
Math Class, Boys and Chocolate

"Class dismissed!"

There really was no point in the professor saying so. Before he even started dismissing the class, everyone had got up and left as soon as the bell rang.

'So glad the class was so over; math is the worst. I need a chocolate bar right now.' I walked towards the nearest store.

"Miss Cassandra, you look pretty today! As usual of course. How was your day?"

'Ugh. Not this again. I just wanted to buy my chocolate in peace.' Walking on, I ignored the person speaking to me.

"Please Miss Cassandra, accept my gift of love and be my girlfriend! I beg of you, please don't reject me like you did the last seven times!"

I guess boys never learn their lesson.

"That's so sweet of you— but no. I won't be and never will be your girlfriend. But thanks for the chocolate, you saved me money. Have a good day!"


"Hope you don't bother me again !"

Turning around I looked at the guy. Red hair, green eyes, he's actually pretty cute. Forgot to mention, he only is up to my waist. Unfortunately for him, I'm not into little boys. I'm sure he'll have lots of girls after him in the future and he'll be over me soon. Nice of him to bring me chocolate though.

'Oh crap. He looks like he's about to cry. I hate crying kids. What am I meant to do. Someone help me. Okay, deep breaths, here I go.'

"Hey, sorry that I don't actually want to date you, you are just too young and uh... well yeah. How about we be friends instead? You know my name, I'm Cassandra but you can call me Cass. What's your name?"

The kid looked up at me with his teary puppy eyes which made me use all my willpower to restrain myself from pinching his cheeks.

"M-my name is Jack. I'm s-so so sorry for annoying you big sister. I just wanted you to be my girlfriend because my teacher said that his girlfriend made him feel less lonely, and I didn't want to feel lonely anymore."

"Hey kid- I mean Jack, I don't usually hang out with little kids, but I'll make an exception for you because you're so cute- cough cough- because I'm nice, understand? Do you want to share this chocolate together?"

"Yes! Understood big sis! It's okay though, the chocolate can be for you anyways since I have to go now. I'll talk to you more next time! Oh and I hope your cough gets better, mwah mwah (blowing kisses sounds?), good bye!"

I watched as Jack ran off with a huge grin on his face, while also jumping in the air and almost stumbling. Silly kid. In my head I wonder what made him so desperate for company.

The kid probably didn't even know what a girlfriend really was, but just wanted someone to be with him. I soon shrugged off those thoughts. I shouldn't stick my nose in other people's business, not when I currently can't even handle my own. I wonder how having a friend will turn out, but I know I can't get too attached.

Maybe I only offered to be his friend because I am a lonely person too. People often don't get me, but honestly, I don't understand myself most of the time either.

[need to edit/read over/make longer but I’ll work on it soon]

I should add a synopsis but I don’t know how to write one ? I’ll work on it later, i put something there to fill in the gap. Also I uploaded a cover (image from google, tweaked using photoshop) let me know what you think of it below!

The last chapter was more of a prologue, but just think of it as the first chapter.

feel free to comment below and power stones are greatly appreciated!

thank you to those reading this x

fading_flowercreators' thoughts