
It Begins

Once upon a time there is a girl named Eudora.Eudora was unstoppable until she met

Kimmy.Kimmy was challenging her to a fight

and Obviously Minsithar Stopped the fight cause Eudora has now 9 bruises on the back and 1 bruise on the face.Alucard Comes in and Screamed at Kimmy and Said Hey im the one who really needs a fight i did not had a fight for 4 Months.

3yrs had pass.

10 heroes team up.The Sky Team was Vale, Valir ,Eudora, Karina and Pharsa and the rose team was.Lesley,Harley,Kimmy,Selena and Alice.The Sky team Separated.Eudora and Pharsa were in the Bottom Lane and they Found Kimmy and Alice In the bush but pharsa instantly killed kimmy and Valir popped out and killed Alice.Eudora and Pharsa thanked him.Harley was hiding in the bush and killed Valir in the Middle lane and...

To Be Continued😿😿😿