
The Novel's Outsider

what will happen when you are trow into a novel, that turns into reality ----- D075 who was abandoned by his parents at his birth and become a laboratory rat at the age of 10th because of his ugliness, he was killed, betrayed by his only crush and friend. He was reborn into one of his favorite novels but not as a protagonist nor as a villain, nor as a side-character, or as a mob, he was given a choice to create his body, life, destiny. So what will our protagonist choice Come and find out The Novel's Outsider Arsene_Lionheart

Arsene_Lionheart · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 1-Prologue

My name is ..#D075 I was abandoned by my parents because, at the start, I was a mistake for them and they couldn't afford to have me, so my father abandoned me and my mother, and because I was born ugly, my mother abandoned me at the street

I waited for 2 days in the cold, I was hungry, I cried and cried but nobody would take me, feed me, at the start all people who were worried about me, come to me but when they saw my face they ran away, but a 'kind' lady take me even if her face showed a face of disgust. She take me to the Orphanage, where the 'father' of the Orphanage took me

I liked the orphanage, even if I was alone and was bulled because I was ugly, I liked the Orphanage because I remember all the things from my birth, from my mother who abandoned me to the street and my father, the lady who took me to the Orphanage, the disgust of these people, even the 'father'

At the first I was lost I didn't understand this but with time I slowly understood, why the 'father' didn't stop the bully even if I complained to him, why my mother and father abandoned me. All this turned me into a mature boy, so mature that you can doubt the maturity of a normal adult, with my maturity I slowly accepted the fact and started to enjoy my life even though my life was not no perfect

Until one day after my 10th birthday, I was adopted, that time I was really happy because I was going to have a real family, I really wanted a family, a father a mother that love me, I wanted familial love, but my dream was cursed because the 'father' of the orphanage was a member of a crime organization, his job was to send children at the age of 10 to 15 to the organization at the excuse of adoption. The children sent to the organization are devised into 3 categories :


1st category, called A personnel, their jobs are an assassin, soldier, etc., they are the future core of the organization

2nd category, called B personnel, they are the worker, assistant, cleaner, etc., they are the cannon fodder but they are the ones who mostly have a nearly a normal life

And lastly 3rd category, they are called the D personnel, they are the experiment boy, the laboratory rat, and I was the 3d category.


At this day was the start of the horror of my life, I was tortured by a mad scientist, experimented, given an experimental drug, even the others like me was not given the same treatment, all of them looked at me with disgust even the D personnel, I knew why because I was ugly, even I did not like to look at myself in the mirror

I knew that there was no hope for all the D personnel, even if they say that if we can have enough points we can transfer to the B personnel but this was all fake I knew because to go from a D to a B personnel we need a total of 1000 point, and these points are given by the experiments which are given by mad scientists and the staff

They give points from if they like you or not, if you are lucky you can get 0,3 points, and if you are unlucky you got the minimal points 0,1, this was just to give hope

I was the one that have most of the points because I was the one who was selected all the time to experiment, even if they give me all the time was only 0,1 points. I use my point to buy what I like

I forget to say that points are the most valuable thing of all the D personnel. You can buy things with those points and also a meal, because you only have one meal in a day, but these things you buy is generally very expensive

I knew it was impossible to escape from this place so I lived my life of 'luxury' from all the D personnel, they didn't because they didn't have enough points or they were preserving the points to transfer into the B personnel

I started reading manga/romance and listening to music because I liked them and because they kept me from going crazy from the experiences and tortures, I knew that there are anime but I couldn't watch them because we couldn't have an electronic product

I had been living my life of 'luxury' for 5 years. During the 5 years I accumulate 102.6 points, even if I am not the one who has the most points, I was at the top and if you add up all the points I used, I am sure I have double of my points and that is enough to be the number one, because whoever has the most points is only at 140,3 points

Now I'm used to all these tortures, experiments, but the downside is that I'm getting even uglier than before, thanks to the drugs I have a bad pimple on my face and I have become bald, plus the scars that I had from the tortures, I was disfigured, I think I become the ugliest person in the world

I have no friends, no one to talk, I was alone, not totally because I talked to a dog, he was the same as me, he is an experimental dog, he was not afraid of me, nor was he disgusted by me, they say animals can see what humans can't see and if you can become friends with them they will love you, help you, they don't care about your appearance or whatever it be, as the saying goes 'they can distingue from a friend to a foe', I named him Ajin but the sad thing is I can only see him 15 min a week but that's the best 15 min of my life

Anyway, I lived my life with no hope, no light within my eyes until new members come, that was nothing special because there is always some new member, but within this new member there is her, at the first look you can say she is beautiful, her long black hair, her delicate nose, her perfect face, white skin, and the most beautiful from all was that crystal-like violet eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I knew, even my mother I knew from my memory looked pale in front of her, but I knew I had no chance, we are from a different world even if we are in the same boat

then her eyes cross mine, at first she show me the disgust that all of them showed but after she become normal, I could tell this because I learn how to read people faces, I was surprised but did not think too much because I knew I couldn't be with her

As the days went on nothing changed but after a week she came to me and sat next to me in the free time we had, it was like the playgrounds but in a room white with cameras and people to keep an eye on us, at first I didn't talk to her nor she talked to me, but I was so nervous

As the days went by, she always came to me but didn't talk to me and I did the same, but one day she introduce herself as #107 but did not say her personnel category but I did not think too much because she is here with me in the D category

But at this time what I did not know was that she is a category A assassin who come to the D category for training purposes, because all A categories come for one month to D category for training, and they are treated the same as the D category just they don't have experiment on them

After she introduced herself I introduced myself too, after that we went silent, but as the days goes on we kept talking as we become friends so as a friend I help her with her needs, because she is new, she did not have many points, so I buy her what she likes but it was too troublesome, so I give her my half of points, but after that day, I see her less and less often and when I ask her, she answers me

"Sorry but it's not me, I didn't have time, they keep me more often"

I know what she means by that, because I can see the scar on her hand, it goes on like this until a month, and one day they called me for an experiment but I was not alone. this time because #107 was with me this time, I was shocked as we reach the experiment room, as we walked in what I see is ajin chained to the wall

I turned pale because I didn't want to see him tortured or anything, I consider him more than a friend, I consider him as my only family, but before I could say anything, a tall man, big as a gorilla with a beard says

"Ok, #A107 kill both of them and your training is over, you can leave the D category after that, ohh, and kill the dog first, I want to see him desperate before he dies"

I was shocked, but before I could do anything, I was grabbed by two guards. As I struggled I look at 107 who was near ajin as she held a dagger in her right hand as she answered the big man


As she stick the dagger into ajin heart, madness took over me, I screamed and screamed, and finally say

"why do you do this to me?, why him?, we were supposed to be friends?, why???"

As she turns around me and walked up to me, as she say with an amused expression that turns into that expression of disgust

"Friends?, you and me, do you really think you deserve to be friends with me, I just wanted to get your points to live confrontable within the time of my training, you see the moment you give me the point I didn't want to see your disgusting face, so I give you the excuse of experiment, and you fall for it, hahahaha hahahaha you see we, the A category have a training for a month in the D personnel but we didn't have experiment on us, so we have the most of free time from all of you, hahahaha, you are so naive hahahaha"

As I struggle and tears comes out of my eyes, I cried as she come right in front of me, laughing at me, at my despair

"why me?, why me? why?, why?"

"hahahaha, why you, it's quite simple because you were the perfect victim, you were alone, no friends, you have enough points, and you spend your points because you already know that there is no hope for all D personnel so there is no need to keep them, if I choose another one they will keep those points to change category look at you i love your desperate face hahahaha"

When I hear her, madness took over me again as I try to struggle but before I could de anything, a dagger was stuck in my neck, and blood come out from it as I become dizzy all I cloud do was nothing

"I curse you, I curse you all, I hope you all .....die in a .....painful, betrayal, the worst..... . death possible, I ... hope that all... yours life..... you never have.....rest, fear.... death....., live..... and die ...alone... in cold"

As I say my last world, my surroundings grow darker and darker until only dark remain