
1,000 years

"What an interesting creation... this could rival most basic spells." Within Adam's office, a middle-aged man stood, holding an ugly flashlight. He had turned it on and pointed it towards him, feeling the heat that could have burned any normal person's flesh, yet it did nothing to him.

The battery of the flashlight had run out, forcing him to send mana into the flashlight to study it. He was about to give it to one of his disciples, one of them to go ahead and break down, but he stopped as he wanted to personally break this piece of tech down. it was beautiful, and he wanted nothing more than to see the person who had created it.

He took the blueprints of the Apple car, and he was further moved, what a genius. He gave the blueprints back to Adam, before thinking for some time. 

"Alex was it? what a genius, I will come get him personally when I am free. His talent is wasted in this backwater world." Saying this, he cast a spell, but there was no sign of a magic circle or anything like that. he and those with him just disappeared.

All of this was watched by the fly under the table, which was looking at everything through the small crack. 

In an unknown place, the 3 appeared. the middle-aged man ignored the 2 disciples he had brought with him, he had started bringing them with him to that mansion to show them that genius creations, he was growing old and these kids would soon take over.

Sitting down before a table, he cast a spell. He didn't move his hands or anything, his eyes just flashed as he scanned the watch, seeing how complex it was. Using Earth's current tech to create something like this was amazing. This flashlight was 10 years above its kind... no if a flashlight had so much attention as the phones and other pieces of tech had, then maybe Earth would have gotten something this powerful. 

"Sigh, the master is at it again." the two just watched their master with a helpless sigh,

"I don't get it, the humans here have some capability, but I do not see any of them ever gaining the capability to create tech with the power to use magic." A young man with light blue hair said calmly.

"Well, it is an experiment, but you have to admit. they have created things that were thought to be impossible without the use of magic. Like how magic took hundreds of years to develop, tech also needs hundreds of years too." the other young man said lazily while looking at his phone,

"Yeah, but we would be old by that time. If this Alex guy is such a genius, why not have him see magic and try seeing what he can do with it?" the light blue-haired man said with a sigh, it was clear he didn't want to be here, but the other guy came to enjoy himself amongst the humans,

"They tried that, current technology isn't capable of sensing the Mana in the air. How would he create something to sense something he can't sense? Sure a high amount of it can be sensed... but you know the damage that would cost." the guy with the phone said while putting earbuds into his ear, where he went on to catch up to Game Of Throne. Sighing, the light blue-haired man moved to the side to train.

"This Kid Is A Genius!" the middle-aged man yelled, causing them all to jump slightly at the sudden loud cry.

"It's just too far ahead other flashlights." He laughed with an almost mad look, making the two just sigh. It was clear he had a hard time understanding the flashlight before him, but that was understandable. Flash Lights had not had that many improvements, but the flashlight before him was as if the humans put the same amount of attention they put on phones, into the flashlight.

"I had understood and broken down every piece of tech on earth, I know it all inside and out... yet this? I will be returning to the empire. Everyone would go crazy seeing this piece of tech." He said while disappearing, leaving the two young men speechless as they were left behind...

"And that was everything before I lost contact with it." Within the hideout, I had just come from Jenny's place and was currently looking at the hologram of the events that had happened. 

"It seems as if one mastery of magic, allows them to no longer need to cast or even focus to cast magic. not even a hint of them casting it is shown." I said softly, to which Odin nodded lightly. I had the hologram zoom out, showing it was in the North Pole.

"The image there is unclear as I was just using the extremely small recorder you put in the flashlight, which is being burned with every use of the flashlight, plus the fact that there seems to be a barrier around that place, what I got back was me trying my best to put everything together," Odin said while I had him send me back what he has gotten from the flashlight while within the barrier.

"One of them had a phone there right?" I asked while sending information to Hephaestus, who began using enchantment magic to transform the matter around him into useful resources for me.

"Yes, I see... you're trying to get past that barrier to hook onto that phone, once you hook onto that phone, you will strengthen the connection," Odin said to which I nodded while building an anti-barrier radar. I of course used the nanites to help me build things faster, Odin and Hephaestus also joined me, allowing me to build the Anti-Barrier radar within a few minutes.

I went on to use it, and it took a few minutes for me to find the right frequency to bypass the barrier to reach the phones within. I had to do a few more things to make the connection as clear as day, before having Odin connect to all of the cameras there.

After a moment, a hologram of what was within that place was created, and I got to see the two males, and the fact they were outside, in what seemed to be a grassland with a house that looked to have been drawn from cartoon not too far away from them.

"It seems the dorm does more than simply block out the snow," I said softly while I went on to start to build what looked to be a mini telephone box. Odin watched me at work, but shock slowly covered Odin's eyes seeing as created a whole factory that would create SSF without the need for me to do anything. 

I turned it on and watched as the box began to let out some sounds, before soon, its doors opened, revealing a fly. I had Odin scan it to make sure it was as good as the first SSF, and as to be expected it wasn't as good, meaning I needed to do a few things.

So, I got to work, creating what I called the Queen Fly. What was the Queen Fly? It was a robot, which had the power to birth mini flies. but the mini flies were special, some were like the SSF, but they were the most basic kinds that would fly all over the world, making sure Odin had ears everywhere.

I even improved the SSF range, I had enough time to improve it last night, and this morning. They can even use mana to fix themselves if time ever starts to bring them down. That was all they could do for now.

While trying to improve the SSF, I came upon synesthesia. Synesthesia is when your brain routes sensory information through multiple unrelated senses, causing you to experience more than one sense simultaneously. Some hear sound, some smell sound, some taste sound, and the list goes on.

Before I could do this, I needed to first find a way to create something with the power to sense the outside world. this has been done through camera, recording, and so on. This would not go to the SSF but to Odin. I would improve him and try and fuse all of the senses. I wanted to fuse all of the 5 senses, allowing Odin to taste everything he saw.

I wanted Odin to be all-knowing. Just his eyes seeing a mountain far away, although the image isn't clear, I want him to be able to have an unclear taste of that mountain, I wanted him to hear the mountain although unclear, and the list went on.

But while doing all this, I came across what was known as the other senses. there were more than 5 senses.

Equilibrioception – a sense of balance. This is what keeps us upright, and helps us make our way around without getting hurt.

Kinaesthesia – sense of movement.

Chronoception – how we sense the passing of time.

But there were other senses we humans have, but there were other senses out there that humans didn't have. 

Electroception – the ability to feel electrical fields around us. Sharks can detect electrical fields in their environment, including those emitted by prey.

Magnetoreception – several mammals, such as bats, can sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate.

Polarized light – many animals, including insects and birds, use polarized light to decide which direction to go in.

There was of course more, but I planned to try and fuse all of these senses to create what I called the God Sense. The god sense was a super sense like none other... I just had to create it. but that would take some time to create, instead I just created the SSF with improved senses, so Odin's unique Sense could best work threw them.

"shouldn't the flies be crows?" Odin asked while looking at the Mother fly I had created. As Odin said those words, my face twisted in annoyance as he was right. Odin was the god of Ravens or something, the guy had 2 Ravens on his shoulders. why did I overlook such a simple thing?

Sighing, I used the Nanonites to break apart the Mother fly and put it back together in the form of a raven. I also made the flies it created be ravens, small ravens the size of flies. After I had Odin give me the teleportation magic he had created... of course, Odin recreated teleportation magic after seeing it be used, the ravens were sent all over the world, with some sent to the North Pool. but they didn't get teleported into the barrier in the north pool, they got close to the barrier and were made to fly the rest of the way.

"Let's start plans to build Kamui. he would be the space-time mage among you." I said calmly, to which the two just nodded lightly. I thought for a moment before speaking.

"Let's also make a life and death mage. But what would be a good name." I said softly, to which Odin sighed

"Why don't you be original with the name?" He asked to which I thought for a moment before nodding lightly.

"Alright, let's build his name using words that mean life, eternal life as I want him to pretty much be undying. I will think about it later. I will go home and start working on their programming." I said to which they nodded while watching me leave. Odin stood there for some time, looking at the mother raven, before going on to have it birth him 2 Ravens.

"What type of job needs you gone for so many hours?" Arriving back home, I was greeted by Sarah who had just gotten out of the shower,

"I work in a lab where I pretty much create stuff. a bunch of tech stuff," I said to which Sarah nodded, understanding why I was such a genius. 

"I didn't have time to cook, but I did order pizza," She said while pointing to the pizza on the table. I thanked her and went to freshen up, before taking a slice of pizza and sitting before the TV where I watched the show she was watching.

"Not studying today?" I asked calmly, to which she shook her head

"I already did, and since there is no school tomorrow, I plan to have a small break." She said with a smile, to which I nodded lightly.

"What show is this this?" I asked 

"It's rarely old, I wouldn't expect you to know it. It's called Psych... let me go back to season one so you can understand the plot of it." She said with a smile, to which I just nodded while I watched.

As the first episode flashed by, I nodded my head as I thought it was a good show, so we moved to the next episode. but by then, Sarah was getting cold so she went to get a blanket. So, we both sat there wrapped in the same blanket while watching the show and eating Pizza.

I couldn't help but smile from time to time while watching the show, the jokes here were funny, and although it took a second for me to understand, I was slowly understanding what a joke was.

"I got that..." I was about to speak but stopped myself seeing Sarah had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do, as moving her might wake her up, so I should just stay still. So, I just paused the show I wanted to watch with her. I saw somewhere online that it was not right to watch ahead someone who put you on a show.

So, I went on to watch movies that had high levels of tech, that way I could watch them and expend my creativity. There were so many unique pieces of technology out there, and I could buy them all using the system. but I needed money for that...

"..." Sarah slowly opened her eyes. She looked around for a moment, just to realize she was on the couch, she froze realizing she fell asleep on my shoulders... and to make things worse she was drooling. 

"Thats should be impossible," She heard me speaking and looked at the TV to see me looking at a huge robot grabbing a galaxy, to use as a weapon.

"giant robot the size of a galaxy... no, it could be done," I said in a soft voice. only for my attention to be caught by someone's movement. I looked over and saw she was awake,

"Did I wake you?" I asked with a frown, to which she shook her head in embarrassment, 

"what are you watching?" She asked wanting to change the subject.

"Gundam, I'm building a robot. So, seeing others' imagination on what a robot could do one day is... well, it fun to watch." I said with a smile,

"Oh, you build robots... wait, you say it's possible to create a robot the size of a galaxy? I'm no genius, but I'm sure the resources needed to build such a thing, plus the weight of that thing would be above a dozen stars. it would take trillions or something years to create something that big. would it turn into a black hole or something? I can't even imagine the power needed to power that thing." She said in shock.

"True, but there is nothing thats absolutely 0%. there is always a chance, no matter how small. Who knows, maybe humans a few thousand years from now would be traveling the galaxies, would creating such a large thing for them still look impossible? We are now like cavemen, looking at something that looks magical," I said leaving Sarah without a word to say, but she had to admit my argument was strong as she agreed.

"So, what do you see technology like in 1,000 years?" She asked in interest, I thought for a moment, as I never thought about it.

"well, thats a lot of time. it was less than 200 years ago when we invented the electric motor. we come a long way in such a short 200 years, the growth and development are fast. 100 years after that, Television and computers were created. today, such things are common home goods, and they are only improving them every year in 100 years from now, we should have touched on Mars and the moon should be colonized. form there, I think it would be easier for us to reach other planets, it would be common and normal for people to reach the moon." I said calmly

"in 1,000 years, I think we would have reached another solar system or should be making our way into doing so," I said calmly, although I knew the moon landing was fake. there was no outer space. but this would be the reasonable conclusion I would have come to if I didn't know all of that...
