

My eyes were not focused .

They became glassy ; blurry .

I can hear my unsteady heartbeat and faint calls of my girls who came to check if I was alright or not .

There was no denying it , I have seen pictures of my Grandpa and the statue is an exact replica of an image ; even better as the quality of pictures wasn't the best .


I have heard that name before . I am pretty certain that's my ' Grandpa ' . The name sounds foreign to my mind . My dad never got into detail about his relation with his father , he always let it slide by saying that it is a story of another time . Only God himself , knows when this time will arrive .


I think it's time to get some answers , and I am sure as hell , I am getting them today or ___________ . I will think what to put in that sentence when my mind starts thinking straight .

I was dragged out of my trance when my vision cleared and in came the happily blooming faces of the two people I love dearly .

As much as it hurts to not tell that what's bothering me , there smiles are WAY too precious for that . They are the light that can brighter any place they linger . Gosh , there happy faces are of million dollars , but am I going to tell it to them ? Hell nah !

There ego is already over the roof , I don't want to replace that with three times it was before .

Alright , let's get to that bloody library and spend my day there . But , hey !!!! The ice cream is worth it , dude !

" Yay , let's get boring ". I shouts in a fake cheerful voice .

" A sight to behold , don't you think ? The great Mia sitting in a library WILLINGLY ." Mia exclaims in the same tone as me which resulted in her getting a book smacked on her head .


The day was soooooooooooooo good . We had so much fun today , sitting in the Library for five freaking hours and then eating large scoops of ice-creams from Beryland ice cream parlour . The lady was old but had a kind smile .

Aastha practically forced us to do one assignment of our homework saying ' we won't be able to complete it in time ' . So , here we are staring or more like glaring at the piece of paper like that would make it disappear . By we - I means Mia and me .....' A ' loves her homework too much for doing that .

" Okay , A - Homework or us ?" Mia asks .

" Let's see , you tell me - Terry or us ?" Aastha replies not even glancing up from her homework . Although , I can tell her eyes hold a mischief look .

" There's no way I am going to choose you guys over the love of my life ". Mia exclaims .

" Ahh , that hurts M ! It hurts . I helped you growing up and this is how you repay me ?" I sadly gulps wiping my fake tears .

" I guess Homework, it is ! You both are stupid " Aastha states .

" I am going in the living room . Anyone coming ?" I asks .

" Oh , my saviour angel ..... Take me away from this girl over here . Please . " Aastha shakes her head at her dramatics .

" You are a drama queen " Aastha whines .

" Thank you , I try !" Mia replies to which A rolls her eyes .



I am just back from my jogging routine and am making my vegetable smoothie as I like to call it . It's delicious for me but for anyone else it might look g-

" GROSS !" I turn my head to see Emily with her friend Mia walking down the stairs .

" Please don't tell me you are going to drink that " Mia finishes the sentence for her friend .

" It's actually tasty " I reply nonchalantly to them .

" You call that tasty ?"

" Are you out of your mind ?" They both said in unison , the last one coming out of Mia's mouth.

" Try it , kids , it's good !" I exclaimed trying to get on their nerves .

" Oh no no no no , I haven't lived even half of my live . And I don't wanna die so soon without meeting Tom Holland . I can't risk it with drinking that ." Mia rambles pointing at the drink in distaste.

" Dramatic much , little kid "

" You are the one to talk ? "

" Ohhhh , Carlos just got roasted by Mia !" Aastha whistles standing beside Emi . When did she arrived ? Not the point .

When the three of them are busy laughing their asses off , I take this moment to see Mia perfectly . She has perfectly tanned and glossy skin . Her slender eyebrows and big eyelashes that touch her rosy-cheeks are perfect . Her hair are coral-black that flowed over her shoulders till her waist . She has blossom soft lips , green eyes which holds a sparkle and a cheerful character . No doubt , she would have been that popular girl in her school who everyone wants to befriend . She is ambitious and striking !

" Take a photo , it will last longer " I hear someone remark to me catching me red-handed .

" Not really original , is it now ?" I playfully glare at them to which all three of them rolls their eyes .


Emily's PoV:-

I have been following Aunt Wren around the house for a while now . I concluded it is the time of the day when I ask her about her father and my Grandpa . Uncle hasn't returned from his work yet and the other three are bickering around in the living room about some nonsense I don't even wanna know .

" Can I help you with something , dear ?" Aunt asks .

" Can I ask you something ?" I look up at her with innocent eyes .

" Sure , dear ! What is it ?"

Gathering all the courage I can muster , I politely says ," It's about my Grandpa Albert , Aunt . I want to know about everything he did ".

" Why this sudden question ?"

" I saw his statue at the Library today . And please don't lie , Aunt . I guess I am big enough to understand things "

With a deep breath she says ," I think it's time we give you some answer , you have been kept in the dark for a long time now . Please don't interrupt in between , All your question would be answered after , sweetie !"

I nod in understanding and we both take our seats on the couch .

" I am not sure if you know this or not , but we were 3 siblings - me being the girl and other two boys . And this is the Island where we spend the best days of our life , our childhood and teenage days were spent here . Our Dad , your Grandpa was a very loving man , he used to tell us all these good morals and how this world is a magical place and that everything has two sides , we just gotta see it from the right angle . The statue of his that you saw today was made in his loving memory . All the town praised him and came to him for all their problem . A wide smile always fanned his face . He was one of the most celebrated man on this Island .

Me , your father and our brother we used to roam around this place like we own it . We weren't like other siblings that fight all day long , no we loved each other to death . Both of them were very protective of me including our dad . The three of us shared a bond that not even devil of hell itself can break . I still remember those good time . How we would sneak out at night ! Go and meet our friends , stand by each other , play all day and most of that love each other. But does good things last long ? No , they don't .

Our Father went missing , the police , the investigators all of them tried their best to find him for months . But after not finding him , they told us he might have died . We all were a sobbing mess . Your father tried all in his power to keep us together , but even a blind man could see we were growing distant . Your father found a job out of town and he had to leave despite his will . After some months , I met your Uncle , we became close friends and everything seemed to be coming together once again . Then , our brother left home taking all his belongings with him . He couldn't take it anymore , he just left . I thought I meant something to him but I just found a note saying not to search for him and that he needed time to clear his mind . The once happy family was shattered in pieces with no one to pick them up and glue them back together ."

If you want something

You never had

You have to do something

You never did

perfectogirl18creators' thoughts