
The Fight is set.

Teacher : Introduce yourself.

Karna : Hello I am Karna Lanset hope we get along, Due to personal circumstances I've transferred at this point of time in the year.

Teacher : There is a empty desk at the student Ookie Kazufuru, Please sit there and ask anything you didn't understand from Kazufuru Ookie-Kun.

Karna : Yes mam I will.

The teacher started teaching and well it was pretty ordinary.

After the class were done I was surrounded by girls, They kept asking me questions that irritated me to no end.

Random classmate (girl) : Say Lanset-san do you have a girlfriend.

Karna : No I'm single.

Hearing this response many girl's mood was instantly better.

Random classmate ( girl ) : Lanset-san what are your hobbies?

Karna : Well I practice Martial arts though I'm only a beginner.

Random classmate (girl) : Lanset-san are you into boys?

Hearing this already got me a tick mark on my head.

Karna : No I'm only into girls.

After a few of this nonsenseical questions my saviour arrived in form of Natsuya Yoruhana.

Natsuya : Hello classmates may I borrow Lanset-san for a minute.

Hearing this the girls calmed down and I went with Natsuya Yoruhana to the student council room.

Karna : So I assume that this is regarding duel.

Natsuya : Yeah Okubo Yoshiaki accepted the conditions and he said that we can have the duel in the location he would decide.

Karna : So when and where?

Natsuya : It would be today night and the location would be sent to me in a few hours.

Hearing this I just smiled.

After a few minutes of normal chat I went towards the middle school section to find Shika Kagura my first Peerage member to be.

As I walked into the middle school section I quickly found out the location of Shika Kagura and saw her near a bench having lunch.

I walked over to her and she looked at me.

Karna : May I sit beside you?

Shika Kagura just noded her head, I didn't want to drag this conversation so I guess I'll go straight to the point.

Karna : I am Karna Lanset, I will be helping Natsuya Yoruhana in her duel against Okubo Yoshiaki.

Shika Kagura looked at me with Vigilance.

Karna : The duel is tonight so I would like you to stop working for him.

Shika Kagura : Fine.

Karna : That's Good and well but I have a proposal for you, Will you hear me out.

Kagura : Ok.

Karna : I will provide with a new life, You will be free from your curse and also you will gain friends and family but on condition on working for me and never betraying me.

Kagura : How can you remove my curse?

Karna : I won't be removing the curse but rather let you control it fully.

Karna : I'll explain it to you later if you accept but I doubt that there would be anyone who can help you with this so I suggest you take this up.

Kagura : Can I give my answer after today's duel.

Karna : Sure, Infact come watch me destroy that Mongrel.

Kagura : Sure.

After this I went back to the class though I was a bit late.

Teacher : Lanset-Kun you are late.

Karna : Sorry Ma'am I have a relative in middle school so I went over there to chat but I didn't pay attention to time.

Teacher : Well I'll excuse you this time but next time you will be punished.

Karna : Yes I'll keep that in mind.

I looked towards Natsuya Yoruhana who was looking at me with a questioning gaze.

I gave her a look that meant we will talk later.

The classes went on as usual and finally the classes ended.

Mika Uehara along with Chiaki Wakaba came to my desk.

Mika : Lanset-Kun are you coming back to the complex?

Karna : Sorry Miss Uehara but I have a business to attend to with President Yoruhana.

Natsuya : Right, Sorry Miss Uehara and Miss Wakaba we both have buisness to attend to today.

Saying this I walk with Natsuya Yoruhana and we both got into her car along with her other Spirit branded retainers.

Natsuya : Could I know who you were speaking to earlier during Lunch time.

Karna : I spoke to a girl named Shika Kagura who is a paid retainer of Okubo Yoshiaki who was in school to create a problem with the spell you cast.

Listening to this Natsuya Yoruhana's eyes went wide.

Karna : Don't worry though she won't be causing any trouble since I neutralised her and also don't harm her since she has the reaper's curse.

I intend to make her my Spirit branded retainer do don't lay hands on her.

Natsuya : I won't cause her any trouble if she doesn't cause trouble for me.

Karna : You can protect yourself right.

Natsuya : Of course I can.

Karna : Got it.

We Went to Natsuya Yoruhana's house and waited for the location of the duel.

The location was provided pretty quickly and we went to the location, It was a huge grass field and the Duel would soon begin.
