

Chapter One

One fateful night, my parents went for a night party which I thought was weird because they were not really into parties and not only that, my dad always rub his palms together when he is telling a lie and he is always sweating when he is doing it, I don't want to be a really disturbing or monitoring kid before they start thinking about my late brother because parents can behave very funny sometimes, they could go ahead to compare their children with each other.

I had installed series of cameras into their car, on the hand bag my mom was carrying, on my dad's tie, if it was possible I would have put it into their body, every since the death of my brother I have always been careful of where I went to and where anyone I love went to and the fact that they had been behaving suspicious lately was getting on my nerves, I even went ahead to eardrop on their conversation that morning but I could not really hear what they we were saying buy from what I have heard, it loomed like they were going to meet someone who was really good at his work.

That night as they left, I tracked all the available parties in the direction they were heading. To my surprise it turns out there were a lot more parties than I expected, the day was looking like a Saturday but it was a Thursday night. According to the tracker, they were at one of the most fancy parties in LA, I was still doubting the tracker but thanks to the security cameras, which I hacked into and I could locate my parents, they were sitting far away from each other pretending not to know each other, I was not interested in raising an alarm yet cause they were still ok and besides that were close to the middle of the night. All of a suddenly my access was denied, I could no longer hack the security camera, it was like I was blocked out, but i could still listening to their conversation, looks like the guy who blocked me was not an expert, I started working on a way to gain access back into the camera but when I did, it was late, my parents were no more on sit, I started having a strange feeling like something was wrong, I searched every there was a security camera but I did not find them. While i was trying to find them, I got a notification that there was a nearby security camera and maybe I would love to access it, I did and to my surprise I found them, but it was not a really clear view, i could only see my mom's side and my dad's but they looked scared, it was like they were having an argument with someone at the other side and he wants them to leave his party, the security camera could not get his face, but I could see his clothes even though it is just the tip of his clothes and his shoes, I made a conclusion that he was putting on a blue shirt because I saw a button and a jeans since it was only jeans that goes with a shirt and a sneakers that was sure. Their conversation was getting long and was boring because I could not really hear what they were saying all I was doing was reading their lips which was annoying, I dosed off on the system and I was like I was gone for a long time because what woke me up was a gunshot, it was like it a gun was shit in our compound, I rushed downstairs, checked around, checked the door it was locked and our gate can't be opened unless anyone from our bloodline, after checking for some minutes, i returned back to my room up the stairs, I switched to my other computer and checked the whole security camera footage of our house and nothing, I was starting to feel calm as i turned back to my parents camera, my dad was on the floor laying in his own pool of blood as my mom was crying and hitting his chest like he was going to come back, it was surprising to me because few minutes ago they were all laughing, this worsten my health issues, I was a victim of Nyctophobianism and now some set of assholes killed my dad, we both planing on doing so many things that weekend, he was supposed to explain something to me, we had a football match that same weekend and we supposed to see a movie on the Sunday but now it was all gone, his voice kept on playing in my head for a while, I decided to look at my fear in the eye, I grabbed a Jacket, two flash light, the decision I was about to take was really a bad one cause immediately I could remember the last time i stepped into the dark, I passed out, I was not able to breathe. The flashlight were bright enough but was it going to work ? But I could not leave my mom out there I wondered as I walked around my room in confusion.

I decided to call the cops and gave them all the details they needed but they still arrested my mom even after I told them on the phone that the killer was man not a woman, I got more scared when my mom was arrested, as I sat on my chair listening to music trying to ca my head, I noticed the notification on my phone, it was a voice note from my dad and I saw so many missed calls from my mom and an unknown number. I viewed my mom messages, it was really clear because she had written the whole sentences together but I could pick out burn the building from the sentence, I remembered that I had once asked my dad a very silly question which the day my uncle died, I was just twelve, after putting his body into the ground, they burnt down his house, asked him why and he said it's tradition an you have to do the same to me any time, my dad's voice note was not clear either but the people one had spent time with one tends to get what their saying from the way they talk or relate with you. From his voice and tone it was like he was scared of me, like he had a feeling something was going to happen to me, I ran down stairs and turned on the lock down mode, an extra security in the house, all doors even the gate can only be opened from inside the house. I decided to hide under my bed because I was still scared, unlike others, under my bed was full of lights, it was like I was in another house, under my bed, I have a drink stand which was not to tall and I had a cup rack too, I poured myself a glass as I was lost thinking about my dad.

As I was drinking the champagne, I noticed it was fruit wine not a champagne, since he was dead,I went to his wine rack and got a good one, Vintage a 1980 classic. Even though it was made of grapes and it was very alcoholic, I got drunk and slept off under the bed. The sunlight would have woke me up my i was under the bed, I woke up really early because my dad's face kept on appearing and reappearing, I decided it was all a dream, I continued with my usual morning duties like getting ready for school and cleaning my room and the fact that when I checked the security footages I had saves last night, none was there, therefore I concluded that it was all a dream. When I was done with arranging my room, I walked down the stairs and to my surprise, the stairs were filled with the aroma of my mom's cooking which I did not remember coming home last night. When i got off the stairs she was there, at the end of the stairs waiting for me, she had visitors they all looked like people I had seen, as I walked past the man with a chain, I remembered that I had seen the chain somewhere, as I ate I tried really hard to remember but i could not, I watched him gently from where I sat eating my breakfast, he looked suspicious because he had his hand on his pocket and he looked too cool to be a good guy and most people who put on suits are crazy and a badass fighter like in most movies, almost all the good guys are in suits and a very good fighter as well and yeah my dad and I was supposed to my first suit that Saturday.
