
The New Frontier

作者: Rajfireal
連載中 · 3.6K ビュー
  • 25 章
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  • NO.200+

What is The New Frontier

WebNovel で公開されている、Rajfireal の作者が書いた The New Frontier の小説を読んでください。August had never considered himself lucky, he grew up in a small town with no friends, went to a small school in the middle of nowhere and kept to himself. He was a coward through and through, preferr...


August had never considered himself lucky, he grew up in a small town with no friends, went to a small school in the middle of nowhere and kept to himself. He was a coward through and through, preferring to avoid conflict and run away. So when the world came to an end, he simply expected to die. Instead, he woke up in a new world, a place that would force him to throw away everything he once was and become something new, something he could never imagine becoming before. Humanity was being pushed into a new frontier, and whether he liked it or not, he would be coming with it.

10 タグ

The Kingdom Of The Saiyans

After writing the first chapter, I've decided that the novel won't be as simple as I originally wanted it to be. I cannot, in good conscience, release something that I do not find enjoyable to read. As such, in addition to the basic synopsis listed below and in my author note, there are a few extra things that I'd like to add: Reginald Rey Von Homestein, misled out of a normal life by a pair of drunkard parents, found himself at the end of his life with nothing but his tremendous wealth and an even more tremendous lonesome. Without a purpose, one's soul is weak and conflicted, without resolve, one's will is paltry and hapless. But what if the two were to intersect? What if an individual's resolve was to find his very own purpose? Desperation evolves into will, and Reginald's soul begins his journey to find his purpose. And what better place to find a purpose than a world of limitless power? What better motivation to fuel resolve than ambition? What better way to for a person to come to terms with his own existence... than to control the existence of every single being in the multiverse? Reginald will find himself thrust to the forefront of a reimagined Dragon Ball multiverse, fraught with dangerous and downright insane foes! But when one is truly willing to give anything in order to achieve their objective, then what's the harm in fighting insane with a little insane of his own... (TL;DR) A basic synopsis for my plot would be: A person is reincarnated into the Dragon Ball multiverse as a Saiyan named Cress, and takes it upon himself to become the king of the Saiyan world and establish their might to the furtherest corners of the multiverse. This will be a power fantasy with a lot of wish fulfilment, some romance (It is improbable that there will be anything particularly intimate), and an overpowered main character (over time, otherwise I'd be too bored to write anymore). Also, I don't own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT or Dragon Ball Super. All of these licenses belong to their rightful owners, which includes Akira Toriyama, who deserves credit for being the awesome dude that created the awesome story that I am now reimagining. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. Have a wonderful day!

ThePrsn · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Queen Luna's Revenge - The Victim or The Villain OLD VERSION

OLD VERSION - PLEASE SEE NEW LINK Excerpt: "What are you waiting for? I SAID GET OUT AND GET OUT NOW!" Alpha King Jairus Mathiasen growled menacingly, and he was in front of her instantly, leaving his mistress's side. His sweet luscious lips that used to kiss her tears away or pepper kisses all over her body, having her skin erupt in a flurry of warm, comforting, and sensual tingles now curled into a scowl as he reared back his hand and struck his Queen Luna Aakifahlynn across the face, this time with the already prepared and signed divorce paper. Causing her to stumble, hunching over sideways with the force of her husband's shove behind the slap. With her reflexes, she was able to right herself as she held the side of her face that stung in the aftermath of his heavy hand. And yet mild sparks were warming it simultaneously, but she was thankful he did not use his full strength on her weakened body. Yes, her husband, a man she had married, loved, and given five years of her life as a doting and supportive wife and Queen Luna. That same man was her mate for eight years and counting. A mate who was destined to be with her, he was made specifically for her, and she for him. Blessed by the Divine Moon Goddess herself with the aim that her creation, whom she calls her children, would never be alone in this treacherous world. They would always have each other if no one else. Queen Luna Aakifahlynn stared at the man, her husband, but she did not know who this person was before her. She surmised for the fourth time during this nightmare she would not seem to wake up from. _________________________________________________ There is no wrath like a woman betrayed in the most gruesome way. Queen Luna Aakifahlynn Mathiasen was a fierce Ace wolf, gifted and highly favored by the Divine Moon Goddess. She was also a devoted mate, wife, and Queen of the Tamman Kingdom in the Anatola Continent. Aakifahlynn was betrayed most horrendously by her husband and mate, Alpha King Jairus Mathiasen. In the moment before her death, she resigned herself to her faith and welcomed the unknown of the afterlife if there was such a thing. However, she was stunned at what happened next. Queen Luna Aakifahlynn found herself alive three years earlier, with memories of her past life still very much untouched. Wrought by sour detestation, with a second chance, Queen Luna Aakifahlynn vowed the destruction of her enemies. However, what would happen when her sworn Ayacquean enemy offers to help her? The disgraced, dark, and mysterious Emperor Demarion Dracul. Can she trust her enemy? What secrets is the Emperor hiding? The Ayacques were considered enemies of the Kingdom of Tamman because they never surrendered to the throne and their constant incitement of war. They were conniving, calculative, deceitful, yet desirable. What would happen if this unlikely combo started noticing each other somewhere along the lines of their thirst for revenge? Dive in and find out, and in the end – Would you call her the Victim or the Villain?

SherryannMartinez · ファンタジー
6 Chs


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  • 世界観設定

I am utterly captivated by your book! It's a literary gem that warrants far more attention than it's currently receiving. The characters are intricately crafted, the plot is expertly woven, and the writing is nothing short of exceptional. It's a travesty that more readers haven't had the pleasure of immersing themselves in your work yet. I'm eager to help you devise a strategy to increase its visibility and garner the accolades it so rightly deserves. Let's collaborate to devise a plan that showcases your masterpiece to the world!"


Really good with lots of potential, can't wait to see how the story progresses.


As expected, the shameless ess author review is here! I rated this book much lower I would have liked, I mean, who doesn’t want to say their creation is perfect? But sadly, I have to admit it is not. This book was made for me to tell the story of a young man, a young man who followed me in my head ever since I was a young boy, his adventures and traumas are ones I know inside out and could never dare to forget. So I have to admit August’s story could be better. He is a distrustful protagonist, though it will not show in the extremely early stages of the book. There is a reason for this of course, but you’ll have to read and find out. The characters he interacts with will be at the very least interesting personalities, and at the very best fully fleshed out members of this novel. My updated schedule? I’m still a student so don’t expect much more than a chapter a day for the next few years— excluding holidays of course, where I’ll be more than happy to provide the occasional mass release. By far my saving grace is my love for the world and very intricate plan of how I intend to portray it, a wondrous place where anything can happen. I admit my writing is not always going to be where I want it to be, but I can promise my readers that I’ll continue to improve with each passing day. All things considered, this novel is my first and I intend to do my absolute best to portray August’s sometimes slow paced journey through it with as much passion as I can muster. I simply want to create a world my readers can be interested in, learn new things in and fully immerse themselves in. So if even a single person is willing to come on this long journey with me, I’ll be happy to continue writing to the best of my ability. -Sincerely, the author



General Audiencesmature rating