
Chapter I - The Gulf Of Orion

I remember my lips were peeling in the hot of the sun, having drank the last of my water. Sticky and unpleasant to taste with my tongue I left my lips alone. Closing my dry mouth as I laid face down in my rowboat. Feeling the tormenting heat of the sun burn at my scalp and my back.

The thin fabric of my light muddy brown shirt was hanging off my starved body. True I still had my potbelly gut but without food for almost a week, my body has begun to eat itself. Starvation is numbed by the heat peeling the skin off of my back.

Lying on my stomach face down keeps my face and front half of my body relatively safe from the sun. Still when night comes I feel my sun exposed skin. Hard, scab covered, and oozing an unpleasant watery fluid. Not blood but lighter, reminds me of tears without any weight. Smelling of a harsh bitterness, kind of like whisky served rough.

Truth by told the roughest drink I ever had was a light coconut rum. The sweet flavor gives me a relaxing shiver down my spine. At night I track my course by the moon and the stars. So many stars in the sky it is almost like daylight, but still the gaps between those clusters tell me what I need to know. The largest gap between them I was sailing right under meant I had entered the only gulf left in the world.

The Gulf of Orion, which was safest harbor to the largest island in the world. Babylon where the most land raised people live, safe, secure, but not for the likes of me a pirate. Not one of infamy or with any identifying marks, I am still considered to be one. A pirate though if because I was forced to join the likes of Captain Blood Teeth.

Regretting it more than the flesh being roasted off of my back, still at the end of a cutlass who was to argue. Starting off the sea of Charybdis half the ocean away from where I was currently suffering. My plan when I left my home on a ill fated voyage was to explore the world.

Oh, the adventure and air of mystery surrounding those vast waters of this world made my stomach tight with excitement. My groin lifted with the fury of a thousand throbbing blood vessels. Though adventure was a small part of my voyage on further reflection. Truth was I never had the pleasures of the more attractive sex. Any interactions at my home was none to private. The choice of women were quite limiting, marriage was also something I wished to avoid.

Barely a man and I'd have to propose to a cousin or be shunned by my family. On the small island in which I lived it was going to happen that eventually some incest was going to happen. If only to continue the island population which grows less and less. The smart ones left younger than the age I was at when I left.

Stories from ships stopping in port fueled my nightmares of horrible sea monsters, demons,and cutthroat pirates. Such things were terrible to hear, but I also heard of islands of such pleasure. As I entered a more mature age I grew to become interested in such places. Where men can have multiple wives, where marriage is a taboo tradition, and best of all casual sex was alright.

When I worked the courage and worked to get the coins I left my island on a passing ship. The Rovers Rose, which took me aboard as a traveller for most of what I had saved. Secretly of course as I didn't want to be dragged home by my family. Marriage to the most polluted of my cousins was not something I wished to suffer in my days.

The first few nights were glorious, I learned card games, lost some money but I learned. I slept soundly knowing my troubles were leagues of ocean away. Still the smell of my home still lingered in my thoughts, especially when someone filled a bed pan.

After almost a week my restlessness grew on me, as my legs started to buckle from the motions of the water. Then came the sight of storm clouds being carried towards us by the wind.

The Rovers Rose was hit by the storm as I lay in my hammock. Waves crashed against the sides of the ship it felt like it was going to capsize by the sheer power of the crashing waters. Captain Mac Myres kept us afloat during the night of the storm. All men were called upon the deck, I was made to go on deck also to help save the ship. Never being on a ship before, the terms they used flew over my head. Still I had proven some use as I was directed to the decks below by the first mate. Who told me to take a bucket and drain the water out that was flooding the decks below.

As the sea was leaking through the frame of the ship during the storm. Quickly and quite well I can humbly say I saved the ship from being flooded. The storm eased in the daybreak but there was still rain. Hearing the bell I decided to go up on deck to see what the noise was about. Poking above deck I saw that the captain was addressing the crew.

The rain was light and the sun was shining from the thinning clouds. There was a sense of easement, captain Mac Myres declared our victory over Rai'leks wraith.

Thanking us all for our hard work, Myres was indeed a man to inspire confidence. Strong muscular arms and a thick barrelled chest he stood above us all like he was God himself.

Still I was confused who Rai'leks was, later after he dismissed most of the crew I asked a sailor about Rai'leks.

All he told me was it was bad luck to talk about it on the sea, still I pressed. Talked to other sailors many got cross with me for talking about Rai'leks. Still I kept asking till the old cook Johnson told me quietly in the kitchen. In exchange of me peeling potatoes. As I peeled he told me of the Gods of the deep.

How back when there was more land when many people believed in one God the waters began to rise. Flooding many lands, killing many people in sudden floods and lack of food. For years the lands kept flooding as people were killed to keep from overcrowding. This continued until one day after a large culling of a population the water the bodies floated in became red with blood. The blood spread through all the waters and from that blood came the demons of the water. Who would kill all who came on the water on ships or by merely touching the waters.

That I was told was a time so terrible very little of the world before survived and much became lost. All the while the water was still rising only slower, this made people sacrifice people to the demons.

Until out of the sky came a God whose body was a mass of squid tentacles. Whose head was a mass of eyes and who had wings like a butterfly. This being didn't speak but he came on the water and drank the blood from it, sending the demons down below in the sea. So deep they couldn't even see the surface anymore, this being was called Rai'leks. A saviour of us but also by its nature it was a devil. For it ate islands of people leaving only a few behind.

For many days it did this until he sank in the waters to sleep. After Rai'leks went into the waters more Gods came from the sky. Some were kind but many regarded the human race as insignificant. So much so that it is said that whenever there is a storm it is because our ships are disturbing Rai'leks sleep.

At first I thought he was lying due to me not even hearing anything about this before. The look he gave me when I doubted it was filled with fear and shock. Sincerity of that expression won over my skepticism.

After the story was finished I tried to leave but he insisted I finish peeling. Some cuts on my thumbs later I had finished and went to find some cloth to cover my cuts. The blood was still peeking from my cuts, and I find it disgusting to suck on open cuts.

I found a dirty cloth on a table to wrap around my thumbs. Then I went above board, to see how the rain was progression, it had stopped which was good. The day was ending and the sky looked clear, no clouds to be seen in any direction.

As the twilight of the day was coming into darkness of night I saw Captain Mac Myres. At the helm as he was guiding it along its course. Climbing up the stairs I wished to see the man close up, to admire his masculinity. All the men on my island were bloated in stomach and thin in limbed. I have thin limbs but gladly my stomach is more concave.

Looking at me with those bright green eyes I felt a sense that I was trespassing. As if the atmosphere the captain was in was tainted by my presence. Still I didn't leave but I stopped looking the man in the eyes. Weird feeling of inadequacy made me shameful of myself.

"You're the border right? Coming with us to the next port, that was what you agree with my first mate". The words were thick and deep, deeper than any man I ever heard.

Strange how you never know how a man is supposed to look, act, or sound until you witness it from a real man.

"Yes" I replied meekly, "when do you think we'll get there"?

No time to consider it Mac Myre answered, "tomorrow we should be at Croater Island. There you can find work if you are ready to that is, young islanders like you don't know the world yet. It knows you though, and it is ready to teach you whether you want it to or not".

Wow, that was really profound I thought to myself. Not feeling worthy to stay near such a commanding man I wished him a goodnight at went below the deck. After sleeping in my hammock for the last night I slept soundly. The sea air was putting me at ease and the sense of anticipation for the morning was tightening my chest with tension.

As I heard the call of the man on the crowsnest I gathered my belongings and went above. I felt so light on my feet even my money felt less than it did the day before. Coming on deck I saw Croater island in the distance, its harbor ready to for the Rovers Rose.

Thinking that I had grown attached to the ship I decided to ask the first mate if I could stay aboard as a member of the crew. As the ship was preparing to dock I got the first mate in a breather between his loud orders.

Asking the question as quickly as I could not wanting to waste his time. Making myself look somewhat presentable I tried not to look eager for a response, the first mate responded rather simply.


That was numbing, that word was so finale. I wanted to argue with that decision. Following him I heard him talk to the captain.

"That islander boy wanted to join the crew, I told him no. Hopefully he won't ask again. We don't need any drag feets on the ship", he as he dragged his foot on the deck mockingly.

The captain said as plainly as ordering something from a store, "good".

Afterwards it was business as usual for the crew of the Rovers Rose. Who was I to these men? Just a boy who left his island of relatives who didn't bother to breed outside their bloodline. At least my son won't have a disgusting bloated stomach and webbed toes. Similar to some of my relatives who have such birth defects. Still I wish I could've been at least considered for a spot on the crew.

As we docked I prepared to leave the ship, the captain came up to me and said a farewell to me giving me a warming smile. I couldn't help but smile back even though I knew I was a bother to this man.

"Stay safe and if you're looking to join a crew try the tavern down the boardwalk. The Dry Sailor pub will see you right, I wouldn't be surprised if you are signed up with a crew before nightfall".

To that I nodded and said, "with a less demanding ship naturally". Those words had a bitterness to them that seeped through, the captain unintentionally caught those words.

"Don't worry young man, you'll find your way in this world. Let it teach you some things, you'll learn, I promise".

I got to shake the captain dry, hard, strong hands. A smile was left on my face as I could still feel his hand on mine even after walking off the ship. Finding a resolve to become a sailor to measure that of the crew of the Rovers Rose I took my first steps on solid ground.

I fell over and myself, busting my knee cap on the hardwood planks. Recovering quickly before anyone saw I quickly limped my way down the boardwalk. Stands of fishmongers, fruit sellers, and general wares drew my gaze.

Foods and things I have never seen before and some I remember from stories. Still I thought a swordfish looked better in my head than it did in real life. Counting the money I had left in my satchel I found it was significantly less than it was before. Must of lost a few coins on the ships I figured. Only enough for maybe a drink at the tavern I figured. Hungry I dug out a half eaten potato from the dinner before that I saved.

I ate it as I walked towards the end of the boardwalk. All around me were some of the most interesting people, working at the stands and moving along the dock. Men with missing limbs or limbs made out of wood and hooks. Bizarre but I guess it was something I needed to get used to being free to explore the world.

One man seemed to have a nasty skin condition, black bruises formed pictures on his body. Looked similar to my uncles rash on his back that looked like a tree. Coming near the end of the boardwalk I saw a sign for the Dry Sailor. Of course I wasn't too literate so I had to sound out the word out loud. Not too loud, but loud enough to have a group of three men overhear me making them laugh and point.

"Hah th-e drrry sail-or" said the short bald one with one eye looking partially out of socket. Making fun of me obviously and doing a good job at it too, the impression made his companions laugh.

Sitting on barrels they looked like they were drinking pig piss, dark with a little red in their glass mugs. No froth on top, the drink smelled so strong I got a whiff of it from a few feet away. Ignoring their comments because they had cutlasses and pistols on their belts I went inside of the pub.

Once inside I saw it was mostly empty, except for a group of the most attractive woman I've ever seen sitting at the bar. Large bosoms, wearing dresses that showed off their thighs I walked over to an empty booth to sit down; to hide my growing shame.

As I was sitting down I noticed how wet the table at the booth I was at was, it was a sticky wetness. Reminded me of more watery tree sap it made my hand stick to the wooden surface. After painfully pulling my hand free I looked around the pub, it was empty except for those tantalising women at the bar.

At first the pub looked similar to the one I had at home but I began to notice some differences. The wood it was made of was darker, it had glass windows not just cloth used to cover the opening in the wall. Early in the morning the daylight sun started to peek over the horizon and fill the doorway with light.

Still the inside was dark, musty, and somewhat gloomy. A real adventurous sailors hangout. That was until I met the succubus who sent me to the bane of my existence.

Harriet Da'Marr, a harlot who came to my booth as I was wiping the stickiness from my hand on the cushioned seat.

I saw her approaching me from a few steps away, the first things I saw of her were those large round eyes. Green like the palm trees with hair red like a campfire. Lips as red as blood and skin dark gold, a attractive combination. Also she had the biggest breasts I have ever seen! I was hoping to be with those bosoms so I carefully counted the money I had left.

A handful of coins I prayed would be enough for me to lose my boyhood, so I could become a true man of the sea. It was a obsession and my hot blushed face gave it away. I still don't know if she planned my fat right away or if it was just opportunity. Those words she first said to me have been etched into my conscious mind.

"Hello sweet thing, what are you looking for"?

She said as she said across from me, in her loose outfit. High riding skirt, tight top with space to show off her cleavage and thigh high boots. Everything she wore had a scarlet shade to it, making her look taboo.

"Um", I said having trouble forming words. My shame was growing and becoming more uncomfortable. Finally after some stuttering noises I said, "I'm looking for a ship to take me on".

That was when I saw her blood shade lips open and a large tooth smile lifted upwards. Then I felt her boots rub against my legs, oh my that sent shivers up my back.

"Well sweet thing, I am sorry to say but most captains on the island have already picked up some men already. The season for hiring was not too long ago, but it is best to get here early. So finding a ship maybe be not possible to next year".

Hearing that made my heart weigh down, but then I felt the heel of her boot on my shame. Rubbing it gently but with plenty of tension.

"However I know of a captain who is looking for able body men, and you look able bodied", as she spoke she grinded the boot against my shame.

Dampness soaked at my trousers as she removed her boot. I felt ashamed for my action, but also relieved. So damn relieved, it was my first release that wasn't of my own hand.

"How about a drink there sweet thing? Hm" she asked as she waited for my answer.

I nodded feeling my breath leave my mouth, man it must of shown so clearly on my face. Perhaps she liked me? She probably did, why else would she do something so intimate to a stranger, without even asking for money?

She returned with a glass of a liquid dark red like her lip color. Offering it to me, I reached up and took it with my hand still partially sticky from the table. Her fingers rubbed mine as I did so, she made me feel special. Smiling I took the glass to my lips and sipped it gently. It was bittersweet, reminded me of the juice made from berries on my home island.

"Thank you" I said, then I downed the drink quickly so I could show off to her.

That was when my memory starts to get hazy, words seemed like echoes, and my mind seemed to space outwards. I remember more drinks, the other girls coming over, they had drinks and all the while I nodded. Then said some things, afterwards I followed Harriet Da'Marr to the stairs behind the bar.

I didn't know her name, and she didn't know mine. All I remember was my head hitting a soft bed and a deep sleep.

In the morning I awoke to her kicking my leg, head throbbing I felt hot bitterness rise in my throat. Leaning my head over I vomited on the floor beside the bed.

"Is this all the money you have"? She said as my head was spinning, blurred vision I saw she was holding something in her hand. As my vision cleared I saw it was the last of my money.

"You drank at least twenty times this amount, and not to mention what you bought for me and the girls. Also not even to mention last night you little letch. No one cheats Harriet Da'Marr, now how you gonna pay your tab"? She spoke in words that weren't so sweet, they were harsh and angry.

Yesterday she seemed so sweet, so beautiful, she seemed to like me as if I was special. Now she is treating me worse than my mother did the day she walked into my bedroom in the morning. So harsh and crude, she even kicked my leg and it started to hurt.

My head throbbing but becoming clear I started to put my shoes and trousers on as she continued to berate me, loudly.

"So where is the rest? You owe me at least eighty gold standards, how you are you gonna pay"?

At first I was too shocked and hungover to respond but then I answered, "I can't that is all the money I had".

She gave me a mean look, one of disgust and total hatred directly upon me solely. Grabbing me by my collar she lifted me from the bed and I staggered on my wobbly legs. Landed on the floor hitting my head on the legs of a table.

That was gonna leave a nasty bump, then she pulled out a pistol and pointed it at me, I was afraid. Hungover, with no money, and scared for my life I was ordered to follow her downstairs.

I did so, praying I wouldn't become fish bait by the end of the day. Walking in a half stagger I was worried I fall down the stars onto her with her finger rubbing the trigger. What was I to do? Live, die, or something worse? These questions would be answered later that day, after she brought me down to the pub it was still empty. Except for the woman who joined in to tying me to a chair with heavy rope. As Harriet aimed the pistol at my head.

"A lousy bum like you will pay for your pleasures one way or another mister… what is your name"? I couldn't believe after what we did, that I couldn't remember that she didn't ask me for my name. Then again I didn't say my name or ask hers, all I could think about was what we did last night.

What was the point in becoming a man if I couldn't even remember?

"My name is", I said as I tried to sound brave and suave, "Toddwilling McSwillings". My voice croaked with a belch in mid sentence tasting of the drink and stomach bile.

The woman paused in their efforts to restrain me in the chair, and they looked at me as if I said something odd.

"No lies really"? Harriet said as she scrutinized my answer. "That is your name really? Nah, must be a joke".

I took offense of my name, it was something I took pride in being better named than my cousins.

"What is wrong with Toddwilling McSwillings? It is no stranger than Harriet Di'Mire". I said with obvious distain in my tone.

Giving me a look of annoyance she held the pistol up higher. Then she said obviously offended, "my name is Harriet Da'Marr".

"And mine is Toddwilling McSwilling", I retorted in a stern voice as I glared at her.

Then after I was securely tied to the chair she lifted the pistol up and gave me a nonchalant expression. "Doesn't matter anyway", Harriet said as she turned around and looked out the door. Light shone brightly out, look like a early morning.

"Since you obviously cannot pay" Harriet said, "I am gonna sell your debt to a customer who frequents this pub when he comes to port. He gladly pays for deadbeats like you, who come here drink themselves silly on a tab they have no wish to pay. Then he pays me to take them off my hands, so they can work on his ship. So in a way you got your wish there McSwolling, you'll get to work on a real ship and everything".

"It is McSwilling, and I am starting to regret having come into this pub", I said feeling worried for my situation.

The women laughed and went about hanging around the bar as Harriet joined them. Leaving me sitting there trying desperately to remember last night. Too embarrassed to ask, I was desperate to know how was my first time. Losing virginity I was told was something a man can remember when he is down on his luck.

What was I to do if I couldn't remember it? It maybe my only chance in my life, as I was wondering what kind of captain needs to buy sailors from harlots? He must be desperate for men, and anyone not willing to sail under him must have a good reason.

That was when I saw a loud sound, like stone bricks hitting a cobbled road. It was getting closer. Harriet and the other women looked up, as if they heard the sound before.

Leaving the rest of the girls Harriet put away the pistol and adjusted her breasts.

"He's here" she jeered as she went to wait near the door.

That was when I saw something huge walk past the window, wearing a large silver captains coat. Fit for a giant as only his lower torso could be seen through the window. Then darkness came, his body blocked out the sun from the doorway. My God my heart pounded so hard I felt like I was gonna die.

Then with a loud booming sound the giant burst through the door and came inside the pub. Standing erect the tip of his hat touched the ceiling which was about ten feet from the floor.

The man was the tallest man I've ever seen and he looked far more dreadful than any monster or demon I could imagine. Red hair with graying was thick and wooly like a sheep but it feel freely around his shoulders. Skin as burnt red as a red salmon, with eyes that bugged out of his skull shaped head, completely bloodshot. They looked like they were red all over. Swollen cheeks, exposed forehead and a long neck. That touched his skeletal shoulders and impossible tall form.

Wearing a black captains hat with silver embroidering on his hate to look like a a eye. Wearing a silver captains coat, with gold buttons and embroidering that hung around his knees. Dirty brown trousers and black boots that looked common wear of any sailor. Still the most terrible thing that stuck out to me and still haunts my mind was his mouth.

Partly open I saw his teeth were red looking like they were soaked with blood. Lips and area around his shaven face were also crimson with blood. It dripped from his mouth, but he sucked it back in and swallowed the stray droplets.

What kind of oral care did he have to have such a disgusting trait.

"Captain Blood Teeth it is a pleasure to see you again", Harriet said acting unafraid of the demon that stood in front of her. "We have another man who owes us quite a bit of money and we were wondering if you'd want to buy his debt".

The giant captain looked ahead at nothing and didn't bother to change his gaze as Harriet spoke to him. After she spoke to him he still looked onward as if he was looking at something through the walls of the pub.

Shaking in my chair I felt the urge to pee really badly, since my morning routine was disturbed and all. It was mostly due to the anxiety and fear of working for such a terrifying looking captain.

Sucking his teeth Captain Blood Teeth spoke in a husky, raspy, moist voice. "I see" he said as he continued to look at the wall on the far end. "I will take him then" he said as he walked towards me blood foaming from the corner of his mouth.

Shaking I looked up at him and saw my vision momentary become blinded by whiteness. As my chest erupted in pain and I felt my trousers become wet with urine.

"Firstly though we have unfinished business", Blood Teeth said as he turned around slowly to look at Harriet directly.

For a moment I could've sworn her expression changed but she reverted to her stone like welcoming smile.

"What about Captain"? She said as she held her hands behind her back.

"Well", started the huge man as blood spat from his mouth in little droplets that dotted the top of his silver coat. "About the deal you made, with the Coats of Leviathans".

The pub was silent as the women near the bar started to cower behind the counter.

"I don't know what you mean" Harriet said as she slipped in a innocent laugh.

Taking a very loud step towards her the giant captain continued, "he told. Told me all I wished to know, about his plans, the trap, and you. Who else would've known where I was heading"?

Her eyes widened as Captain Blood Teeth took another step towards her, she then pulled out a pistol. As a bony hand reached out for her, as sharp crackle of the pistol rang out in the pub. Feeling something fly past me I heard the sound of glass breaking, turning my head I saw the bullet flew at the window. Shattering it into pieces, turning around I heard a choked gasp and saw Harriet.

Long bony fingers wrapped around her neck as Captain Blood Teeth lifted her from the ground. Faces inches away blood from his mouth fell onto her face as she tried to get him to let go, hitting his hand. Then kicking his stomach the giant man did not let go, he held her firm as her face turned dark red.

Loosening his grip the captain spoke again, "next time one of the Coats come tell them he was still alive when I ate his face".

Then he dropped her as she fell on her backside on the ground rubbing her neck and coughing hard. Moving swiftly not waiting long to he moved towards me again, as I shook in the chair. Ropes rubbing harshly against my body, I was glad when he moved past me heading towards the bar.

The women screamed and I didn't have the courage to look to see what he was going to do to them. One was screaming louder than the rest, as the others whimpered in the background.

Next was loud ear piercing screaming, under those screams was the sound of mushy chewing. Screaming continued with the chewing for a few moments as the woman whimpered loudly in pain. A loud thud sound like someone was dropped, and a slurping sound like someone was eating noodles.

After a wet belch the women started crying on more than the rest as Harriet looked at the captain in anger. Teeth grinding, fist clenched. Then I heard him moved towards me, then I felt him grip the rope on the chair. Lifting me off the ground in the chair, my urine dripped onto the floor.

Then I heard him say with his mouth more wet than before, "that was in case the Coats don't believe what I said. She is now living proof".

Carrying me he walked towards the door my urine forming a trail on the pub floor.

Then the captain stopped and said to Harriet, "I am also taking this one for nothing. Don't bother doing this again women, I won't be back. I don't like whores that are disloyal to the ones that pay them the most. Goes against what their purpose is you understand".

Afterwards he continued to walk out of the pub, I took a look at Harriet wondering if she did what she did out of desperation. Was she a willing partner with Captain Blood Teeth or was it something she did to save her own skin?

Maybe a little of both? I guess I may never know, as I felt the cold chill of the sea wind blow against my moist legs. The sky was clear not a cloud in the sky, and the sun was a golden white. Only one thing seemed different from yesterday that become glaringly obvious the day, there was no one outside. Most of the large ships have left port, only small fishing ships remained. Looking across the port as much as I could see, there was only one other ship left. Though I'm sure it wasn't there the day before, I would've remembered seeing such a floating wreck.

The wood was a rotten green held together by growing mould and rotting fungi on the sides of the ship. Sails were patched with clothes and various patterns, at the bow was a mounted figurehead of a mermaid. Half of her was rotted by sea water and fungus making her look dead and rotting to the bone. Only one small part of her face was left untouched, the left eye and part of the forehead.

"That is my ship" said Blood Teeth as he carried me closer to the ship. "Her name is the Tropic Cancer, the best galleon in all the known seas. You'll work on that ship until you die, and if you're unlucky even after death".

Words spoken with such cruelty that it wrecked at my soul. Death was sentenced upon me, I cured my ignorance of the world and its dangers. How I wished I was back on my island, never to leave it to experience things that are forgotten or I wish I could forget.

Once he stood at the ship he waited for one of his crew to lower the boarding blank. Hitting the dock with a solid thud, Blood Teeth walked onto it and moved in long strides onto the deck of the ship.

Coming board Blood Teeth threw me onto the deck so hard it broke the chair to pieces. The rope became undone as I shook with fear, still feeling the pain of my hangover.

"Get up boy"! Commanded Captain Blood Teeth. "You are the newest crew member of the most feared pirate galleon on the open waters. When this ship comes to any port ships set sail and people hide in their homes. You'll be given the mark once we get out to sea, Mister Croft you bulbous boil get the ship out of port".

Then from behind the upper deck railing came short fat man, with a large red bald head. "Aye Captain"! He shouted like a dog bark.

Ringing the bell he called all men on deck, then from below deck came a group of other red skinned pirates. Each one seemed to be burned by the sun to a dark red, everyone looked odd in their own way. Too fat, too thin, too ugly, or too ordinary.

"Mister Croft"! yelled the captain in a blood showering cry, "get the new boy to work while I am in my cabin".

Then he walked away into the cabin at the end of the ship his feet making loud sounds with each step. For a while longer I sat down, my whole body was shaking. A feeling of sickness started to burn at my stomach. Coming from the upper deck Croft came right up to me, then he hit me with a whip in his hand.

Many strands each with a metal bulb at each end, with stained blood covering the bulbs and the strands. Standing up as I saw the whip as I was afraid he hit me, I almost fell over.

Even though I was on my feet it didn't stop Croft from giving me a harsh crack on my hip. As it was the only part he could get to without reaching. Being really short at four feet I was almost a foot and five inches taller than him. Up close I see he was older, white hairs on his eyebrows and dark brown eyes.

Completely bald, the sun shined off his reddened scalp. Dressed in suspenders, long black pants and a dark yellow shirt he seemed to be the first mate of the ship.

"New blood get up to the fore-mast now and untie those sails or I'll give you another taste of the cat, move"! Hollard the raspy throated short man.

As I was going up to the shroud to climb up to the fore-mast I felt the sting of the whip hit my back.

"Move"! He shouted again even louder.

Motivated I climbed up to the fore-mast, truth be told I never been on such a large ship before. The Rovers Rose was certainly was the largest ship I have ever seen before, but the Tropic Cancer was almost overwhelming.

Climbing till I reached the first sail, I began untying the sail but my hand had trouble undoing the knot. The man opposite to the line had no trouble doing his side which draped downwards on a slant. Doing the first two on his side, the man climbed up to the next one, moving quick like a spider. Thin and flexible he seemed to have no trouble at all, neither did anyone else.

Seeing Croft look at me, I panicked and dug my teeth into the knot, hoping to undo it and save myself a lashing. Instead a chipped a tooth on the top row, the piece fell down and hit the deck.

Looking at that small white piece below with a little bit of blood on it, I saw it be stepped on and finally lost. My mouth started to fill with blood and I felt tears of pain and sadness come to my face. That was when another crew member pushed me aside on the mast and undid my side for me and moved upwards.

"New blood" I heard Croft scream from below, "get down here now"! I did so as quickly as I could, suddenly having a cause of vertigo wreck my nerves.

Coming onto the deck I walked up to the short man who winded up his whip arm and gave me a large whack on the side. Blood seeped staining my shirt.

"You are useless, cannot undo a simple knot! Make yourself of some use you bastard and go down below, you're working with the cook from here on scum"!

Doing as I was told I felt another two quick whacks across my back and more blood wetting my clothes. Going down below, I saw immediately down below was where the crew slept in their bunks and hammocks. To a short stairway was a doorway down, where I found a lineup of tables the kitchen was at the back.

Walking to the doorway I followed the scent of half burnt cooking. Once through the door I saw the cook, a large man horribly fat with one leg missing. Where his leg was, was a stump of wood strapped to his leg with wheels on the bottom.

Using it to drag his foot behind his waddling steps, he must of been at least four hundred pounds. With balding hair which stuck to his neck, an ugly light brown color. Eyes surrounded by fat, it looked like he could barely see through them. Having that red skin made his obesity look even more unnatural.

Wearing no shirt the disgusting folds of his fat, that seemed to layer upon itself. I was somewhat sure he wasn't wearing any trousers but his fat draped down so I wasn't sure.

"Excuse me" I said but it sounded kind of odd as when I opened my mouth I got scent of the cook. The food smelt bad but the cook smelled like a bloated corpse filled with spoiled hog fat.

The cook turned around and looked at me as he breathed heavily. "Sir" I continued, "I was sent by Mister Croft to assist you".

With a heavy sigh the cook turned around and picked up a burnt piece of food. It was so black I couldn't tell what it was originally. After he stuffed his mouth he turned around and gave out a fish smelling belch in my direction.

"Call me… Salford…" he said between pauses of heavy breathing. "Start… descale… and gut… those fish".

For the first time that day I was truly relieved. Preparing fish was the only task I could do exceptionally well on my island. I could gut a fish and removed the scaled with three swift motion with a sharp knife.

Going to the corner of the kitchen I found myself walking over dirty dishes, utensils, and scraps of food. After nearly causing a crash of dishes I seated at a stool next to two large barrels of fish. There was also a barrel for the guts and scales and a large, rusted, chipped knife.

Seated down I took the rusted knife and grabbed my first fish. In a little longer than usual time I cleaned a fish, which I placed in a empty pot not to far away. After some time not too long, perhaps a half hour I had cleaned two barrels of fish.

Salford had to waddle over twice to empty the pot of fish into the cooking pan. After all the fish were done, smoke began to fill the kitchen. It was stinging my eyes so I open the windows to air out the kitchen. They were hard to open having been sealed in place by grease and lack of use I did open all three of them. Allowing the generous winds to empty the kitchen of smoke and rid it of the stench.

Seeing I was done Salford then said through heavy breathing, "clean...dishes".

Again I was at home, doing dishes was something I was also quite good at as I filled a tub with water. Using lye soap I picked up a stack of dishes, cleaning them and putting them in a cupboard. Stacks of dishes, forks, knives, and spoons later I was done again in less time I planned. Cleaning the food scraps off the floor I looked around and saw the kitchen was starting to look presentable.

A little scrubbing of the pots, pans, floors, and walls would make it look like the kitchen on the Rovers Rose. As I was sitting down for a short break I heard footsteps coming. Standing up I looked busy by moving the empty barrels to a corner.

Coming into the kitchen was a ugly member of the crew, with horribly looking skin. Covered in green scabs and white leaking pimples, the hair on his head had bald patches. With a half scowl faces the sailor pointed at me and gestured me to come over.

"The Captain wants to see you on dead. Time for the mark", he said in a muffled voice.

Following him I was nervous, but the kitchen chores calmed me a bit. Also the urine had dried and I was more prepared for what horrors awaited me, or so I thought.

Coming up above on deck I was grabbed by the arms by two members of the crew. Both lanky, tall men, with balding heads and crooked, jutting limbs.

They took me to stand before Captain Blood Teeth who stood before a table brought on deck. On the table was a knife with nine needle like blades rising upwards like thorns on vines. Beside it was a empty inkwell. Bringing up to the table, the two men removed my shirt. Almost ripping it off my body, leaving my bare upper body bare.

Afterwards the men held me tight again keeping me from moving. Not like I would dare do anything to anger the demonic man who stood before me, with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Crew" said Blood Teeth as his mouth gargled with blood, "we gather to mark this man. Making him a pirate, damning him forever in the eyes of God, his fellow man, and to sentence him to the ninth circle of hell! Where he will be marked as a traitor to all things on the sea and on land. From here on no matter where you go boy, no matter what you do, I damn you to the ninth circle of hell"!

Picking up the inkwell to his mouth Captain Blood filled it with blood from his mouth. Then he put it on the table as blood drooled onto the table. Picking up the knife he he dripped each of the points of the nine blades of the knife into the blood.

"With this blood, I condemn to my fate. When I die or choose for you to die you shall be sent to the ninth circle of hell. Where I and all pirates of my blood will be sentenced by Peter at the gates of heaven. I damned you with this knife"!

With the knife he brought it to my chest over my heart he stuck the points of each blade into my chest. One by one he dug the blood soaked tips into my skin. Spacing the points in a circle three on top, three on the bottom, two on right, and one on the left.

After pricking my chest with the knife I felt my body go limp. Every part of my body was stiff and aching in terrible pain. I wasn't awake to feel it much longer as I passed out.

What happened next nearly kills me to remember. Every time I have a nightmare of it, a flashback, or brief thought to it, I wish I could just die. Falling in on myself, it is not like any pain I felt before.

Waking up I found myself being assaulted by members of the crew. I didn't know which ones they were or how many, it was very dark. Still I knew it was happening, they were doing something quite disgusting. A feeling of filth sticking to my body stays with me even as I lay burning alive on the Gulf of Orion.

After they finished I went to get a tub of water, soap, and a washcloth. I cleaned myself up and washed the fluids from my clothes. Then I went back to bed, I found they put me to sleep in the bottom of the ship where they keep all supplies.

Taking the dirtied sheet off the pile of hay I was on I laid down and fell asleep.

The next day I heard the laugh of the crew behind my back, once again I was sent to work in the kitchen. Once I went inside I saw it was dirty with dishes and food scraps, seems I had missed breakfast. Table scraps I managed to eat behind Salford's back was my only meals for the days to come.

As I was carrying a new water barrel to the main deck I had the misfortune to come across the captain.

Whatever ritual he had done to me seemed to please him, but didn't bring me closer to the crew. All looked at me like a joke, what they did to me last night proved to me they didn't respect me at all.

My weakness at not undoing the knots on the mast had proven my inabilities to the crew. Signs of weakness was something they jumped at quite eagerly it seems.

"Scrappy" Captain Blood Teeth called me then, which would become a recurring nickname. The crew and the Captain made sure to call me that often. Using it in jokes and references to that night.

"I wanted to let you know that last night was nothing to worry about. I gave them permission and yes the idea to show you your place on the Tropic Cancer. It may happen again, it may not just bare in mind it all depends on my mood. Now hurry up and get to the kitchen noon is coming and the men need their three meals a day"!

After leaving the water barrel on deck I went down below and started at the kitchen again. Everyday for months it was a grueling routine, of ridicule, near constant kitchen work, painful pranks, and occasional assaults.

Each time it happened it became worse and more painful. The next day when it happened Captain Blood Teeth reminded me he had it done to me, just to let me know I was at his limited mercy.

"Don't think you can escape Scrappy" he told me after my first week on the ship. "No one has ever escaped my crew, those that leave I eventually catch. Then they become those who wish they could die. Either way boy, you're doomed to suffer this hell till I choose for you to die. Even then I'll see you in our circle of hell. That mark binds us boy, wherever you go, I can track you and I can follow".

I don't respond to the captain unless he commands an answer. Soon I realized I was the bottom rank on the crew, whose sole purpose was to be tormented. During those months the Tropic Cancer sailed the seas stopping at various islands. I assumed to pillage because from where we weighed anchor I always heard screams. Sounds of destruction and death, then the crew would come back with supplies.

From time to time there was no pillaging and the crew was allowed shore leave in towns. As if they knew I'd try and escape the captain ordered me locked in the brig during shore leaves. At least those nights I knew I wouldn't be assaulted.

A few days before I escaped the ship I had a plan to escape. Since I was sleeping in the storage room I packed a bag of food and a canteen of water. Figured the next time we came to an island pillage or shore leave I'd take a rowboat and set off. I didn't care if I got lost, died, or was captured, I needed freedom.

Hiding a chisel and hammer in my usual cell I planned to be escape as I was locked up during shore leave.

When everything I prepared was ready I waited working in the kitchen till the bell rang for everyone to come on deck. Except Salford he was so fat he couldn't leave the kitchen. Leaving me to clean out his chamberpot which he kept in the closet.

Once on deck I heard a group of the crew snicker and sneer. One of them came up to my ear and whispered something crude. I ignored it and waited for the captain's announcement.

Standing up on the upper deck Captain Blood Teeth stood still saying nothing. Gazing out of the open water he didn't seem to be focused on anything at all, as the sun heat grew more intense. Thirst was at the back of all our throats but the captain didn't care, he probably was enjoying their misery.

"Crew" he began almost hushed as if he was trying to keep the wind from overhearing his words. "Seems that at our last shore leave on of you had opened his mouth and betrayed me"! The words began as a hushed almost whisper but ended in a shout.

"Mister Croft, it was you! Only you and I knew where Rock Island had moved. You told the Coats, traitor"!

Captain Blood Teeth spoke so venomously his blood and spit sprayed like storm rain from his mouth.

Mister Croft looked scared, dropping his whip he always kept on hand he was shaking. Walking backwards away from the captain he walked to the railing. Eyeing the water as if he was preparing to drop into the water.

"Because of you Croft" Blood Teeth continued, "I will have to move Rock Island again. With that Coats on my tail I will need to hide there until the red moon"!

The Captain with his eyes bugging even more from his skeletal head moved towards Croft. Who tried to climb over the railing but the Captain grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

Picking him off his feet, he carried him down to the main deck.

"Sally get me the marking knife, Warren the get me the ritual salt and extra spicy rum. He'll get the traitor's punishment".

To that all the crew stood around the main deck as the other two went to get the salt, rum, and knife. As they returned Captain Blood Teeth order four men to grab each of Mister Croft's limbs.

Holding him place Captain Blood took the knife and salt. With the salt he formed a circle around Croft and the men holding him in place.

Croft was screaming begging for mercy, crying like a baby. Whatever was happening didn't bring any joy from the usually sadistic crew. I was wondering whether it was the fate worst than death mentioned before for those who betrayed the captain.

After the circle was made the captain took the bottle of rum as the two men went back to the circle.

"Alex and Mike get the chest" he said as he took his foot and brushed the salt away from the circle. Leaving a small opening, then taking the knife he ripped off the shirt from Croft exposing his chest.

Screaming and wailing Croft tried to escape but the men held him firm. Taking the knife the captain raised it high, I looked away as I heard it plunge in the chest of Croft. Such a scream so full of pain and misery filled my ears. Echoing for the rest of the day and possibly for the rest of my life.

Then I looked up through a gape in my fingers, as the captain took a drink of the rum. The knife bloodied clutched in his other hand, he then spat the rum onto Croft as his moans turned into dying gasps. That was when an empty chest was brought up on deck.

Taking the body the men put Croft only barely alive with his chest stabbed to the heart into the empty chest. Which they closed and placing a heavy iron lock to keep it closed.

"Take it below where Scrappy sleeps", said Captain Blood Teeth looking at me giving me a bloody smile.

Not sure if he didn't like my weakness or he just enjoyed torturing me, anyway I decided that I was leaving the ship soon.

"Crew" said Captain Blood Teeth, "don't betray me, and get back to work! We sail for Rock Island now, Mister Alex come to my cabin you're now my first mate. I'll tell you the course we'll take to get to the island".

After that I went swiftly back into the kitchen, but I noticed the crew was more sullen and depressed. That night after emptying Salfords chamberpot I went down to my bed. Only I couldn't sleep all night I heard muffled moaning and banigng coming from the chest. The chest where Crofts body was inside, was he alive? I didn't know for sure maybe it was a joke, but somehow I had a horrific sense that it was the punishment. something truly worse than death.

I didn't sleep that night and had to work all the harder that day because I kept nodding off to sleep. After a few whacks from Mister Alex's whip I managed to get my work done.

That night I made decided the next night I was gone, I was going to sneak on deck and steal a rowboat. The very thought of staying on the Tropic Cancer another night made me sick. Not standing for it anymore I tried my best to ignore the sounds coming from the chest.

Then the next day I got up extra early to hide my supplies in one of the rowboats. No one was up, the one on night watch fell asleep. Lucky for me, because I didn't know there was one on duty. Going down below deck I past the captain's cabin window. The red curtains were almost see through, looking in out of curiosity I saw him at his desk. Sitting facing his door I saw he had a model of the known ocean. With various islands, he was holding a model of a island and was moving it across the desk. Checking charts as if he was seeing where it was going, I left before he noticed me and went down below.

Trying to get more sleep I didn't get much as the day bell rang and it was time for work. After breakfast I once again emptied Salfords chamber pot. Then started peeling potatoes for the stew.

That was when I felt the ship rock more than usual, looking outside the window there were black storm clouds. Blackness started to fill the sky and blocking out the light. There was indeed a storm coming, perhaps a more severe storm than the one on the Rovers Rose.

Taking this opportunity I waited in the kitchen until the light was completely gone and the rain started.

Getting up from my stool I left the kitchen and went up on deck as water came pouring down, soaking me from head to toe. It was so black I couldn't see anything but the light of the lamps the men carried on deck. Using them as my guide I made my way across the darkened deck. Looking over to the upper deck I could see in the light of a lamp Captain Blood Teeth. Eyes bugged out watching everything in a solitary stare.

Looking back I kept out of the crew's way as they fought the storm. The winds howled almost blowing me off my feet. It was alright, I could see it the rowboat. A passing crew members lamp lit the way for me, I moved quickly and got to the railing.

The rowboat hung by ropes which I could use to lower myself into the water.

Thinking I escaped I felt myself freeze completely as lighting suddenly lit up the deck for a few moments. A few seconds later came a roar of thunder.

With the thunder came the roar of Captain Blood Teeth, "Scrappy"!

Hurrying I got over the railing and was working the ropes but the rain made it difficult to work them.

"Scrappy is escaping"! Yelled Captain Blood Teeth, "get a light over there so I can see the wretch"!

Hurrying I managed to work the rope lowering the rowboat it was stopped by the the strong grip of Blood Teeth. Gripping the ropes tightly, I felt his thick blood drip on my face with the rain. As a man brought a lamp over to reveal my presence.

In another flash of lighting I saw his demonic face, skeletal practically dead. It was inhuman, as thunder roared so did the lamp come.

The crewman held it out as Blood Teeth reached down to grab me and lift me up on deck.

"Traitor! You'll get a chest of your own"!

Those words coming from his mouth were something I couldn't bare to hear. Evil, cruel, and just sick I wouldn't allow myself to be a victim. Not like those nights and not like Croft. With rage I reached out and grabbed the lamp then I leapt up and smashed it into Blood Teeth's face.

Fire and the oil made the captain's face catch on fire as it burned at his flesh. Letting me and the rope go I felt into the rowboat which fell into the raging waters. Rocking and almost tipping over the sea water violent carried the boat away.

Over the howling wind and raging waves I could hear Captain Blood Teeth. Screaming out in futility into the stormy night loud enough to rival the deafening thunder.

"Traitor! Traitor! Traitor"!

The more he said it the farther I seemed to get from the Tropic Cancer until the voice was a distant cry. Which finally became inaudible.

I wasn't safe yet, taking the oars I battled the devastating sea water. Trying in vain to keep myself for being taken by the rage of the water. In my struggle both my oars snapped and a crushing wave almost sunk the boat.

Taking with it most of my food. For hours I emptied the water in the boat with my shoes. Those shoes were eventually lost to the crash of the waves. The wind wouldn't let up, but still I tried getting the water from the boat with my bare hands.

For hours I did this while balancing the ship until the rain stopped. Waters sooned calmed a bit, by that time I was carried perhaps leagues from where I left the Tropic Cancer. Still as the storm cleared and the night arrived I swore I could hear the oceans length away Blood Teeth.

Still screaming, "traitor"! That made me shake in fear, looking up at the sky I saw the stars that filled its black backdrop.

Since that night on the Rovers Rose I hadn't the night sky. My grandfather a gentle and wise man taught me all he knew of the stars. What the formations meant, the gaps between them. Also how to tell where I was, if I ever was lost at sea.

The only member of my family I could say I missed, but he was gone for years. From what I remember my home was beneath the black stream. A small formation in the stars that left a small gap in the shape of a short wavy stream.

Way down in the sky I thought I could see it in the far horizon. Even if it was my delusion I wanted it to be true, that I wasn't so far from home. Looking to where I was I saw a large gap in the stars. Larger than all others, that meant I was near Babylon in the Gulf of Orion.

Stories my grandfather told me of that wonderful island, a gathering place of many people. Safe, a marvel throughout the sea, and a place I wanted to see as a child. That was until I remembered pirates were forbidden to go there, the island was home of pirate hunters.

They had ways of finding anyone with a pirate mark and when they did, they'd be put on trial. Then executed or if there was mercy imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Those cases of imprisonment were rare and happened only on request of a person of importance.

Babylon my salvation and my death sentence. Still not wanting to die of starvation I spent days rowing in the gulf. That was until the heat of the days and dwindled supplies left me too weak to continue.

I thought to myself on a particular hot day when my skin was curling on my back that I'd go back to Blood Teeth. Delirious and close to the end I felt horribly, I hoped to die in my sleep.

Then something bumped the bottom of the rowboat. Shaking I lifted myself up to a sitting position eager to see what it was, was it a ship? I saw nothing, looking all around I saw empty water, and in the far distance the shore of Babylon.

A miserable sigh escaped my mouth and again a bump against the boat, looking around nothing. Then I looked in the water, that was when I saw something that sent a chill down my spine. For the first time in days I felt cold to the bone.

Below was a dark silhouette of something massive. About the size of the Tropic Cancer. Staying still and as silent as I could I hoped it would swim away.

That isn't what happened however as soon water bubbled from below the ocean's surface. Letting out a scream of fear I saw a dark brown tail emerge from the water with a stinger at the end.

Like a scorpion it raised up and prepared to stab at the rowboat. With no options I jumped into the water and swam as fast as I could, that was until I realized I couldn't swim. Screaming I struggled to stay afloat as giant on either side of me water bubbled and from it came two giant claws.

What was attacking me, a sea scorpion? Splashing around I tried to get away from the claws that started to reach out for me, tears of fear flowed from my eyes.

"Help me"! I cried out in futility as the water bubbled again. Then rose a giant mouth full of sharp teeth and big black round eyes.

The mouth was coming closer to me and all I could do was slowly keep myself afloat while moving away. I cursed myself, why did I leave my island?

It was a paradise to the nightmare that was the outside world.

As the mouth came close enough to start sucking the water and me towards it I feared the end.

Crack, a sound loud enough to draw me out of focusing on my almost immediate demise.

I was able to move further away, the water keep being drawn towards the mouth. Looking back I saw a massic arrow sticking out of the eye of the sea scorpion. Looking around I saw a sail boat, a small one. Eagerly I rushed towards it, trying desperately to get aboard to safety. The monster behind me tried coming closer but another arrow fired then, crack!

A arrow was sticking out of its claw pinning the top of it to the bottom. Sealing it shut, in pain the water foamed and bubbled as the monster submerged.

As I swam I saw its shadow moved towards me, quickly, but again, crack.

An arrow shot into the water then there was a red spot of blood rising to the surface. Not long after the silhouette in the water disappeared.

Being grateful I tried with all my might to swim to the sailboat. Happily I saw the sails open and move towards me, as soon as it got close enough I grabbed the sides. Then I lifted myself aboard with help of my rescuer.

Who held a dagger to my neck, I froze confused as to why was my then rescuer want me dead?

"Pirate I am placing you into the custody of the Coats of Leviathans. Pray to the devil for mercy, I have none for you".

The dagger was held by a woman, dressed in leather and padded clothing she looked like a soldier. Wearing a hood the brightness of the sun and darkness of the hood hid her face. Still I figured she had a soft voice so she must be somewhat attractive.

Wanting to disarm the situation I decided to speak to her like I heard sailors talk to women on my island.

"Hey lady want to spend some time with me"? I said it sweetly and gave her a smile and a wink.

That was when everything went dark.
