
Chapter - (2) « New Beginning »

« Word Count - 1934 »


Following the cold and emotionless mechanical voice, Michael appeared in a white room as the gray and white hologram screen changes with different texts.

[Welcome to a fun-filled adventure filled with powers, politics, adventure, endbringers, and trolling! Will you be the glorious hero, the pragmatic rogue, or the villainous bastard that willingly plunges the already doomed world into further chaos and death? Either way, the world is dangerous so take 5 random Gacha tickets to get you started and help you survive.]

Soon after that wall of text, a Wheel of Fortune materialized in front of him with question marks on them.

[Would, Lord Michael like to use the 5 random Gacha tickets now?

◇Accept ◇---◇Deny◇


Looking around himself and not find anything different them the white room, Michael said loosening up his mind and clearing his thoughts."Accept."

[Ding~! Displaying Rewards!

(1) Heartbreaker-(Master): The ability to manipulate the emotions of anything within your range. The effects are long-term or permanent depending on your personal opinion.

{ Range - 1 Mile(5280 Feet}---{Only manipulate those that are weaker than you.}

(2) Potion Making-(Tinker): You are given the intuitive knowledge of mixing various mixtures and concoctions that have either a temporary boost or cause a long-term change.

(3)Ture Pure Golem Creation: You are able to create golems that are fully loyal to only you, a magically animated being created entirely from inanimate matter. This power can be used with anything so You can have super-powered golem creatures at anytime and anywhere. Note that the exact power each golem has depends on the element(s) they were created from.

{ Golem Limit - 200 }

(4)One-(Thinker): Capable of brainwashing anything by being close to them.

( Radius 10 Feet)---{Only brainwash those that are weaker than you.}

(5)The Slug-(Master): Can modify memories of your targets to an unmeasured degree.

{Only modify those that are weaker than you.}


Scanning his five rewards, Michael thought as he cracks his pointer finger like a current anime character with white hair.


'Mmm... I guess I'm going to be a mastermind in the darkness especially after seeing my rewards.'

Regardless of Michael's thoughts, the system changed again.

[Would, Lord Michael like to see his stats?]

Hearing the system, Michael thought.'Hm...My stats might show me what that black blood means.' Having come to that thought, he said in his head.' Yes.'

[Ding~! Displaying Stats!


Name: Michael Coldwater.

Titles: (None Yet!)

Race: Nameless Deity Race(One of kind).

Age: ◇Can't be calculated!◇

{◇Strength: God-like Strength(Locked)◇}

Current Strength: 70(7 times stronger than regular human standards.)

{◇Endurance: God-like Endurance(Locked)◇}

Current Endurance: 60.

{◇Agility: Speed Of Light(Locked)◇}

Current Agility: 60.

{◇Energy(Mana): Divine{God} Energy(Locked)◇}

Mana: 80.

Luck: 70.



| Heartbreaker | Potion Making | Ture Pure Golem Creation | One | The Slug |

Divine Physiology(◇Locked◇): The Monster(Nameless) is/was a creation of the Old Gods, and he possessed the strength of multiple gods.

Immortality(Level Max): The Monster was an unaging being that had lived since the time of the Old Gods. His immortality surpasses that of normal gods like Bacchus, Iris, Persephone, or Hades. He survived a shot from a bullet that would otherwise have killed a god. According to the Binder, the Monster and his sister couldn't die.

Possession(Level Max): The Monster was able to inhabit the bodies of other creatures, through which he could perform basic actions, and he relied on possessing others after his own body was destroyed. The Monster would trap his host's mind within his own consciousness, where they would remain until their bodies died; however, his hosts could momentarily break free of his control by finding a specific door in his mindscape. Due to his hosts being mortal, the Monster needed to feed and protect their bodies, or else they would become too damaged and he would need a new vessel.

Telekinesis(Level 1): The Monster was able to move and otherwise manipulate objects to his will to an immense degree. His precision with his power was enough to allow him to cleanly slice open Corybant's stomach, as well as snap Quentin Coldwater's arm with a single motion. Alice Quinn noted that Quentin's book foretold that the Monster would kill him with a single thought. When Quentin stopped the Monster from killing Eliot Waugh's body, he threw Quentin back with a simple motion.

Conjuration(Level 1): The Monster summoned a knife in his hand, which he used to cut open Bacchus' chest killing him.

Teleportation(Level 1): The Monster was able to teleport himself and others to different parts of the Multiverse, even into warded facilities.

After Quentin Coldwater and his friends restored the Wellspring, the Monster was able to travel from Castle Blackspire to Earth to recruit Quentin in his search for the gods that imprisoned him and stole his memories.

He was able to enter  Marina Andrieski's Apartment  despite the various active wards and shields. And he later took {Margo Hanson} and {Josh Hoberman},  to Fillory, to trap and slaughter  Bacchus.

The Monster couldn't teleport while he was in close proximity to a structure of Living-Stones,  or if he came into direct contact with the blood of a Living-Stone.

Resurrection(Level 1): Nameless was also capable of animating and resurrecting dead bodies at will, as seen when he was able to reanimate and awaken a long dead mummy in order to obtain information on Heka by simply tapping its sarcophagus.


System Note." Every being starts at 10."

Second System Note." Lord Michael would have to level up his newfound powers to their true potential. Because the being your soul devoured has to get used to your body and soul to be completely something greater than it is already."

Third System Note." Ones that are locked will be eventually unlocked at a given time."


Analyzing his stats Michael thought with a slight smile.'Oh, so I'm that "thing" from the show «The Magicians».'

The thing is the «Nameless» or the Monster by most. The Old Gods created the Monster, however, he proved to be too powerful and uncontrollable, and he later committed an act that led to all of the gods stripping him of his body and memories and then locking him away in Castle Blackspire.

Likewise, after reading the three system notes he thought.' Huh, a helpful system. Now that's something you don't see every day.'

Following his thoughts on that TV show, a character RPG screen popped up in front of him with the system's voice and new texts.

[Lord Michael, please think about how you would like to look like.]

Listening to the system, Michael smiled and started imagining someone from Fate Grand Order, his first 5-star servant.


Soon in front of him is a full-body mirror showing an extremely handsome male with white jade silky smooth skin possessing brilliant purple Dragon eyes. He has long white hair appearing in the colors of the rainbow that indicates he is something extraordinary. Last but not least he wears a long white robe woven with the finest fabrics, though he still looks like a modest and a reasonable man.

Nodding, Michael thought getting used to his new body.'It came out just like I imagined.'

[Leaving Voidless in 2 minutes.]

Hearing the system he thought looking around himself.' Huh, so that's what this place is called.'

Suddenly, Michael snapped his pointer finger making FGO Merlin's staff appear in his right hand and the Excalibur appear at his left hip.' You can't be Merlin without his two favorite weapons because as stated previously "The caster class is really made up of casters!"..."

After a quick two minutes, he disappeared from the voidless place and reappeared in front of the group of red and orange kobolds still in the full-blown dogeza chanting in their unusual language that he somehow understood.

" All hail and praise to Asgorath, vigilant god~

Son of the sky and the broad, blessed by Mother Earth herself~

Father of all Dragons and night-shining moon from the unknown~

Father of each day's new dawning~

Wise and Watchful light of the heavens~

Clear-sighted Master of all the year's days~

You know the travels of the stars and unknown~

You know the ways of the passing tides~

O God who sees and understands all things known and not known~

Asgorath Of Ancient Unknowns, I call to you~

I honor you, good and gracious Asgorath~

I offer you my praise and seek your blessing~!"

Following this odd prayer, Michael heard the system as a new wall of texts pops up.

[Ding~! Lord Michael, you have been established as the {God Of Unknown And Dragons} A Lesser God.]

[Lord Michael has acquired the following.

{True Draconic language( also called "Glav")}: True-Draconic is the language of all-dragons.

Dragons also called their language Glav (meaning "speech/converse"), and it used its own distinct alphabet, called Iokharic.

{Unknown Existence}: Lord Michael is or has a fathomless/unknown existence, as all information, knowledge, history, origin, etc., is either totally unknown or a complete mystery. Looking up your history, how you came to be, what allowed you to exist in the first place, or even if you exist would prove impossible.


{True Dragon Physiology}: Lord Michael can either is or can transform into a True-Dragon; a legendary creature, typically depicted with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and which is ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese Dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea, and other East Asian countries.


Checking out his new abilities, Michael thought as a smile slowly but surely making its way to his face.' I guess being a God technically already is a peak in it.'

Shaking his head in his mind getting out of his thoughts, Michael said in a Majestic and beautiful charming male voice looking at his new subjects, the kobolds." Thy may rise."


With sounds of ornaments and items dangling, all the kobolds got out of the dogeza position and kneeled on their right knee looking at Michael's feet not daring to look further.

The Head kobold suddenly said in a deep rough male voice at the front of his group looking where the rest is." My God, we the kobolds of the tribe of Nox are at your command, soul and all."

Hearing the Head kobold, Michael said in what he duded his {God Voice}." Blood Sacrifice." Why? Because why not. In all honesty, he just wants to see what's happens if he gets a blood sacrifice as a lesser God.

Immediately after hearing Michael, the Head kobold shook and said in a quivering voice."M-my God w-what k-kind of b-blood sacrifice?"

" Any kind." Truly, Michael didn't care what blood sacrifice they will do for him.

" I see..." The Head kobold was relieved, to say the least. Especially after thinking, they prayed to do an evil God. Nevertheless, the only reason they pray to it is that the sphere is because it smelled like a Superior species of their kind with an enormous Draconic aura.

This kobold group in general were on their last leg after getting chased away from their home by those new "Hero's" summoned by the « Sacred Gods Church» from the Heavenly Empire.

Here's another one from your newbie Author~! Please let me know if you see anything wrong with it.

Had to reload this one because the other had words mushed up so here's hoping this is better if not I will try again.

I will try to get another one~!

Nameless_000creators' thoughts