
To a great mistake

Everyone stood with their mouths open, remaining totally silent, as if they wanted to be sure of what they had just heard, the security guard looked me up and down scratching his head, while the other friar kept his mouth open and his face flushed with shame, I didn't press myself with their reaction because I was used to it so I caused it in people.

But the friar came up to me and took my hand and said.

_ I apologize a thousand for the embarrassment that has passed, I humbly ask you to forgive our security guard and our novice for the misunderstanding. Are you all right?

I wanted nobody to know that I was having an asthma attack, I had already attracted a lot of attention so I faced the friar and realized that he was trying to force a smile.

_ It's not all right, friar, let's forget what happened-I said to the friar and I looked at the young friar with clothes different from the older one.

I noticed the curious looks on top of me, especially the fat security guard who looked up and down, straightened his hair a little embarrassed and apologized a thousand times.

_Well errr ... I'm sorry for my way, if I was rude if I hurt him, I thought he was a delinquent, a perverted pervert.

_ Less Mr. James, if you control yourself, don't call him young man, I apologize for that Mr. James still thinks he is in a military war field, so anything suspicious he attacks, I'm really sorry.

When he said that I didn't want to be the victim, because I needed to show that it didn't affect me.

Teacher Kyoung soon got up and introduced herself to me shortly afterwards the friar took the floor and introduced me to her.

After the introductions, Father Superior took the floor.

_ Brandon Darcy as you already know almost everyone, teacher Kyoung Soon who teaches History, our security guard who supervises the institute and finally I want to introduce you to our brother Ryan Miller.

He held his hand out to me and I stared and shook his hand.

_ Nice to meet Brandon Darcy at your service.

I smile and he immediately let go of my hand, noticed in his eyes how embarrassed he was when he looked me in the eyes.

_ Ryan you will be responsible to show the whole Orphanage to Mr. Darcy, I can call you that - asked the friar in a melodious voice.

_Yeah clear without problems friar.

And he continues.

_ You will show the whole place, and you will show your rooms in our institute, as a sign of my apologies, Mr. Darcy would like you to accept the position of Professor and live here with us.

I was very surprised by the friar's decision, in fact I did not expect this, even though I was worried about looking for a place to stay, but I was not in my plans to live in a convent even more after it happened to me, a tragedy of which not even I like to remember that it made me stay away from school for a year, but I wanted to forget about it and start a new life.

The novice took me to my chambers I followed him in a corridor towards the rooms in a deathly silence, I looked at him and I couldn't deny that something in him called my attention he was walking in hasty steps his thin hair in he moved slowly with each step that his thick, white robes made me curious to know what his forms were like under that white habit even though he was a future Priest, he was still an interesting man.

I know I may be sinning to think so, but he had something that made me want to know more about him, a mysterious look in which I wanted to unravel.

We stopped in front of a beige door and a cross hung, he opened the door with a key turned to me and I was so close to him that I could feel his breath, our eyes met for a minute, I looked at his pink lips and he couldn't stop looking at them, his face was flushed and he looked away, getting embarrassed and said.

-Here is your key, and… well err… I must warn you that on the other side of these walls is the enclosure and the entrance of employees is prohibited, only the friars can pass through the door and it is strictly forbidden to be wandering in the monastery corridors. After 9 pm he heard well.

This time he met my eyes and I continued to remain silent just listening to him.

-Sorry for the misunderstanding.

-Don't worry, it's over.

Then he went around and I watched him disappear over the corridor with quick steps.


The next morning I woke up at five in the morning to the lauds (Morning Prayer) but I had barely slept that night just thinking about what happened all that confusion, that teacher wouldn't leave my head, and only remembered that awkward situation he was over me, then me and him standing in front of his room, almost our faces touching and me looking at his lips, what a feeling it was that I felt in my stomach, my breathing was sharp, I never felt that, it was new to me.

I was in the chapel with all the brothers praying reciting the lauds but my thoughts were on him, and that scared me I never felt like this with anyone, I only felt my breath stronger, when I realized the Lauds were over and everyone went to the cafeteria, but the priest before I accompanied them he called me aside and said.

-Meet me in 5 minutes in the employees' cafeteria, let's have breakfast with them and introduce them to the new math teacher.

And he left and I was thoughtful because everything was happening, I was already nervous inside knowing that I would be in the same place as him.


Thanks for reading, se you next chapter.

