
The New Member

作者: _BookCreator
Music & Bands
連載中 · 11.4K ビュー
  • 3 章
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What is The New Member

WebNovel で公開されている、_BookCreator の作者が書いた The New Member の小説を読んでください。"I love you."Tears started rolling down Baozhai's cheeks. She had been waiting for so long to hear those words, she had endured so much just to hear those words directed at her.-----------------------...


"I love you." Tears started rolling down Baozhai's cheeks. She had been waiting for so long to hear those words, she had endured so much just to hear those words directed at her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baozhai was asked to be the 8th member of a popular boy band. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, being a girl joining a boy band but it was asked of her and so she would give it her all. She never expected that it was going to be more complicated than she could have ever imagined. Will she be able to be happy and successful being the 8th member of a boy band?

3 タグ

A new hero in the multiverse / Un nuevo héroe en el multiverso

This is a Fanfic, I don't own anything!! All characters except the MC and animes are not mine and credits to their respective creators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: First of all, I must tell you that English is not my main language, I'm still learning it, so, I'm sorry if there are some errors in the writing. The MC is a neutral good guy, he knows that not everyone can be helped and will kill if necessary, even if it is difficult for him to do so. I will try to have all the characters have their original personality, but there may be some with small changes. This is my first Fanfic, I will do my best to make it coherent, fun and finish it. I'll write it to pass and in my free time, nothing serious. This will be a multiversal travel fanfic First world: MHA Second world: Harry Potter Third world: Still to decide Fourth world: Naruto Fifth world: Dragon ball Sixth World: MHA (Last chapter of the fanfic) ~~~~~~~~~~~ What to expect; Strong romance; MC is a guy who hates using women. There will be many women around him but he will try to woo them with love. Harem; There will be many women in the anime, as I said before I will try to ensure that each one has her original personality. Slow pace; It won't be meeting and fucking instantly, I like to take my time to build the romance before that type of thing. Overpowered but not invincible; The MC will have a hard time controlling his powers at first, as the chapters go by he will improve and learn about his powers. In addition to having a very exploitable weakness, because of that you will have to try to cover that weakness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julio or MC is a 13-year-old boy who is taken to heaven, there he receives a message from God. He is only given a mission without other orders or instructions and after that, he is reincarnated in another world. Now he will have to get used to this new life, grow, train and fulfill this mission. Join the MC on his journey to see (or read) how he completes his mission and what he does after that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esto es un Fanfic, ¡no poseo nada! Todos los personajes excepto el protagonista y los animes no son míos y los créditos van a sus respectivos creadores. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: En primer lugar, debo decirte que el inglés no es mi idioma principal, todavía lo estoy aprendiendo, así que, lamento si hay algunos errores en la escritura. El protagonista es un chico neutral y bueno, él sabe que no todos pueden ser ayudados y matará si es necesario, incluso si le resulta difícil hacerlo. Intentaré que todos los personajes conserven su personalidad original, pero puede haber algunos con pequeños cambios. Este es mi primer Fanfic, haré mi mejor esfuerzo para que sea coherente, divertido y para terminarlo. Lo escribiré para pasar el tiempo y en mis ratos libres, nada serio. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qué esperar; Romance fuerte; El protagonista es un chico que odia usar a las mujeres. Habrá muchas mujeres a su alrededor pero intentará conquistarlas con amor. Harén; Habrá muchas mujeres del anime, como dije antes, intentaré asegurarme de que cada una conserve su personalidad original. Paso lento; No será encuentro y sexo instantáneo, me gusta tomarme mi tiempo para construir el romance antes de ese tipo de cosas. Sobrepotenciado pero no invencible; El protagonista tendrá dificultades para controlar sus poderes al principio, pero a medida que avancen los capítulos, mejorará y aprenderá sobre sus habilidades. Además, tiene una debilidad muy explotable, por lo que tendrá que intentar cubrir esa debilidad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julio o MC es un niño de 13 años que es llevado al cielo, allí recibe un mensaje de Dios. Solo se le da una misión sin otras órdenes o instrucciones y después de eso, reencarna en otro mundo. Ahora tendrá que acostumbrarse a esta nueva vida, crecer, entrenar y cumplir esta misión. Únete al MC en su viaje para ver (o leer) cómo completa su misión y qué hace después de eso.

Sans2905 · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

Really good, very expresive and the story line is really good like the feelings that you can sense in each page. I recommend it a lot, i Hope you all can ejoy It.



General Audiencesmature rating