
The Mysterious Journey (Multiverse)

Hiatus By a chance encounter, he became a Beyonder. = Qin Feng can travel through different worlds. (Anime, Movie, etc…) Qin Feng, of course, has the Beyonders' power and also the power system of the world he travels into. = World: (by order) Harry Potter -> Demon Slayer = Schedule: 5 Chapters per week! Read 20 Chapters Ahead: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Chapter 10: Nicholas Flamel’s dilemma

A few months later, in early January 1986…

In a secluded valley, as the first ray of sunlight bathed the landscape, a two-storey villa by the stream glowed with a golden aura.

Yet, the tranquility of the villa was soon disrupted by the urgent voice of an elderly woman…

"Maple, Maple! Come out for breakfast! Nicholas, can't you set a good example?"

As soon as the words fell, a sound of jingling and clanging from the basement was heard along with two voices, one old and one young.

"I'm coming, dear."

"I'm here, ma'am."

Looking at the two coming towards the table, not even having the time to cast a cleaning spell on themselves, Perenelle Flamel could not help but release a helpless sigh.

"Go and clean yourself up!"

Stretching out her hand and hitting her husband's "paw", who was grabbing the toast, gently, Perenelle frowned and unceremoniously chased them to the bathroom.

"Eh… maybe she is in a bad mood today?"

Nicholas Flamel avoided Maple's gaze with some guilt, scratched his head in embarrassment, and guessed in a low voice.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Mr. Flamel, I understand."

Maple was also helpless with the old man's occasional childishness, but he still mercilessly tore apart his "feeble" excuse.

The current Maple had changed a lot, no longer looking like a beggar as he used to be. Now, he looked like an ordinary 10-year-old boy…

His black hair was well-groomed, dressed in neat white shirt and trousers, giving a capable feel to it. The pair of green eyes on his delicate face were still clear, but his temperament was no longer cold, more like taciturn, at most a bit dull.

This did not mean that Maple had regained his emotion, more like he had remade a new persona for himself.

As previously mentioned, Maple had no emotion, but did not mean that he was ignorant about the world. After breaking away from the previously extreme environment, if he wanted to integrate himself into the society, he needed to cover up his extreme rationality.

In fact, this was also Dumbledore's suggestion, it was just that he did not expect Maple to be able to adapt so quickly and successfully.

As for how Maple ended up in Nicholas Flamel's house, it was actually because Dumbledore was too busy to look after Maple. Dumbledore was also unable to rest easy leaving Maple alone, so he found his best friend who was obviously "free" to look after Maple, and so, Maple was fostered here.

On one hand, Nicholas Flamel's residence was equipped with powerful wards and thus, very safe; on the other hand, his friend was equally knowledgeable, his alchemy skill was unparalleled in the world. It would be good for Maple if he was able to learn a thing or two.

The Flamels were normally really laid-back. After hearing Dumbledore's request and the general encounter with Maple, they agreed naturally without any hesitation.

And who was Maple? Naturally, it was impossible for him to enter a mountain full of treasure and return empty-handed. When he encountered problems during his self-study, he would find Nicholas for advice.

This back and forth, one old one young gradually became familiar with each other, and with Nicholas' old sophisticated eye, he naturally noticed Maple's unusualness.

Just look at the questions he asked… apparition, traceless expansion charm, legilimency… is this the question a child who had yet to go to Hogwarts would ask? Just by judging the wealth of knowledge the boy had, had it not reached the level of an extremely excellent all-rounded wizard?

Nicholas himself once made a calculation, based on his current performance, even if Maple pursued an all-rounded development, he would be able to reach a professor-level knowledge in at most one year.

Of course, Maple himself understood why this could happen. After all, not everyone was a Beyonder and possessed a piece of knowledge directly from the source.

Two different yet similar knowledge systems, when they collided with each other, the energy generated was immeasurable.

But judging from external performance, Maple's magical talent was peerless.

Seeing such an outstanding child, Nicholas Flamel actually cherished his talent and wanted to accept him as a disciple.

However, as they got along with each other for several months, Nicholas discovered that Maple had an even more outrageous talent in soul and dark magic. Nicholas was worried and did not make a decision. He just maintained a relationship that was better than that of a master-student relationship.

Maple was not in a hurry, that was because Nicholas' own discovery was due to Maple not deliberately concealing it.

Showing such a frank attitude was also a type of wisdom, although there would not be any master-disciple relationship in the future, at least there would not be any problem with the most basic teaching.

However, right now, looking at the, much older than Dumbledore, old man and considering he would need to borrow his wisdom, Maple decided to have an honest talk with him on some matters.

First, he needed an introduction.

"Mr. Flamel."

"En? What is it, Maple?"

Nicholas, while casting a cleaning spell, looked at the boy beside him.

"If you have the time, I would like to show you my newest alchemical product."

"Oh? Is it the thing you previously mentioned? The "Pale Grip"?"

Nicholas Flamel's movement obviously paused for a bit, a complex and entangled look appeared on his face.

"Indeed, I have succeeded in improving the "Pale Hand" into the stronger "Pale Grip", I hope you can have a look and see what areas still need to be improved."

"More "powerful"?"

Nicholas Flamel nodded with a wry smile, the wrinkles on his face bunched up in distress.

"But it will also become more dangerous, right?"

"This is the price, sir, and you know it well."

"Yes, that is why I am in so much distress, because I know too much!"

Nicholas shook his head, looking at Maple's fair immature face, not knowing how to express his worry.

"Maple, I am absolutely sure that although I have created the only Philosopher's Stone in the world, in time, with your talent in the domain of soul, your achievement would definitely be on par or even surpass the Philosopher's Stone."

"I have to say, just the concept of "spirituality" that you proposed, has even inspired and improved my alchemy. But… alas! How should I put it? The more I learn about your research and results, the more I realize why the realm of soul was considered a taboo."

"This is a tightrope walk across an endless abyss. If you so much as a single misstep, you would fall into a distortion and madness that is more terrifying than death. To be honest, the first time you made the first Beyonder item, which I actually preferred to call soul alchemy items, I once had an urge to kick you out because I felt like I had personally opened Pandora's box. But in the end, I did not do so, and chose to observe and supervise your performance at all times, because I saw that your reason and humanity was not distorted."

"Is this probably also the reason for your profound knowledge in black magic? Maple, although I have no idea what exactly the abnormality within you is, that caused you to walk this path, I am afraid after today, we really need to call Albus here to have a discussion."

Finishing speaking, Nicholas Flamel's expression suddenly became extremely serious, his eyes closely watching Maple's reaction.