
the one reincarnated

In the year 2277, humanity had become one of the most powerful species in the galaxy, having colonized 1% of the planets in the Milky Way. However, this rapid growth drew the attention of other advanced species, leading to a devastating war that resulted in the near extinction of humanity. Alden, a highly skilled strategist, dies in this war but finds himself reincarnated 150 years in the past, to a time when humanity is just beginning to colonize planets. Armed with knowledge of the future, Alden sets out to prevent the destruction of humanity in his previous life by building a vast empire that can withstand any threat. Aboard his new vessel "Varenna R54", Alden leads a group of 230,000 crew. They land on a planet that was once inhabited by an advanced alien civilization, which has now died out. Alden sees an opportunity to salvage the alien technology and learn from their mistakes, while also building a new civilization for humanity. With his trusted team, Alden establishes the first city of the new empire, and begins to explore the planet's resources. As the population grows, Alden establishes a centralized government and begins to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilization, hoping to use their knowledge to build a better future for humanity. As Alden's empire expands, he faces challenges from other alien species and internal strife, but his strategic mind and determination to succeed propel him forward. The story follows Alden's journey as he builds a new empire, faces challenges, and uncovers the secrets of the past in his quest to prevent the same fate that befell humanity in his previous life.

nimko · SF
10 Chs

Chapter 4: First Contact

Alden sat at his desk, pouring over reports from his scouts who had been sent out to explore the surrounding areas. He had been so focused on building up the infrastructure of Akabia and preparing for the arrival of potential threats that he had neglected to truly explore the planet and its inhabitants. But that was about to change.

He had received word that a nearby civilization had picked up the signals from the Varenna R54 and was sending a delegation to make contact. Alden knew that this was a critical moment for their survival. The Krynn, as they were called, were an unknown species with unknown intentions.

Alden knew that he couldn't risk going himself to meet them. He needed to protect himself in case the Krynn were hostile. Instead, he would send a trusted envoy to represent him.

He called for his chief advisor, Richard, to come to his office. Richard was an elderly man, but he had years of experience as a diplomat and had served in many high-level negotiations during his career. Alden trusted him implicitly.

"Richard, we've received word from the Krynn. They're sending a delegation to make contact," Alden said, cutting straight to the point.

Richard nodded, his face betraying nothing of his thoughts. "I'll prepare the necessary protocols and arrange for a meeting. Do you have any specific requests for how we should approach them?"

Alden shook his head. "I trust your judgment, Richard. Just be cautious and keep our safety in mind. I don't want to risk anything at this point."

Richard nodded again and left the room, already deep in thought about how to handle this delicate situation.

Over the next few days, preparations were made for the arrival of the Krynn delegation. Richard and his team worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was in order, from the protocol for greeting the Krynn to the selection of gifts to present to them.

Finally, the day arrived. The Krynn delegation arrived in a sleek ship that landed outside the walls of Akabia. They were tall, slender beings with skin that shimmered in the sunlight. They had elongated limbs and fingers that seemed to be twice as long as a human's. Alden watched from a secure location as Richard stepped forward to greet them.

The Krynn seemed hesitant at first, but Richard's calm demeanor put them at ease. They communicated through a series of clicks and chirps that were translated by a small device that Richard wore on his wrist.

After the initial greetings were exchanged, the Krynn delegation was escorted to a meeting room within Akabia. Alden watched from behind a one-way mirror as Richard began the negotiations.

The Krynn were interested in learning more about the humans and their planet. They asked many questions about the structure of the society, the culture, and the history of the humans. Richard did his best to answer their questions, but he was careful not to reveal too much.

As the meeting drew to a close, the Krynn presented the humans with a gift of their own - a small device that seemed to pulse with a faint energy. They explained that it was a communication device that would allow them to stay in touch with each other, even over vast distances.

Alden thanked the Krynn for their gift and promised that the humans would use it wisely. He also asked if the Krynn had any advice or warnings about the planet they were now inhabiting.

The Krynn nodded thoughtfully. "There are many dangers on this planet, both natural and from other beings who may not be as friendly as we are. You must be cautious and always be prepared to defend yourselves. But we believe that if you work together and use your intelligence and technology wisely, you can thrive on this world."

Alden listened carefully to their advice, grateful for their insight. He knew that the Krynn were far more advanced than humans, and he hoped that they could learn from them and avoid the mistakes of their own past.

As the Krynn prepared to leave, Alden invited them to visit Akabia again in the future. They promised that they would, and with a final exchange of goodbyes, they vanished into the distance.

Alden returned to Akabia feeling energized and inspired. He knew that the Krynn's gift and advice could help the humans thrive on this new planet. He immediately called a meeting with his closest advisors and shared the news of the Krynn's visit and their gift.

Together, they discussed how to use the communication device effectively and how to prepare for potential threats on the planet. They decided to establish a system of defense around the city and begin training a dedicated army to protect the colony. They also made plans to explore further afield, to learn more about the planet's resources and potential dangers.

Alden knew that he needed to communicate with Earth to share the news of the Krynn's visit and got informed that the supplies he requested will arrive in a Week.

Alden was excited for the arrival of the supplies and people he had requested from his father on Earth. With their arrival, they could finally start building new cities and expand their territory. He knew that the success of their colony would depend on their ability to grow and prosper, and he was determined to do everything in his power to make it happen.

As the days passed, preparations were made for the arrival of the new supplies and people. The city was bustling with activity as people worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was in order. The landing site was cleared, and new housing was constructed to accommodate the incoming settlers. Alden personally oversaw the operation, working alongside his trusted advisors to ensure that everything was running smoothly.

When the day of the arrival finally came, Alden stood at the landing site with a sense of anticipation. A fleet of ships descended from the sky, and he watched as they landed gracefully on the planet's surface. The cargo doors opened, and people began to emerge from the ships. They were a diverse group, representing different cultures and backgrounds from all over the Earth.

Alden greeted them warmly, welcoming them to their new home. He was thrilled to see so many new faces, and he knew that their arrival would be a significant turning point for their colony. As the new settlers began to explore their new surroundings, Alden got to work organizing the distribution of supplies and assigning tasks to the new arrivals.

With the arrival of the new settlers, the colony began to grow at an unprecedented rate. New cities were established, and resources were allocated to various sectors of the economy. The colony's population grew rapidly, and soon, it was bustling with activity.

Despite the growth, Alden remained vigilant, never forgetting the potential threats that lurked in the shadows. He continued to work with his advisors to establish a system of defense around the colony, and he ensured that the army was well-trained and well-equipped to deal with any threats that may arise.

In addition to building up their defenses, Alden and his advisors also focused on exploring further afield. They ventured out into the planet's vast wilderness, searching for new resources and potential sites for future expansion. The planet was full of surprises, and they discovered many new species of plants and animals that had never been seen before.

As the colony continued to grow, Alden also focused on improving the quality of life for its inhabitants. He oversaw the construction of new schools, hospitals, and community centers, ensuring that everyone had access to the resources they needed to thrive. He worked tirelessly to build a strong and vibrant community, and his efforts paid off as the colony continued to flourish.