

/Frank POV/



Well then, that whole fiasco was over with. Honestly speaking, I should've made the fight last a little longer instead of just using all my strongest cards in that little moment. But then again, the TEBD wasn't as strong as I originally expected it to be.

Well, that's my little problem, not anyone else's. But then again, we're gonna have to relay a lot more souls than usual to make it strong enough to handle at least some strong cultivators. But there's still the little baby dragons that I have to think about. Because once the dragon becomes something strong enough, I'm planning to make it a front liner for the time being.

What? Just because they're the boss now doesn't mean that they'll be a boss's for all the time. I've got to make bigger and badder fish every single time you know? Well then, time's the only thing that'll show what's gonna happen, and I'll be looking forward to all of that.

Right now however, I have a dead body that I'm currently checking for their abilities and Quirks and holy fuck did All For One take a good fucking time to collect all these damned Quirks. There's so many types of the exact same Quirk to tell me he's been going after entire fucking families.

Well then, I think I have enough Luck to get a good amount of these to be honest. Or at least I hope I do. Sure my Luck may already be permeating the pentillion milestone by a fucking kilometer, but I still have to take some caution when choosing these things.

So you know what I did? I went and picked a bunch of other Quirks related to speed, dexterity and most obviously, strength. I'm a basic bitch, Imma play to my strengths whenever I can. And I also may have taken a good amount of Quirks that were related to healing since I really fucking needed them, such as that one Hyper Regen Quirk that AFO used a lot.

There were also a bunch of perception Quirks that he also had on his person so I just yoinked a good amount of them as soon as I could. And then, there was the biggest fucking elephant in the room, his very own Quirk, the one he went and named himself after.

All For One, the Quirk that can take and give Quirks like candy, some of the candy being sweet, some of it being really fucking shitty. Hell from what I'm seeing from the list he even went and got himself a weird Quirk that makes your earlobes increase in length.

For me that's an odd Quirk and I'm sure that he only got that Quirk either because someone pissed the dude off or he wanted to experiment with Quirks that were really odd in all senses of the word.

Well, it's not really not my place to shame the guy since I have Yang based Chakra and I don't really use it all that much. Well, aside from some dumb experiments that I performed by myself. Anything else was either to buff my strength or just make me feel a little more active.

But now, now I've taken his own Quirk. And you wanna know what I'm about to do? I'm going to sell Mana in exchange for Quirks. I'm joking I'm fucking joking there's nothing that I'm going to use it for just yet.

There's too many variables and loopholes that are in the guy's Quirk that I could pull a Spiffing Brit and probably dupe stolen Quirks. But you know what? I wanna try and see how far I could take this thing.

And I know what you may think, "Frank you're getting too op! That's too much!", yeah you're not wrong, but there's also another saying that I love. It's called you not putting enough zeroes into something.

Is that stupid of me to say that? Yes, I'm not smart, I'm just not that stupid to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll just shove so many drugs and steroids into that bitch and send it to the races for betting.

If it dies then F. But if it doesn't, then good. Right now however, time to do some body desecration. But first, taunting the child that thinks of life as an MMORPG more than life itself. So you know what I did? I grabbed the dead guy's body and went to the same prison room that our dear gray haired, hand-wearing, resident freak.

(Oh Tomura~ you're dad's here to give you some news!) I said to the little shit as he was still struggling trying to get out of his chains. (Oh stop trying, I stole your Quirk remember? My ability is like your dad's except it has a different set of goods and bads.)

(Speaking of your daddy, here he is to have a little chat with you.) I said as I then pulled out his dead corpse from my inventory. He then looked down and saw the man who had trained for so long, with a giant stab wound going through him, and his disgusting ass face still being burnt as shit.

Tomura Shigaraki then started to hyperventilate as I could definitely see his eyes tremble from the sight. (YOU'RE LYING, THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT ILLUSION SPELL!) he said as he then struggled even further. (Oh buddy, don't give me another reason to make you wanna die.) I said as I could feel a sadistic smile bloom on my face as I then used his "father's" Quirk right in front of his eyes.

I quite literally went and put the Quirk as close to his face since there wasn't all that much that I could do to not make his mind break from the thoughts currently floating around in his skull.

(It really was a shame that I didn't give him that much room to struggle in. I wanted a better fight but truth be told he actually was a pretty dangerous guy. Well, as dangerous as a wild dog could be against a guy with a flamethrower-using battle mech.) I said as his head hung down from the sight. I checked his breath with a mirror and he was still breathing.

(Well, I'll just leave you here with his complete corp- not.) I said as I then smiled and used his very own Disintegration Quirk on his "father's" deceased corpse.

It just fucking broke him when he saw it happen. (Oh man, making someone like you suffer this much is always going to be a good time. All of this would have never even happened if not for the fact that your entire family thinks that you're worthless.) I said as I then started to whistle a happy little tune as I then left the room via the Domain's teleportation.

(Oh yeah, the chains on your body with be coming off in two hours. I suggest that you try and not starve as there's too much that I wanna do.) I said as I then went out of the room to break the good news to the detective.

I'm pretty sure that the heroes are gonna probably team up with the vigilantes when I come up to the surface. Oh well, it's not really as if they'd be able to actually hurt me if I do come up. You know what? I'll just spit in their faces and call them idiots to actually do this.



/3rd POV/



It had already been two whole hours after the teleportation that Frank and AFO had gone through and the people that were still on the prison grounds were all questioning about when and if the man would come back.

Detective Tsukauchi and every one else honestly wished that he wouldn't come back, until they saw some very specific figures coming over to them. It was a group of heroes who don't exactly seem to get along all that well but the strangest thing that they noticed was that they had weapons on hand.

This group soon came up to them as they then started to have a conversation with them. (Detective Tsukauchi, we're here on business.) Nighteye said as Mirko just scoffed and looked over to the side wondering where exactly was the guy that she was supposed to beat up.

(Sir Nighteye! I didn't expect to see you working alongside all these other heroes, most especially the new #1 Hero.) the detective said as he was sceptical at why exactly were they all there with weapons in hand. Sure Edgeshot used swords and other implements and Hawks was also allowed to use a firearm, but he couldn't quite get why did they bring along so many other weapons.

(Well as he said Detective, it's business.) Endeavour said as he then looked around. (So, where exactly is this dungeon master that you all are rooting on?) he talked again as Tsukauchi then cursed in his head and thought that maybe this could be a chance.

(I know what you're here to probably do Endeavour, but I'm not here to say whether or not you should do it, but I'll wish you luck in trying.) the detective said as Mirko scoffed once again from the words. (Pah! It's not as if he's that strong, one good hit and he'll be going down!) she said as she then started to do some sort of shadow kickboxing.

The detective then shook his head and looked to Nighteye. (Sir Nighteye, you already heard what he said that he would do, the thing we're here for is to ascertain as to whether or not he's still alive.) he said as Nighteye then nodded at his words. (Detective I thank you for the help, but I'm here to avenge the very man that I looked up to for so long.) he said as Tsukauchi then shook his head.

(You should also be aware of the fact that he took every single Quirk that existed within this prison excluding our top prisoners.) he said as the heroes then paused to look at the detective in shock. (What exactly do you mean by that?!) Nighteye said as Tsukauchi then sighed as he then explained.

(Sir, he has the ability to take Quirks, even I was shocked even though I know of the existence of All For One.) he said as Nighteye then took a few seconds to digest this information before he then had the exact same calmness on his face.

(I see then, well then, it looks like we may have been pla-) right before he could say the a white light soon appeared near them and they all got ready for a fight. Only that there was just a single person holding a simple cheeseburger and fries.

(Hey guys, I just went and got myself some food after killing the big shit. By the way did any of you feel a sort of giant tremble within the earth while I was gone?) he asked as everyone who was there was getting more and more confused.

(Wait, aren't you guys like the other heroes that exist here? I thought you guys would have died from the monster attacks?) Frank asked as the group of heroes then stood there in silence before Nighteye soon came up and started to clap.

(Umm, why are you clapping? Do you want something from me? Are you another dude who wants me dead? Cuz I'm pretty sure I remember you scheming with the other heroes there about trying to kill me.) he said as Nighteye then chuckled as he then spoke (As expected of you All For One, you would always have an idea of where and what exactly were you doing.) he said as Frank then looked at them as if they were stupid.

(Bruh, you really think that I'm All For One?) he said as he then seemed to be growing a very smug face. Nighteye then nodded as he then started to roll out an extremely large explanation about how he was able to learn that I could control multiple bodies.

(Well, the body theory is correct, but you missed out a lot of details, such as, you're getting pretty fucking crazy from the grief of All Might dying on you all.) he said as he then took another bite from his borger while following it up with fries.

(In any case, you'll be arrested and executed now, so if you coul-) Nighteye said as Frank stood up and said (How about no?)

2101 words. Well, that was quite a very interesting thing for me to be half lucid while writing. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon!

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts