
The Mistaken Bride of Alpha Magnus

Decades ago, vampires, werewolves and humans co-exist in one place. Vampires have different abilities while werewolves have an unbeatable strength. Humans would bow down to vampires because they were more powerful than werewolves. Vampires and werewolves can be friends but they can't love each other because it's their forbidden rule. If they broke the rule a war will rises.

DeityReign · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The war

Decades ago, vampires, werewolves and humans co-exist in one place. Vampires have different abilities while werewolves have an unbeatable strength. Humans would bow down to vampires because they were more powerful than werewolves. Vampires and werewolves can be friends but they can't love each other because it's their forbidden rule. If they broke the rule a war will rises.

Werewolves and vampires are friends until one day, a betrayal happened between them. Lord Vacquez a vampire who had an ability to steal someone's life span. He became greedy of power and killings. He wanted to rule the vampire, werewolves and humans but werewolves don't want to bow down to vampires because they believe that vampire can't tame them, a beast's.

But Lord Vacquez didn't give up instead he steal the mate of the Alpha of werewolves, whom he love. He kidnapped and raped her. Alpha Magnum was so mad after he had known that his mate was been stolen by the greedy vampire, Lord Vacquez.

He commanded his pact to attack the kingdom of the vampires. But they can't defeat them. Werewolves may had an unbeatable strength but vampires had a different abilities. They we're still superior more than werewolves.

The battle between them started. Battle ground was full of blood from the both of them. Lifeless body was scattered everywhere. Innocent life was been stolen. Killings can be seen everywhere. Cries and pleaded can be heard. Even humans who are innocent was been caught in the war.

Days past, the war ended because werewolves concedes defeat. Alpha Magnum was so devastated because he didn't get his Mate. And because he needs  someone to stand in his side he married Mandie, the best friend of his Mate who look exactly like her.

That's when the day that Vampires and Werewolves became enemy.

Humans was also been half by two groups. Some humans tag along with the vampires while some of them tag along with the werewolves.

News flash like a thunder. The goddess of prophecy came.

The Goddess Prophecy said, that the war will repeat itself. Blood will scattered, lifeless body will be everywhere. Greedy and power will be the reason but good will overcome. Someone who is special, and powerful will stop the war. Rules will be broken.

Soon, a new war will rises.



"Push it Milady! It's already coming out!"

"I can't make it!"

"You can make it Milady! Just push!"

All of them was busy assisting the pregnant Ethylene on giving birth. While the Lord Vacquez was just standing and waiting for them to be done.

His face was cold and a blank expression. His not worried for the baby. His worried for Ethylene because Ethylene is just an ordinary woman. Nothing special about her.

"The baby is out!" Someone shouted that made Lord Vacquez to look at the door where someone came out. A woman vampire gasping some air and worried was written all in her face.

"Lord Vacquez. We have a problem. S-she lost conscious," said woman that almost stuttered.

The Lord Vacquez brows knitted.

"Why is it a problem?" The Lord ask with a confused expression in his face.

"Her heart beat is slowly fading away," Said the woman that now is trembling in fear as the Lord give her a cold gaze.

"I ordered you to made her safe not put her life into risk!"

"I'm sorry Lord Vacquez she insisted to let the child born. Even if the child didn't born she's still dying," said the woman in a weak voice. Her head is now looking at the ground because she's afraid to meet the Lord's gazed.

"Then you put her life in risk just to save that useless child?!" The Lord Vacquez shouted in anger.

He even rush to came closer at the woman and strangle her neck. The woman was raised up until her foot is far away from the floor. He can feel the woman losing a breath.

"You know what I do to all of the vampires who disobey me, right?"

Lord Vacquez fangs started to grow. His eyes glistened in red and like a hawk it's ready to devour his prey. His burning mad now. He knows to himself that his really heartless but he doesn't care because his powerful and no one can beat him.

"Who.disobey.me.shall.DIE," said, Lord Vacquez.

And the life of the woman started to vanish away. Her body was burning until became an ash and it vanish into thin in the air.

No one dared to speak nor moved. All of them just bowed to their King because they fear that they might be the next target of their Lord whose still in a mad state. Once the demon is mad you better not speak or it will gonna be you're end.

The Lord Vacquez turned his back and entered the room we're his beloved Ethylene is sleeping peacefully. His jawline tighten as he saw how his beloved Ethylene suffered from giving birth to their child. Yes, their child but he thinks that it's not his child. He thinks that the child Ethylene was baring is the child of Alpha Magnum.

"You're not worth it to have a life," said the Lord Vacquez to the child who is just staring at him smilingly but he doesn't care.

His mind is now in chaos. He don't know what his doing but he is now chocking the little baby trying to steal the babies life but it's minutes past it still not working.

Lord Vacquez let the child's neck go and a smirk was plastered in his lips.

"It seems you're a lucky one hah?" He mockingly said.

The child just let out giggle and hold his hands that startled him. He was just about to slap that child's hand when he saw something that made him smile devilishly.

"It seems you're really are my child. I'm lucky to have a child who is a the fated one," The Lord Vacquez let out an evil grin.

The battle just ended but it's still not enough. Soon a war will declare and he will make sure that day will come he will be the most powerful among them. All of them shall bow to him and praise him. All of them will make him the most powerful King.

"Obey my order, this child will be hidden and no one will know that this is my child. Protect my child at all cost because you know what I do to those who disobey me," the Lord Vacquez commanded in an authoritative tone. All of them just made a bow a sign that they will obey the order of the Lord.

"Themarie." The Lord Vacquez called a woman and the woman walks in front of the King.

"You'll be the mother of my child and from now on you need to stay away from the kingdom. Leave a peaceful life like an ordinary human. Soon when I want you to go back I'll be the one who'll pick you both," said the Lord.

"Y-yes my Lord. But h-how about my baby?" said Themarie in a trembling voice.

She's afraid, because what if the Lord kills her Baby? She can't make that happen. Because of that thought Themarie's knees feel down and kneel to Lord Vacquez.

"Lord I'm begging you. She is my only child," Themarie pleaded.

The Lord was thinking deeply then he asked someone to bring his child and the child of Themarie.

"Bring them to my room." He commanded in a cold tone.

A few hours he spended and casted a spell between a two babies and when it ended his evil smile didn't stop.

"Soon. I'll be the most powerful vampire," he said.

And from that day on, the news spread fast like how the war ended fast. Ethylene died together with the unborn child of Lord Vacquez. All of the vampires who knows about it was been put into silent. Silent means they died except to those who pledged that they will protect the child of their Lord.

All of them was still confused why their Lord hide his child. But no one could ask the mighty and powerful vampire Lord Vacquez.