
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · ファンタジー
143 Chs

Volume Hundred and Twenty Six

That was the most shocking thing that he had told me so far. I had the idea that Adamsin had been slayed, I was completely wrong about the death of him. As more treas pass us the more questions my party wanted to ask. The dwarf asked me a very concerning question about the Prodigal, "can we really trust what this person says?!. I don't me to be rude, but I can't truly believe that what he says is the truth. What he is saying is that nobody not even the Gods of this world could kill him!. You know how to sounds right Jim!. Besides I know that he matches the age off his stories, our stories about Adamsin. They were always told that he was a solo Adventurer!.". The Prodigal gazed upon the confused Dwarf. He slowly started to take off his clothing, once the cloak hit the wooden floor. He spoke of his side of the story of Adamsin." His life was something else. I can't believe how he was able to train the way he did, it was even more of shock how scary the results were. When he first started doing quest nobody wanted to join his party. They were scared that if they failed he would be very angry with them. You had grown men and women terrified of a child, this child was upset that nobody wanted to party with him. It wasn't that we weren't fond of the chid. It was more that we couldn't live up to expectations, while I was the board looking for a quest to do. All the quest were only for a party. The party has to be at least two people. I decided to give this child a chance to experience the life of an Adventurer, I made the best decision when I did so. I grabbed a quest that was a protection quest for the a royal family. The reason why that quest was still available was that if you failed to protect them. And you made it out alive the townspeople of Daragain would hang you for your failure. That was the penalty of failing to protect a royal family, regardless of that. I had doubts about this kid. I mean who let's a ten your old go out into the world that could easily kill them. I walked over to Adamsin. I started to check him out, it looks like his gear is very simple. Two dagger's, no shield. His armor is very customized for his body or it is customized for his fighting style. I got closer to him, slammed the quest on the table where he was sitting at. " Hey Adamsin!. Let's do a quest why not?!.". His face gazed the piece of paper that has all the information on it, this information was very important to us. He checked me out before responding back to me. " I remember you. Yeah, your spells were ro slow at the time we sparred. Yeah you were the only one with maybe five years of tier three experience. You impressed me, very few amount of people have so far. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I would love to do this quest with someone, I'm tired of just doing dungeons. It gets quite lonely doing stuff by yourself, also I see that you are a Mage. Before we do this quest I can train you for a little bit. I don't want to be blind sided by your unfortunate skill issue.". I wasn't upset that he asked to train with me. I was filled with joy that he would ask to train with me again. Training with the most untouched potentially challenged child, also maybe this could give me the opportunity to figure who he trains. It gives me a better understanding of how he brain works. We exited the Guild, started to Wonder around the town of Daragain. Even the merchant's wouldn't even look at the kid. He probably done called them out on their scams, as soon we left the Daragain. He pointed to the woods, it's the same woods where I live at. Well I use to live at, there is a opening inside of the woods where you can openly train. Footprints were covering the ground below us, I knew after following him behind him. These were his footprint's. It must have been over thousands of footprints here, how long has this child been training here for!?. He walked into the middle of this open space, took his stance. His stance was very stiff. Both legs together, same as his arms. How could he fight with that type of stance!?, alone fighting inside any dungeons. His face wipes the floor with the most experienced adventures all of the world. His stance works against all kinds of threats, who taught him this stance. It can't be a barbarian cause it's too stiff. Also there is no bend in the knee's, so that rules out any type of barbarian. Also he has no staff or wand. He isn't a mage either, no assassin would help anyone get better at their specialty. What kind of fighter is he?!. I pulled out my staff, back then I didn't have the same staff as I do now. That is also thanks to Adamsin that I realized I was using the wrong type of staff, they way he was. I started my spell the same one you saw me use on the demons that were chasing you. While casting the spell Adamsin didn't move at all, why hasn't he moved yet. The fire started to form around the end of my staff. The staff started to glow with the flame," External Fla-!". I couldn't cast the spell fast enough, I didn't see him move at all. I was focused on me the whole time so how could he move without me knowing. grabbed the staff. " You need to reduce the cast time by ten seconds before you can touch me!".