost like that of molten metal.

I also noticed that she was smiling at me, her plump red kissable lips and white teeth almost seemed to sparkle like stars…but that wasn't the only thing about her, she also gave off this feeling of home, of warmth and love.

The smile she gave me was gentle…almost loving before a flash of red flame appeared in her place that grew and grew untill…It turned into something that looked like the Phoenix from marvel, the aberration only appeared for a microsecond before disappearing taking everything else with it.

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'Don't worry my author…I'll always be here for you.' The Goddess thought to herself as she looked down at millions of worlds at once, her attention solely on the world of her first, her only love and creator…her author.

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