
The News

I never thought things would end up this way. I always figured it would be different somehow. Then I think of how happy I am and how though there were rough times; everything is somewhat better. I would have never thought that in the beginning however. The day my parents told me we were moving to Tennessee I couldn't believe my ears. I practically shut down I didn't want anything to do with anyone but my best friend. Karla and I had been through everything together. Karla is a tall, 15 year old curly haired blond. She is also my aunt. We were born 6 months apart and have been best friends our entire lives. Anyways the only good thing about this move is the fact that my grandparents and Karla will be coming with me. We talk and my parents have my 7 siblings and I pack everything up. The day finally comes for us to leave the place I had grown up. Then the bombshell; Karla won't be going. I honestly didn't know what happened. One minute she was going and the next I was to go it alone.