
The Monster I fell Inlove with.

THE MONSTER I FELL INLOVE WITH. Genre:- Romance And Comedy Tag:- Betrayal, Death, jealousy, suspense and love. Location:- Paris and Chicago Characters:- Jewel Walter Asher Wilford, Kingsley Walter, Jenny Leo, Jane Ben, E.t.c. Written by Aishat kemisola ( Three stars) PROLOGUE "Henry what happened to your face, who did this to you?" Jewel asked her elder brother Kingsley. Kingsley didn't replied he kept on crying and looking at a direction. " talk to me king, who did this to you? " Jewel asked and burst into tears. H " I did!" Asher said with a smirk he moved closer to them and sat on Kingsley car bonnet, he brought out a cigarette from his pocket and move it closer to his mouth. " who are you and what did my brother did to you?" jewel asked. " oh, she's crying, I love seeing tears!" Asher said with an evil grin. " what did you do to him?" jewel asked. Kingsley opened his mouth to talk but he burst into tears when he remembered the problem he has put his only family which is Jewel into. "Look here young lady, your brother stole my money!" Asher said. " Ahh, you're a lier my brother can't do a thing like that" Asher said. "I will forgive you for what you just said, but you won't be lucky next time you called me a lier!" Asher said. "why did you do that?" jewel asked. "I did it to save your life!" Jewel asked Kingsley. "hey listen!" Asher said in his usual husky voice. "you're gonna pay for your brother sin, you're gonna be my sex toy for twelve Christmas day" Asher said. "That's not possible!" jewel said and hit him hard on his chest. Asher raised her up with one hand and throw her hand across the street and she fall hard on the ground. Meet Asher Wilson, an arrongant and handsome billionaire. the guy that's capable of getting any girl he want on his bed within a second. A guy who doesn't think twice before killing. "He is not a mafia, but he's a wicked billionaire, the whole of south Korea worship the ground he step on. Meet Jewel Walter, A beautiful and intelligent lady, A waitress in one of Asher restaurant, but she doesn't know him as her boss. Her parents are unknown. what happened when Jewel elder brother went to stole Asher money to pay for her sister, jewel hospital bill. What happened when Asher need Jewel to warm his bed for twelve days. Did you think Jewel will accept. Oh I forget to add, Asher is gonna kill Kingsley if Jewel Refuse to go with him. Am sure you don't wanna miss this interesting ride, get your popcorn ready.

Ogunsanya_Kemisola · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Monster I Fell Inlove with


" Good girl!" Asher said and clean her face with his handkerchief, am listening!" Asher said. "I don't know the person name, the person kidnapped my parents and asked me to steal your document for him to release them, am very sorry, I did that for my family I don't want the man to kill my parents" Vivian said and burst into tears.

"I will so deal with you" Asher said angrily. " Take her to the boys, you guys should have fun with her, till she die, I don't wanna see her alive!" Asher said.

" Please Mr Wilfred, I am the breadwinner of my family" Vivian pledged and Asher stopped on his track.

He moved closer to her and raise her chin up. " And did I look like I care?" Asher asked.

" Please don't kill me, my parents will be broken, if you kill me, they don't have anyone except me" Vivian said crying.

" I won't kill you again" Asher said. " Thank you very much Mr Wilfred" Vivian said.

"But, I will punish you and I will also help you to rescue your parents" Asher said.

"Thank you very much, Mr Wilfred" Vivian said. "Don't thank me because I will still punish you" Asher said.

"Mike!" Asher called. " Yes boss" Asher replied. "Make her do all the work in this mansion for three days" Asher said.

"Alright sir" Mike replied and Asher walked out. " You're very lucky that boss change his mind" Mike said.

" Thank you!' Vivian replied. "But, why don't you inform the boss, when the person threatened you?" Mike asked.

"I was very scared to lose my family, the man threatened to killed my parents if I inform anyone" Vivian replied. "Hope you aren't lieing to us, about the man identity?" Mike asked. "Am not lieing sir, I didn't see his face. He put on a Hoody and face mask" Vivian said.

"Stand up, go and take your bath, because you will start your punishment in few minutes time" Mike said.

"Thank you very much, where's the bathroom?" Vivian asked. "Let's go outside" Mike replied.

Asher walked inside his room. He opened his drawer and brought out a tubacco stick.

He lit it and take it and took it closer to his mouth. He puff out the smoke and brought out his phone.

He suddenly burst into laughter when he came across a picture in his gallery. "It's quite unfortunate that you will soon lose your life, how dare you threaten my secretary, I knew you are a thief from the beginning" Asher said.

He went through his call log and dial a number. "Hello Roger, there's no need for me to introduce myself to you because you already know who you're speaking with" Asher said.

"I don't know am speaking with, so who am I speaking with please?" The person said from the other end of the call and Asher left out an evil laugh.

"I gave you four hours to release my secretary parents, or else!" Asher said.

"Or else what Asher!" The person replied. "Wow, I can see you're getting bolder everyday, nice one but I will advise you not to dare me, am not someone you can toy with, am sure you know that, I gave you four hours, I repeat for hours to release her parents, Roger I will advise you not to try me, and am sure you have gotten what you want" Asher said.

"I won't release her parents and there's nothing you can do about it" Roger said.

"Wow, it's quite unfortunate that you will lose all your family members, am sure you know me well, good day!" Asher said and end the call.

"Roger is getting bolder everyday, is that not wonderful" Asher said and spread his arm in a dramatic manner.

"I will show Roger that I am the real devil, Because devil himself is learning work from me" Roger said and puff out smoke from his tobacco.

Asher phone ring out loud and he picked it up immediately. "Hello Mike, what happened!" Asher asked.

"miss Jane is here to see you" Asher replied. "Bring her in" Asher replied. "Alright, boss" Mike replied.

"Hey darling" Jane said happily and rushed to hug Asher and Asher pushed her slightly away from hiself.

"Why did you pushed me?" Jane asked. "Jane don't ask me f00lish question, what are you doing in my house?" Asher asked.

"Common, I said I am sorry" Jane replied. "You don't have to be sorry, you and I aren't in a relationship, we are just f*ck mate" Asher said.

"But I love you Asher, we have been friends since childhood remember" Jane said.

" Did you just say you love me?" Asher asked and Jane nod her head in reply.

Asher move closer to her. He grab her by her neck and Jane shouted in pain. " I hate hearing that word LOVE, no one I love me, I don't even love myself, you claimed to love me but I caught you having s*x with my friend" Asher said.

" I am very sorry, it was the devil work" Jane said and Asher Burst into laughter.

"Why are human like this, you did something intentionally and you're here telling me it's the devil work, how is it the devil work?" Asher asked.

"Asher, I am sorry, please forgive me" Jane said. "Jane, I don't keep grudges , I have forgiven you a long time ago" Asher said and stood up from the chair.

"Excuse me, I wanna get ready for work" Asher said. " I will come back later" Jane said. "I don't want to see you in my compound again.

"We are still friends, so you can't send me away from your life and lastly I have many gist for you and I will tell you later when we see" Jane said and walked out.

" Bitch, woman are just the same!" Asher said and walked inside the bathroom.

"Miss Jane, where are you going to?" Her driver asked. "To my penthouse" Jane replied.

"Alright Mrs Jane" his driver replied and rushed to the driver seat. "Come back here!" Jane said and the driver get down from the car and move closer to Jane.

Jane gave him a hard knock on his head and he wince in pain. "Did you expect me to open the car door myself!" Jane yelled.

"I am very sorry miss Jane, it escape my mind" The driver said. "I can see, you're getting tired of this work" Jane said. "Am very sorry ma" The driver replied and open the car door for her.


"Hey, come inside, you need to be very smart, if you don't want us to get caught" Kelvin said.

"Alright!" Kingsley said. "Thanks" Kelvin muttered to the security man and he nod his head.

"Hey, you guys should stop there, where are you coming from?" Someone said and they both stopped on their track.