
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · テレビ
66 Chs

Jordan's Inferno

Trigon has come to take over not just the planet Earth, but also the universe. With his appearance, the planet has become a mirror image of Hell. Everyone has been turned to stone and the world is full of lava and the skies are now orange. Have our heroes failed? Not yet. On the east side of the city, Jordan lies barely conscious. He completely wakes up a few minutes later and looks at his surroundings, shocked by the state of the world.

"He did all this? We're in Hell. Can't give up now. Have to find the rest of the team," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and walks down the empty street. He sees the innocents turned to stone and he becomes angrier. He feels a sudden burst of anger that he hasn't felt in a long time. Trigon will pay for this. As Jordan continues to walk, he hears a raven fly over him and looks up, but sees nothing.

"Who is there? Come out or I will find you," said Jordan.

The raven wants to be found and it lands on a large rock. Jordan turns his head and sees the raven and its red eyes.

"Raven?" asked Jordan.

The raven doesn't respond because it's just a bird and flies away. He can't let his only lead get away and Jordan runs after it.

"Wait! Come back!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan runs at top speed as he chases the black bird. He continues to run until he reaches a leaning, broken tower. He proceeds to climb up the tower in chase of the raven. Once he reaches the top, the raven is gone. He somehow lost the bird.

"How did I lose the bird? No way. It must have been leading me here for some reason. But why?" said Jordan.

"You followed a raven too?" asked Cyborg.

Jordan turns around and sees Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire standing behind him. They too had followed a raven to this tower.

"Vic, Star, Garfield, you guys are all here. Good," said Jordan.

"It was Raven. She saved us. I don't know how, but she did," said Beast Boy.

"It must have been the charm. The gas bomb that I dropped was a charm from one of Raven's books. It allowed us to kill those flame demons, but it must have also acted as a virus protector from being turned to stone," said Jordan.

"That must mean that we have some of Raven's power," said Starfire.

"If that's the case, then we can't stop fighting. Raven is still with us. That means that we are still the Titans and it's our job to save the world. Not just for Raven, but everyone," said Jordan.

"Let's do this," said Beast Boy.

"So, how do we use Raven's powers?" asked Cyborg.

"We must fight as one. I feel super powerful by being around you all. We can't fight Trigon one by one to beat him. We will destroy him as a team," said Jordan.

"I guess that we will just learn on the fly," said Cyborg.

"Let's go slay us a demon," said Jordan.

Ten minutes pass. At Titans Tower, the demon sits on the tower like a couch. He grows bigger and stronger as time passes in his new home. His eyes are closed, relaxed, and not worried about anyone or anything. He continues to rest until he is hit by a volley of Starbolts, but he still doesn't open his eyes. Jordan rockets towards him and throw explosive disks at him, but he doesn't flinch. Cyborg, being carried by a transformed Beast Boy, fires rockets at the demon that finally wakes him up.

"Insignificant insects," said Trigon.

"Come and fight us, you demonic coward!" exclaimed Jordan.

"I don't think making fun of a giant demon is a smart move," said Cyborg.

"Let's hit him hard. Full power blast," said Jordan.

"Are you sure we should do that? What if we die?" asked Beast Boy.

"I don't care. We need to destroy him for everyone to live. Dying is a risk that I will take," said Jordan.

"Raven's powers are controlled by emotion. The angrier that we get, the more powerful the blast will be," said Starfire.

"Ok. Then, let's get angry," said Jordan.

The Titans, well, start to get angry. They think of angry thoughts and the fates of their friends, families, and citizens that they have sworn to protect. A spiral of Raven's power appears around them as they grab each other's hands. They levitate into the air as one.

"Azarath! Metrion! Zinthos!" exclaimed the Titans.

As they scream the incantation, a powerful wave of Raven's energy is released and sent towards the demon. It hits the demon and he is harmed by the attack. He screams in pain to confirm that he has been hurt. But it isn't enough. He opens his eyes once again and smiles.

"Great idea to try and kill me before I gain all of my strength, but you're too weak. My daughter's gift to you will not save you. Begone!" said Trigon.

Trigon sends eye blasts towards the Titans. Unable to dodge, they are hit easily and sent flying into a crater, landing hard. This isn't just a crater though. It's the remains of the ruins that brought Trigon to this universe.

"Great. We're back here," said Jordan.

"I guess that we weren't angry enough," said Cyborg.

"I don't want to be here. It's scary," said Starfire.

"Well, where do you want to be? You can't go anywhere. We're in Hell and there is no escape. The only person that could do anything about this is gone. We could use Raven right now," said Cyborg.

"Raven is gone for the time being. We have to take down Trigon in some way. I created this suit to do that, but I fear that it won't be enough. I have to try though. I have to defeat him," said Jordan.

"You can't beat him alone, dude. He just fodderized us all," said Beast Boy.

"We have to find a way. Even without Raven's powers," said Jordan.

"You're going to need the girl's powers if you want to send Satan back to Hell," said Slade.

The Titans quickly turn around and see Slade walking out of a dark tunnel, but he seems different. The Mark of Scath no longer lies on his forehead.

"Slade," said Cyborg.

"Slade!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan rockets towards Slade at top speed and sends him flying through the wall. Then, into a building. He punches him in the face, breaking his helmet with one strike and nearly breaking his skeletal face. He then punches him in the gut, breaking his ribs, but not spilling any blood.

"I want to help you find the girl," said Slade.

"We don't need your help! You're probably just lying to us, so you can finish us off for your master!" exclaimed Jordan.

"He's no longer my master. He scammed me," said Slade.

"Of course he did! He's a demon!" exclaimed Jordan.

"I want to help," said Slade.

"Just for revenge!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Obviously, but my help will be needed. I know where she is," said Slade.

"Where is she!" exclaimed Jordan.

"In Hell. I can guide you to where she is only if you let me down and stop beating on me," said Slade.

"Fine!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan grabs Slade by his head and darts back to the ruins. He drops Slade on the ground as he lands in front of his team.

"Why haven't you ended this bastard?" asked Cyborg.

"He can help us find Raven," said Jordan.

"He could just be lying again. We can't trust him," said Beast Boy.

"I don't trust him either, but he's our only chance at getting Raven. We need him," said Jordan.

"I'm only helping because it suits me and I can't take over the city with everyone turned to stone," said Slade.

"We know that. You're just a selfish piece of garbage," said Starfire.

"Accurate, analysis, Koriand'r, but I believe that I'm not that bad of a guy," said Slade.

"Tell us where Raven is now!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Raven is still alive for the moment. She has fulfilled the prophecy of her birth, but she can still be saved from the deepest depths of Hell," said Slade.

"Tell us, so we can find her!" exclaimed Jordan.

"This is a journey only one of you can take. I can only guide one of you through Hell," said Slade.

"No deal. She is our friend and we will save her together," said Beast Boy.

"Then, your friend is doomed to suffer an eternal suffering in Hell alone and afraid," said Slade.

"We will defeat Trigon without your help and save Raven," said Beast Boy.

"You can't. This is the end of the world. I don't expect you to win. I don't expect you to even live. Just endure Hell on Earth," said Slade.

"I'll go," said Jordan.

"Jordan, you can't," said Starfire.

"No, I must. If there is even a sliver of a chance that we can save her, I have to go," said Jordan.

"What if he-," said Starfire.

"No. he won't kill me. He doesn't have his fire powers now. That makes him weak. I'll kill him if he tries," said Jordan.

"You will? Wouldn't that be breaking your moral code?" asked Slade.

"You should be glad. I will break it. Just for you," said Jordan.

"If you want to go, you will need some protection. The Ring of Azar will protect you," said Slade.

"I don't need it. This suit was created to face Trigon and other demons. I will be fine without your dirty ring," said Jordan.

"Suit yourself, twerp. I was trying to help," said Slade.

"We'll keep the demon busy while you go and search for her. You won't have to worry about us," said Starfire.

"Trigon will never be the same after I hit him with the signature wet willy maneuver," said Beast Boy.

"I know you will, Gar. I will save Raven. I refuse to fail and we will fulfill both of our duties and save the world. Just like every other time," said Jordan.

"Your goodbyes are touching, but we have work to do," said Slade.

"Don't rush me. I'm in control here," said Jordan.

"Whatever," said Slade.

Slade walks down the spiral of stairs first as Jordan follows close behind. They walk down for a few minutes until they reach a large grey door with three Marks of Scaths.

"On the other side is Hell. You may not like what you see on the other side, but you will have to deal with it if you want to find Raven," said Slade.

"I'm not afraid of some demons. I will probably end up here in sixty years anyway," said Jordan.

"Ok then. Let's enter the first level," said Slade.

Slade and Jordan push open the large door and finally enter Hell. They hop down to the ground next to the lava and walk over to a boat. Jordan hops in and Slade hops in and starts to steer the boat.

"He was supposed to bring you back to life wasn't he?" asked Jordan.

"Yes, but he didn't. That's why I'm helping you out now," said Slade.

"Aren't you supposed to be a genius? How did you believe that a demon would keep up his side of the deal?" asked Jordan.

"I never trusted him, but he was kind of convincing," said Slade.

"Idiot," said Jordan.

"You're not wrong about that, Jordan," said Slade.

As the two journeymen continue down the lava ocean, fiery demons pop out of the lava. Jordan pulls out his katanas and Slade does the same as well.

"They're here," said Jordan.

"Let's exercise them," said Slade.

Jordan and Slade both hop off the boat and start to combat the demons. Jordan lands on a giant rock floating in the lava ocean and kills a few of the fiery demons with a few slices. Another demon tries to swat at him, but he leaps over it, lands on another rock, and slices him. Slade slices some demons with his katanas, but they start to overwhelm and he leaps over to another rock. Jordan hops onto that rock a few moments later.

"These are a lot of demons," said Jordan.

"This is Hell. What do you expect?" said Slade.

"This should be easy. They are easily beatable," said Jordan.

"We will beat them. This won't be something that two old friends can't handle," said Slade.

"I'm not your friend, pal," said Jordan.

The demons swipe at Slade and Jordan, but they easily jump over their long arms and land on two different rocks. Slade is confronted by a demon and its long arms grab his katanas and pull him towards the lava. Jordan sees this and rockets towards the demon. He then easily kills it with one slice. They both turn around and see a large number of demons behind them. They dart towards them and do the same movements. They run across the rocks the same. They slice through the demons the same. They even throw their blades at the same demons. Slade grabs Jordan and swings him around, using his legs to keep the demons at bay. They then run to grab their blades and go back to slicing through the demons until they are all gone.

"We worked well together. Strange," said Jordan.

"You were my heir after all," said Slade.

"We don't have time to talk. We have to keep moving," said Jordan.

"You have to keep moving. I have done my part. Now do yours," said Slade.

"What?" asked Jordan.

"I seek my goal somewhere hotter. You can find the girl on your own. Good luck," said Slade.

"I don't need your welcoming words. If I ever see you again-," said Jordan.

"You will end me. I know. I won't cross you for a pretty long time," said Slade.

"You better," said Jordan.

Jordan and Slade both part ways. Slade, to regain his flesh, and Jordan, to find his best friend. Jordan walks down the steps of hell for nearly an hour until he reaches a large stretch of land and a church. Strange. A few demons pop out but are easily defeated by Jordan's special katanas. He walks towards the church and enters it.

"A church in Hell? I guess this is only a little shocking," said Jordan.

Jordan continues to walk through the church until he hears something run past the seats. He walks over to the seats and sees a cloaked person run past him. He hops over the seats and walks over to the person. He pulls off their cloak and reveals a younger Raven.

"What the hell?" asked Jordan.

"Who are you?" asked Raven.

"Great. Just great," said Jordan.

So, I was thinking about some things yesterday. How would Jordan stack up against the fighters of "Cobra Kai"? Spoiler alert: he bodies them all with absolutely no effort. After thinking about that situation, I decided to rank all of the martial artists in this story so far. I like martial arts and I sure you do too. Let's begin shall we?

1. Bruce- There's no need to explain.

2. Dick- Also, no need to explain.

3. Slade and Jordan- These two fighters are basically on the same level. I know that Jordan has never beaten Slade or have given him a good fight, but he imporves every year and becomes a better fight. Read the character bios after every season if confused.

4. Jason- Even though he has been fighting longer than Jordan, Jordan has caught up because he trains more and is smarter. Plus, Slade drops him with high difficulty.

5. Talons

6. Batgirl (unijured)- Here, we are talking about Barbara before she got paralyzed. With prior knowledge and trianing from Batman, she was a formiddabkle fighter before getting dropped by the clown prince of crime.

7. Yin- In the few scenes of her fighting in "The Batman", we have seen that she is already a good fighter. A little help from Batman would be very helpful for her to gain more skills.

8. Tim

9. The Penguin- You're probably wondering why he's here. Well, in "The Batman" he is actually a compotent martial artist. He's not as good as the Batfamily or Talons, but he's better than me I guess.

Those were my rankings. If you disagree, come talk to me, but you will most likely not change my opinion. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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