
The Mind God

royalroad novel - summoner https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/52007/infinity-core-summoner Brion was just a normal college student. Since childhood, he was interested in the abilities of "Mind Power" and "Mind", and although the people around him looked at him with the "crazy" eye, he continued to work on these abilities. But he never succeeded in his life and died as a result of a disease. When he woke up, he was in a cave and soon realized he had a system, and at the same time, he realized that he had come to a fantastic universe. And only the system tailored for his own "Mind" abilities and only belong to him. It was glory given to him to realize his dreams that he couldn't do in his previous world. - https://www.webnovel.com/book/origin-night-lord_16167247606177705#review -

Krizantem · ファンタジー
194 Chs

Wrong Hunt - Chapter 30

Brion, along with this statement from the system, immediately asked a question to the system.

If the answer he is going to get from the system to his question was positive, it is possible not to have any trouble earn "XP" and level up faster than usual.

"The system, the other beings killed by the Wood Men or any other things I created is will be going to give me "XP" as I killed them ?"

The system responded to Brion in no time.



Brion took a deep breath and was prepared to add the Ability Points and AT Points he earned because he leveled up.

Brion thought his ABILITY Points and AT Points were he had was low in amount.

Even before he got stronger, he had no intention of accumulating the Ability Point for "Half-Passive" abilities.

As long as he improved his mind and powers, he does not need the Half-Passive abilities for the time being.

Also, he can just use his Ability Points for improving his "active abilities".

Brion began to talk to the system, along with this idea.

"System, add 1 AT Point to "Mind" and add 1 Ability Point to "Mind Meditation"

After Brion's words were over, two messages appeared in front of his eyes.


"Mind = "23"


"Mind Meditation Level 20"

("+200% Mind Power Control +180% Mind Power +200% Clear Mind")"


("Mind Creativity 5%" (Max)


("Mind Power Usage -70%" (Maxed))


("Mana & Magical Damage " Resistance 30%)


("Mind Energy Regenaration +20%")


Brion felt little different emotions and innovations this time than before. The new passive skill of Mind Meditation Level 20, "Mind Energy Regeneration", was a very important feature.

It makes his mind power regenerate much faster than normal times In short, he could now use his skills for a longer time and recover his used mind power energy he used for abilities faster than usual.


Brion took a deep breath with a smile on his face because he felt that he had no problems going forward and improve himself.

At the time, along with a strange ding sound different than other ding sounds, the system spoke with himself.

"Ding X3 – Wood Man (Death & Killed)"


Brion frowned slightly. Wood Men was a very strong group of spear throwers and spear users advancing together to kill and hunt in the forest. To kill three of them, at least they had to be attacked by a creature at the Satvan & Fire Direwolf level.


Brion didn't care much, eventually, it is only be expected there are dangerous and strong creatures in the woods where every fantasy thing is possible, and wood-man creatures might not be able to fight against.

Half an hour later, it was getting a little dark.


Wood Men, they came back from the woods and started showing Brion what they brought and hunted. Brion, quite joyful, had more than 5, chicken, two creatures of different species he did not know, they looked like some kind of birds.

At the same time, there was another different thing they brought with them.

Brion took a cold deep breath after he saw what kind of creature they brought with them.

"It's a human..."


Brion saw a man in his 30s with silver armor killed by Wood Men.

This Silver Armored Man's armor was damaged by the spears of Wood Men. Brion himself saw that silver armored man had spear holes in his head and some parts of the body.

Brion took a deep breath again and began to think after making a confirmation sign with his head.

"Wood Men just followed my orders. I said them hunt in the forest. I did not say they do not attack humans, this man died because of my orders and it is my fault that he died."

Brion felt bad for a while. Afterward, he shook his hand slightly, all Wood Men, disappeared like they never existed in the first place, purple mind energy came back towards to Brion, because, they are disappeared and did not need purple mind energy Brion gave them.

Brion, after that, focused lightly and whispered.

"Create, 5 Woodman each of them strong as five humans,height 2 meters"

Brion, after saying those words, sat lightly on the floor and began to think. He created five Large Woodman for better use for the time being.

After he created these, he ordered them slowly with a weird sad face.

"Dig, A grave for this human then bury him close to my house"

After Brion said these words his new creatures Heavy Wood Men which is, 2-meters tall and each one of them strong as five male humans started to work.