
The Next Vampire

A poor boy, happened to stumble upon a system which turned him into a vampire, in a world where all the weak are suppressed. This is his story.

Opxis · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4: Voice

Soon he woke up to a spacious room filled with black obsidian as far as the eye could see. There was one hallway, or door to exit the room. Victor got up on a flash, and felt around his body to check if his needles were there. However he couldn't feel a single thing on him. Like literally. All his clothes were gone except for a small cloth which covered his privates. The room was cold, cold enough to freeze anyone who stood in one place for too long. Victor decided against exploring, as he would probably end up lost. He decided he should move—

'Move Straight'

Alarmingly, Victor quickly looked around for the soun of the voice. The voice seemed distant and was coming from what looked like the door. It was eerie in its own way, and sounded mischievous.

'Come closer through the door…'

Victor, not knowing what else to do decided to accept the inevitable future, and moved towards the door. In the next room, it was exactly identical to the previous room. The only difference was the voice seemed closer.

'Nice, you got past the first door! Quickly go through the next..'

Victor was now beyond creeped out. He was scared for once in a long time. He wondered what it meant by "you got past the first door". Was their supposed to be some kind of trap. This time instead of rushing through the second one, he slowly walked towards it with caution, and creeped inside, and through it. He closed his eyes as he entered the second room, not wanting to look.

'Good boy Victor! Now whatever you do, keep your eyes closed and walk past this room. If you open your eyes, you'll be to tempted and will be trapped here for eternity.'

Victor was intrigued and tried to follow the instructions, but eventually gave into the temptation. As he opened his eyes, he saw mountains and mountains of gold, jewelry, and coins! It was endless. Victor, a person that was poor, had never seen this much money in his life. He jumped inside and started swimming around, and touching the gold, grabbing fistfuls and throwing into the air. He was so happy!

'Alas, they always fail on this part. Hmm..' the voice sighed.

Victor, upon hearing the voice, had his senses sharpened. He quickly got up, but not before grabbing a few coins, and moved towards the next door.

When he entered the next room, he could not belive what he saw. Inside the next room, it was like a regular sized living room, with what seemed like an altar in the middle of the room. The room was circle shaped and was made of the same obsidian from before.

'Yes! Finally! I get to be free! Quickly go up to the altar!'

"As, if." said Victor.

"The moment I go anywhere near that altar 'your traps' will activate and kill me on the spot. If I somehow get past them, which I will, and drop my blood, you will be forever bound to my mind. If you are, then you will probably be able to take over my mind, and body, making you the host of my body. Not gonna happen."

The voice was dumbfounded. This kid was too smart. He needed to get of this prison specially constructed for him. He had been trapped for over 1000 years! He was an ancient spirit from ancient times. He could nor give up like this.

'Lets make a compromise. You let me live in your mind, and I will not take over your body.'

"Oh, really?" said Victor. "Swear on your true name, you'll not take over my body, and won't do anything without my command."

'Damn it. This kid is so annoying. I have nothing to lose so might as well.' thought The Voice.

'I swear on Šåłïßÿ that I will do anything you wish, as long as you put your blood on the altar' replied the Voice.

Victor, satisfied, moved toward the altar. His hand upon hovering over the altar, was sliced by what looked like a small sword. One drop of his blood, was enough and the altar glowed a bright red. He started floating in the air, until he had his feet completely off the ground. Then the pain began. A searing fire burned in his body, as his bones were shattered his organs destroyed, and every part of his body was being made anew. This went on for what felt like years. Eventually the pain stopped, and he was knocked out cold, but before he was, he caught a glimpse of Oliver! He had entered the room and had been affected by the red light also! That wa style last thing he saw before his vision finally went black.


The first few chapters might not be good, but I promise it get better.

Opxiscreators' thoughts