
The Dream

....."Where is this?"

"Where am I?"

He looks around trying to make sense of his strange surroundings

Imagine sitting on an island at night but above beautifully floating are the northern lights.

He tried to think back to what he last remembered.

He had just found a safe place to sleep in the basement of an old arcade from before the war . while searching around he found a book with a glowing jewel on the top shaped like a crescent moon.

"Wow what is this " he flips the book open "why are there no words??"

The strange book was empty the only thing the was written was the single word of "Dream" written under the jewel.

"oh well, it might be worth something " so he sticks it in his shirt for safekeeping like all his other random nonsequential items a few random playing cards from different animes and toys to match.

later after searching around for a little while longer, he builds a small little camp surrounded by old game cabins and other furniture and crawled under with his sleeping bag.

"Guess I'll get some rest" And he closed his eyes

As he drifted off in the sky above his the moon came out in full force and the book tucked against his chest started to glow with a silvery light.

Back on the island


*Ding* A white screen appeared in front of his face

"what the hell!?" he yelled and falls back on to his back

The white screen looks like a large pc monitor. As he looks words appear in the form of a survey.

"That's weird but I'm into it " and begins to investigate

"So does it work by touching ?" as h touches it he realizes that I work as a normal pc and begins to fill out the survey

Name - Angelino Crest

Age - 17

-If you could be any type of being it real or mythical what would it be?-

(he thought about it for a while and there were a lot of good choices who wouldn't want to be a dragon or vampire if they could )

"If I think about it from an anime fan point of view ill have to put a Kitsune" "Granted I'm not Japanese but I still love the idea

-If you could have any superpower what would it be ?-

"oh that's easy a system" `even tho he realized it wasn't technically a superpower but if you thought about it in an abstract way of thinking a system that gives you abilities like in cartoons and stuff

-If you could be reborn ins new word which would you prefer A "Swords and magic World with Beasts and Ability World"

He Smiled at that easy choice

-And finally, if you bring anything with you from your current world what would it be-

That gave him a pause he didn't own much he was an orphan from the wasteland his only family passed on from this world three years ago and he never had the money for anything major all he owns were his treasures in his shirt

"My magic the gathering cards my black third-generation digivise a yin and yang pin and a small memento key chain with two small katanas on it."

As he finished imputing the info he hit continue and stepped back to read the newly appearing information

[Name]- [Angilino Crest]

[Age] - [17]

[Race]-[Dimi Fox Clan]

[Ability] - [Guided Evalution system]

[World] - [ Altera]

[Perk] - [ Yin/Yang nature ] [Summon Evelution]

[Truesure] - [sealed Dual Sword aftiact] [Black D-Tecktor]


[Corecct ]

[YES] [NO]

He selected yes and the world exsploded into light