
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · ファンタジー
143 Chs

Volume Seventy Four

So that whole time she had been training me, she was holding back. Man I feel like a idiot, she must have gotten this strong from being with Adamsin for so long. She turned around exiting the circle she had made in the sand. " I'm still a little rusty!, the spear was pretty close", her blade fell softly back into its holster. The children that were crying into my chest were now scared of the person who freed them. They clinged even harder once she was feet away from me, frankly seeing her just walk off like nothing happened. So today the world had lost another Adventurer, but the Father had lost him once the world had him. Even with all the good deeds I do for the world nothing has changed. Is this the way God would want to continue living, I am not a prophet. I'm just a believer in God, with my belief in him. Comes with it though, of course it would be an easier life for me. Just to forget about the belief system, cause of him is the reason that I'm still alive. I've been spreading his word for years ven after the accident, that lead down this path. I remember when I was a little kid me and sister Holly would go into the streets of Daragain. Share the word of God, most of the times the people would throw apples. Or even worse they would steal from the donation plate. I didn't take into consideration that I'm the last believer of God, well hold ok correction was the last one. I have full faith in my family of how strong of their faith in God. Autumn would always ask me why I constantly go into Daragain spreading the word of God. I knew that she never had faith in the Lord, so she constantly ridicule me cause of it. Everyday I would pray the Lords prayer, then I would ask for the world to become more of a righteous place. My prayers were answered, it wasn't answered right way though. Which I wasn't expecting it to be anyway. Sometimes I do wonder if God was completely regretted giving us free will, of course not right. " it's okay now that man will never hurt you ever again", that was Autumn. I keep on forgetting that she is very scary when it comes to children, with me she wasn't scary. She was a mother to me, another helping hand for me. She even taught me what was Happening when it came to puberty, I still remember that conversation. I laughed for days, she was very embarrassed about talking about sex. Even though I was fully aware of what sex is, oblivious I didn't know how to perform it though. That wasn't a hard time for me though, I keep my purity until I married my wife. Their could be a chance that I might not make it into heaven. Which I'm perfectly fine with that seeing that how it's not my decision when it comes to my judgement. All four of exited the arena, hours has passed since the duel. I'm going to have to spend a night away from my family, I did make sure that they had plenty of food before leaving. It breaks my heart spending any time away from them, if I leave these children alone I this place they would surely be taken advantage of again. While walking down the streets of Daragain I noticed an inn, the same in I would spend my nights in before meeting my wife. We entered the inn, the inn kep noticed me. " welcome back Jim!, it's been a while since we had the company of you. So four rooms for the night". I glanced around the lounge of the inn, seeing grown men licking their lips while looking at the children. I can't leave them alone in a room, these people will break in. They deserve at least one night of peace, " no too rooms would be just fine, make sure that there is at least two beds in one of the rooms". The inn keep shook his head, started heading up stairs. The stares from the others in the inn, were becoming more uncomfortable. " Jim, just give me the word!.", Autumn stood in front of me. I layed my hand on her shoulder, " it's fine that aren't going to do it while I'm here with them. They may be strong, but they aren't dumb!". The inn kep can rushing down, " we have the rooms, the room with the two beds are room hundred and eight.". He rushed up stairs, passing through rooms. Looking for the room number hundred and eight, it was the third door on the left. I opened the door, the inn kep was right it does have two beds. I placed my sword and shield at the door, to breach it from and kind of intruders. Both of the children were shaking horribly while staring at the beds, " look you don't have to use them, they are comfortable though. I'm not going to force you to use them, you do need to get some sleep though. Before I closed my eyes I prayed the Lord's prayer, once I closed the prayer. Both of the children were curious of what I had done before sleeping. I'm worried about my family back at the house, their is still a chance that they could be attacked. Well I won't know until tomorrow, it must have been hours since then. I awaked from sleep, with a terrible headache. My eyes were still a little hazy, their were two dark figures in the corner of the room. I jumped out of the bed, rubbed my eyes to see better. I wished I hadn't down that, the same kids I saved were died. I rushed to the door to see if it had been messed up, there is no marks on it. I walked over to their lifeless bodies, noticing that they had committed suicide with my own sword.