
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

Robs511 · 書籍·文学
75 Chs

Chapter 30

I walked out of the big house, glancing towards the hill with a new outlook. I was surprised to note the presence of a huge pine tree though. Previously I'd wondered what Chiron would do about the tree-less forest, but I felt a little stupid for thinking that. Of course he was going to use satyrs to regrow the forest anew. It felt so obvious now. Though perhaps it might be the effect of my newfound intelligence. Or I was just being dumb back then.

Still, I started my way towards the tree. Something about it just irked me. Why did the satyrs create such a huge shade right above the hill? To give a more clearer sign for the demigods perhaps? Hmm, curious.

But as I got closer and closer, my mind flashed on to other things. Mainly the fact that the tree was built on the exact spot where...where my sister died.

...If this was the camp's idea of honouring my sister's death, then I was not impressed. A part of me was starting to blame the camp for her death.

Why did the Athena, Hephaestus and the Demeter cabin not come out to support us? Especially when we were right outside the magical borders. Had they already given up hope on us? Disgusting wretches.

The more I thought about it, the more angrier I got. The only thing that made sense was that Dionysus forbid them from helping. Yes, I can see the two-bit weakling little god doing something like that. Perhaps I should add him to my godly hit-list.

I shook my head, cutting off that thought. That was foolishness. Arrogance could be my downfall if I kept heading into danger with no regards to my life. I could only hope to challenge the gods if I actually survived to reach their level.

But once I did reach their level... yes. Then, the true hunt will begin.

As I reached the top however, all of my planning and plotting left me, and so did my breath. Cause I made the mistake of observing the thing too closely.

Thalia's Tree

Age: 1 Day

Race: Immortal Tree

Tier: 5 (Sealed)

Level: 170 (Sealed)

Divine Power: 0/200,000 (Sealed)

Stamina: 0/178,000 (Sealed)

Health: 17/173,000 (Sealed)

Tree's Health: 500,000/500,000

I felt my knees grow weak, and I staggered past the stop sign, ripping off the green vines that were made to keep people off. I fell to my knees beside the tree, frantically searching, before finally my eyes rested on her body.

Covered under leaves and bushes lay my sister's body, her eyes closed peacefully, just like when she slept. My hands touched her face, covered under the pine tree's vines. I brushed away the leaves and greenery, taking a good look at her. My mind however, was somewhere else altogether.

I can save her, I realised. The words were resounding around my mind.

I can save her. I can save her.

Yes, my sister was not dead. She was simply sleeping.

And I can save her.

I was Mikael, son of Gabriel, former Archangel, the most powerful woman in heaven, and the son of Zeus, the Father of gods, the king of Olympus. And when I said I can do something, the world better believe I can. For my words contain my Will, and my will powers my soul. And with my will and authority, I so swear.

"I Will Save Her."

[Skill Created: Divine Authority] Lvl 1

"Shut up."

I forgot the passing of time as I sat beside my sister, watching the setting sun in the distance. That was how my three friends found me. Sitting besides my sister, under the shade of her tree, and the power of my words pressing down on the world. I had an idea of what I just did, but it will need some more researching.

"Mikael." Anna's solemn voice reached my ears, sounding uncharacteristically serious.

I wasn't surprised by the show of grimness however. I should've known there was a reason the girl acted so silly around me. Gods, how stupid was I in the past? Stupid and thick headed.

"Anna." I greeted her with a nod. "Come, join me."

I patted the ground next to me.

Luke and Annabeth followed behind her.

"Luke. Anna lite." I nodded at them both, though still taking time to tease the younger girl.

I needed my friends to believe that I was fine. That I didn't need coddling. Which meant acting a little more carefree than I would've liked to right now.

"How are you, Kael?" Anna asked me.

My other two friends weren't too keen to talk, and understandably. Thalia meant much to them too. They were grieving as well, especially Luke. The boy looked as if he hadn't slept in a while, with red and puffy eyes

I turned to Anastasia with a smile. "Don't worry about me too much, Anna. I am fine, or well... I'll be fine after some time."

"You are lying." Annabeth's voice snapped. "She meant a lot to you, there's no logical way for you to act so freely to her death–"

"She isn't dead!" I snarled sharply before I could stop myself. But the damage was done; Annabeth scrambled backwards, scared and frightened. The other two looked cautious.

I needed to run some damage control.

"She isn't dead as long as we don't forget about her. She is right here, with us. As long as this tree stands, I will continue to believe so." I stated with what I hoped was appropriate passion.

I didn't wish to give a speech, but I needed them to believe it came from my heart.

Why exactly was I trying so hard to not let them know my plan? Cause they'll think me mad in grief, and won't believe me. Maybe even try to make me forget. But I cannot waste time on those things. I needed to start researching for ways to bring back my sister. I wouldn't be able to do that if my friends thought I was crazy.

I felt Anna's hand rest around my shoulder as she buried my head in her side, comforting me silently. And I felt a sliver of guilt for manipulating them, but I crushed it instantly. I was doing this for my sister.

Besides, I will immediately tell them of my plans once i got some solid proof that I can bring her back. Plus a reliable method to do so too.

After a few minutes of staying silent, I decided to douse my curiosity. "Why did the other cabins not come to help us? When we reached the hill top."

"Mr. D." Anna spat angrily. "He forbid anyone from leaving after they told him about the ambush. Something about 'picking up our pieces and moving along.'"

I nodded slowly. Yes, this was definitely something that the baby-faced god would do. He was becoming bit of a nuisance.

I took one last glance at my sleeping sister's face and stood up. The sun was low on the horizon, and capture the flag was going to start soon. A good opportunity to test my strength.

"Come." I beckoned to my friends. "I'm feeling a sudden urge to beat the shit out of my fellow demigods."

"Uh oh. We still have an alliance right? Aphrodite will always fo–"

"Mikael." Luke cut off the girl, moving towards the side. "You should see something before leaving."

"Not now luke." Anna harshly snapped, giving a heated glare to the boy. "We can show it la–"

"Tell me." I cut off the girl this time, approaching luke.

Anna gave an exasperated sigh. "Boys."

He didn't need to tell me anything, as I can see it with my own eyes the moment I walked towards him.

On the lower side of the hill, a dozen meters away from Thalia's tree, a deep trench had formed. It way just a couple of meters wide, but it's depth? I couldn't see the end. The ground surrounding the trench was riddled with molten stone and metal. It looked like the aftereffects of a nuclear bomb. Completely annihilated.

"They say the hole is half a mile deep inside the ground." Luke informed me. "The satyrs, that is. They left this part of the destruction alone, as a historic spot."

"...What destruction?" I asked, but I already knew what he was speaking about. The hole had formed just where the Lamia last stood. Just where I'd unleashed my rage.

"Your last attack completely destroyed this part of the half-blood hill." Luke replied grimly, confirming my conclusion. "Satyrs, Demeter and Dionysus cabin, and Hecate's children had been reconstructing the entire land for the whole day yesterday. Growing back land and trees."

"You should've seen the hill, Kael." Anna chimed in as she came to stand beside us. "We all thought lord Zeus has unleashed his wrath upon our camp when we first heard the thunder. We didn't dare leave the camp until the storm calmed down. When we saw the destroyed hill, and you in the middle of it, quite a few demigods actually believed you were a god in disguise."

"Really?" I asked incredulous.

"They are calling it 'Mikael's wrath'." Annabeth chimed in. "And treating this place like some sacred groove. Which is just ridiculous."

"The entire long Island felt the effects you know." Luke continued. "Your lightning strike was on the news. The noise of thunder was so loud that it scared the entire city. The tremors spread across the whole long Island, and some people were starting to investigate it before Chiron went in and used the mist."


This had some amazing potential. If I went with pure destruction, that was already around the level of an ultimate devil. But with my recent upgrades, my power should be even more now.

I'll have to practice the Divine Lightning Storm skill. It was arguably my most powerful attack yet.

"Alright that was good to know. Now come on, we are getting late for capture the flag."


The rest of the day passed as an... irritating experience. The demigods treated me like some celebrity, giving nervous handshakes, and bowing down. I liked the respect, but I didn't like the ass-kissing.

Still, I tolerated it. After an easy victory in capture the flag (I got non of the satisfaction I was hoping for), we left for the dinner. I ate alone and the pain of being alone clawed at my heart but I endured, knowing that it would become normal after a couple of months. Still, halfway through my meal, I gave up. My appetite was just too limited.

It was a hollow experience. My heart wasn't into it anymore. Every little thing seemed to remind me of her, mocking me with her absense. What little hope the tree had given me was slowly but surely driven away by the hard truth.

Thalia will not be with me ever again, until I find a way to heal her. Not the tree, but Thalia herself. All my ideas to heal her would only work on the tree. But Thalia herself? Yeah, I had no way to do that. No matter my promises, the truth was clear. It will be a long time before I devised a reliable way to revive my sister. Not that I was going to give up on her. Not without atleast trying.

After a long and disappointing day, I headed in the direction of the cabins, hungry but not caring. My feets though, kept walking until I reached the hearth in the middle of the empty ground that was surrounded by all the cabins. The comforting warmth of the hearth soothed me, pushing away my worries. It was like recieving a good and relaxing massage after a very tiring day.

I sat alone besides the hearth, not wanting to sleep yet. My friends read my mood and left me alone, which I was grateful for. Will the gamer's mind protect me from nightmares? I didn't know, and I didnt even know if I wanted it to.

The sound of shifting coals aroused my attention. I turned to look and noticed a small girl, around my physical age, slowly poking at the fire. I knew who she saw, but I was still surprised.

The only reason I approached the hearth was because Hestia wasn't present today. I had no grudge against her, but I did not wish to be in the presence of a god today.

"Lady Hestia." I greeted her with a bow and her eyes widened in surprise. But I quickly stood up. "Pardon me, I did not see you. I apologise for disturbing your hearth."

With that I turned around.

"Please stay." Her gentle voice rooted me to the spot. "It was me who startled you. You need not leave on my account."

There was just something about her presence that convinced me to stay in an instant.

Comfort, warmth, home. These were the three things that sprang to mind as long as I stayed around her. Things that I desperately needed right now.

And so with just a touch of hesitation, I turned around again and sat back down.

"Thank you." I responded with a small bow.

If there was one god in the greek Pantheon that I geniunly liked, it would be Hestia.


Race: God

Tier: 9 (Elder God)

Current Tier: 8 (True God)

Level: 810 (Divine Form) [Max]

Current Level: 710 (Mortal Form)

Divine Power: 35,000,000/35,000,000

Stamina: 35,500,000/35,500,000

Health: 35,500,000/35,500,000


Strength: 710 (810)

Speed: 710 (810)

Dexterity: 710 (810)

Endurance: 710 (810)

Constitution: 710 (815)

Mental: 71

Spirit: 700 (800)

She was also the most powerful being I've ever interacted with, and the most smartest. It didn't help that she always appeared in the form of a very cute 8 year old, whose cheeks I would love to squish.

There was silence for a few seconds, where she took her time to observe me before speaking. "Would you like some dinner?"

Without giving me a chance to deny, she extended her hand and wide array of food suddenly appeared in front of me.

My appetite suddenly returned with a roaring need. The comfort of a home blasted in my soul, erasing the depressing thoughts.

"I'm surprised you noticed me, Mikael Gabrielson. No one ever does."

I stiffened at the name slightly before relaxing back. Of course she knew who I was.

"I see you tending to the hearth each day, but you never invite any company." I replied, after inhaling my food at a professional pace. "I had not wished to disturb you."

A sad smile came over her face. "Your presence does not disturb me, Mikael. It never will. You are free to visit the hearth whenever you wish. Everyone deserves the warmth of a home. Especially someone who've never experienced it before."

Again I stiffened.

'Did she not consider the house Azazel gifted us as 'Home'? How did she even know about it though? I spent most of my life around japan. Does her power extend to the whole world?'


"Worry not, Nephew. You are safe here. I know what troubles you, and I am here if you ever need someone to talk to."

I hesitated, before realising that this being in front of me was the kindest god in the entire universe, including all the mythological pantheons in this world. She would be the last to have any ill intent towards me.

"Thank you, Lady Hestia." I replied after a few seconds, and my gratitude was much more real this time.

"No need to be so formal. We are family after."

"Alright then...Aunt Hestia?" I stated and asked at the same time.

She laughed softly. "Yes, that will be much appreciated."

This was indeed a good improvement. I didn't like all the lord and lady stuff either but I knew how prickly gods can be at the smallest perceived insult. Even the kindest of them.

Though perhaps not Hestia.

"I hope I don't have to say this again, but remember, you are always welcome here at the hearth. Simply say my name and I will appear, should you ever require my aid."

I nodded, finished with my food. "I'd like to sit here for a little while longer if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." She replied simply, before nodding towards the Zeus cabin. "But I'm not the only god you will meet today, Mikael Gabrielson. I will always be here for you, waiting patiently. My brother will not."

It took be just a second to realise what she was implying. "Oh."

"Go on, child."

I stood up. "Thank you. For everything."

And with a last grateful nod, I turned around.

"And Mikael," I glanced back. "Do forgive your father. He truly has changed from the god he once was. Just be a little... patient with him."

I didn't reply and started walking to the cabin. I liked Hestia, so I would rather not make promises that I can't keep.